
Networks Ignore Topless Trans Activist at Biden White House Event

June 13th, 2023 8:17 PM

Over the weekend, the Biden White House held an event on the south lawn for "pride month" in which a transgender TikTok influencer went completely topless. It wasn't until Monday evening that video of the incident began circulating online and sparked outrage at the lack of decorum at the White House. The outrageous moment was even too much for the Biden administration, with Press Secretary…


WATCH: VOA Reporter Lobs EYE-ROLLING Softball to KJP About Pride Month

June 8th, 2023 1:54 PM

Along with PBS and NPR, there’s another taxpayer-funded outlet in the White House Briefing Room many Americans probably forget about: Voice of America. And why it matters is, in part, Wednesday’s briefing revealed how they’re just as far to the left as VOA reporter Anita Powell put a softball question about Pride Month on the tee for Press Secretary (and heralded lesbian) Karine Jean-Pierre.…


KJP Runs Into Rosen & Heinrich Buzz Saw on Biden's Falls, UFO Coverup

June 6th, 2023 11:13 PM

At Tuesday's White House press briefing, the inept Biden White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP) was grilled by NewsMax’s James Rosen on Biden’s frequent falls. What started as a simple question turned into a full blown argument over whether Biden frequently stumbling is an issue to Americans. 


CBS & Daily Caller Team Up to Question KJP & Kirby on Biden Scandals

June 6th, 2023 12:35 AM

They say politics makes strange bedfellows. Monday’s White House press briefing held by the always incompetent White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (KJP) and National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby proved that when both Daily Caller White House correspondent Diana Glebova and CBS senior White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe asked about the…


The Bold and the Beautifully Dumb From the WH Briefing With Mayorkas

May 11th, 2023 8:29 PM

Thursday’s White House press briefing was a barn burner ahead of Title 42’s expiration with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas playing stand-in for the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Not surprisingly, Mayorkas spun a fantastical tale of border security, order, and speedy deportation of illegal immigrants who fail to have their ducks in a row. And, also not…


Heinrich Blasts KJP Over ‘MAGA Republican Extremists’ Rhetoric on Debt

May 9th, 2023 6:41 PM

In an otherwise pedestrian questioning Tuesday of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the looming debt battle, Fox’s Jacqui Heinrich actually made something out of the gathering by grilling her on her rhetoric smearing 260 members of the House and Senate as domestic extremists and threats to the country for either supporting or voting spending cuts tied to raising the debt…


Journos Spar with KJP Over Biden's Lack of Focus on Job

May 9th, 2023 12:46 AM

At Monday's White House press briefing, the incompetent diversity hire press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre took fire from all sides over President Biden’s ineffectiveness to push his agenda through Congress and his lack of focus on the issues that matter to the American people. First out of the gate was CBS News Radio’s Steve Portnoy who chastised KJP over Biden’s lack of engagement in the left…


Nets Ignore Biden WH Banning NY Post Reporter Who Asked About Hunter

May 8th, 2023 8:44 PM

On Monday afternoon, it was revealed that the White House press office banned New York Post reporter Steven Nelson from covering President Biden’s remarks on so-called “airline accountability” where Biden and diversity hire Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced they would coerce airlines into providing passengers with hotel accommodations and free meals of their flights…


Networks Yawn at Anemic 1st Quarter GDP Report, Obsess Over Weather

April 27th, 2023 8:52 PM

On Thursday, Americans awoke to yet another sign our economy is barreling toward a recession caused by reckless government spending and 40-year-high inflation as the U.S. Commerce Department reported that the U.S. economy grew at a pathetic 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2023. This is well below the two percent growth economists were expecting, and a far cry from the 2.6 percent GDP…


WATCH: KJP Cowardly Insists Biden Wasn’t Given a Pre-Screened Question

April 27th, 2023 6:45 PM

Thursday’s White House press briefing featured an embarrassing performance by the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as she tried to defend and explain away an infamous photo captured of President Biden holding a card Wednesday afternoon with the name of a reporter he called on (Courtney Subramanian of the Los Angeles Times) and a typed-out question that was close to the…


MRC’s Houck SLAMS WH for Hiding Biden From Press Amid Host of Crises

March 20th, 2023 10:34 AM

NewsBusters Managing Editor Curtis Houck was back on the Fox News Channel late Friday/early Saturday for Fox News @ Night and, with the topic in his wheelhouse, he sounded off on the latest antics from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the White House’s purposeful restricting of press access to President Biden amid a litany of domestic and foreign crises.


Disconnect: Hours After Journos Grill WH on Lab Leak, Nets Move on

February 28th, 2023 1:53 PM

With the sudden news Sunday night via The Wall Street Journal that the Biden Department of Energy believes COVID-19 came via a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Monday’s White House press briefing featured one hardball after another for both Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her main crutch John Kirby of the National Security Council. However, the “big three”…


Spin Cycle: KJP Gets Help Building Brick Walls from WH Counsel Spox

February 2nd, 2023 8:11 AM

Wednesday afternoon marked the week’s first White House press briefing and, for the ever-inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, she must have been ever-thankful for the lighter load as, hours earlier, White House Counsel spokesman Ian Sams offered globs of nothingness on the White House driveway. In light of another CBS News scoop that the FBI had conducted a search of the Penn Biden Center…


How Long Will This Go? More Journos Throw Down with KJP on Biden Docs

January 19th, 2023 12:56 PM

As we’ve documented over the last week (see here, here, here, and here), Wednesday’s White House press briefing marked yet another tough day at the office for the empty and inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as she kept up her stonewalling on Biden’s documents scandal while reporters from the likes of the ABC, the Associated Press, CBS, the Fox News Channel, Gray Television, NBC, and…