Harvey Araton

Hypocritical NYT Cheers the WNBA Embracing Planned Parenthood
July 25th, 2017 11:18 AM
Demonstrating that the New York Times’ political bias permeates every section of the newspaper, comes a glowing news story by Howard Megdal on the WNBA's Seattle Storm donating ticket proceeds to the abortion provider Planned Parenthood: “Franchise In W.N.B.A. Is a Platform for Activism.” Yet while the Storm's activism was "historic," the Times is rather hostile toward signs of patriotism (much…

Rick Reilly vs. Harvey Araton on Tim Tebow: Where One Sees Complete Se
January 17th, 2012 12:31 PM
Clay Waters at NewsBusters and the Media Research Center did a great job Monday of exposing the ugly, vindictive, know-it-all and snotty write-up on Tim Tebow generated by Harvey Araton at the New York Times after Tebow's Denver Broncos were unceremoniously eliminated from the NFL playoffs on Saturday by the New England Patriots.
Perhaps the most offensive element of Araton's work was its…

NYT's Araton Says 'Sideshow' Tim Tebow Shouldn't Have Met Brain-Damage
January 16th, 2012 3:00 PM
New York Times sports columnist Harvey Araton issued a snotty broadside (“Curtain Closes on Tebow’s Season, but His Sideshow Goes On") against Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, whose religious displays, unconventional style, and clutch performances have divided fans and popular culture. Araton went beyond admitting discomfort at Tebow’s overt religiosity to begrudge the quarterback for a…

NHL Star Praised for Brave Support of Gay Marriage in NY Times
May 10th, 2011 6:57 AM
New York Rangers hockey player and team "enforcer" Sean Avery is speaking out in support of gay marriage in New York State as part of an ad series sponsored by the left-wing Human Rights Campaign. He was profiled in glowing terms in a New York Times news story by John Branch in Sunday's sports section, "In Rarity, a Player Speaks Out for Gay Rights." But how have the paper's columnists treated…

N.Y. Times Opposes Fines for F-Bombs -- Unless the Gay F-Bomb Is Invol
April 15th, 2011 7:20 PM
Back in 2007, The New York Times was delighted when the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the TV networks and against FCC fines for fleeting profanities on broadcast TV. "If Bush Can Blurt Curse, So Can Network TV," the Times wrote in its Page One headline.
But in 2011, when gays are outraged that NBA star Kobe Bryant was caught on television during a game mouthing the "gay F-…
Reunited: NY Times Columnists Who Slimed Duke Lacrosse Team
March 3rd, 2009 6:26 PM
In his column "Exposing the Truth About Exposing the Truth," New York Times sportswriter Harvey Araton defended his "good friend" Selena Roberts -- a former Times sports columnist now reporting for Sports Illustrated -- from "misogynist ravings" launched after her recent reporting on steroid use by Yankees baseball star Alex Rodriguez. Roberts has Rodriguez dead to rights on his steroid use and…
N.Y. Times Urges Springsteen to 'Go Rogue' at Super Bowl and Denounce
February 1st, 2009 8:38 AM
A liberal New York Times sports columnist begged Bruce Springsteen on Friday to make a political statement during his halftime Super Bowl concert. Harvey Araton suggested: "maybe we'll get lucky and there will be at least one bold moment Sunday night when Springsteen goes rogue and rails against -- oh, I don't know -- offensive Wall Street bonuses, $18.4 billion worth. Go ahead, Bruce, make those…