
After A Day of Outrage, Kathy Griffin Apologies for Trump Beheading

May 30th, 2017 10:04 PM
For much of Tuesday, the country joined in rare collective outrage at the viral image of comedian Kathy Griffin holding aloft a mock bloody severed head of President Trump. Politicos from the left and right side of the spectrum shared a sense of disgust over the image that some equated to promoting violence, while one writer for The Atlantic didn’t have a problem with it. But at roughly eight o’…

CNN Reporter Admits: We Report from Obama's Liberal 'Arc of History'

May 27th, 2017 11:02 AM
Soopermexican at The Right Scoop caught an amazing admission in the midnight hour on Friday morning, as CNN was beginning to mourn another Democratic loss in a special election for the House of Representatives. Media reporter Dylan Byers lamented that voters in Montana weren't even really paying attention to their incessant coverage of GOP candidate Greg Gianforte's violent treatment of Ben…

Byers: Conservative ‘Anti-Media Rhetoric,’ ‘Incivility’ Caused Montana

May 25th, 2017 1:17 AM
As part of the media’s hysteria-filled reactions to the disturbing event out of Montana Wednesday night in which Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly body slammed The Guardian’s Ben Jacobs, CNN senior media reporter Dylan Byers blamed it on “anti-media rhetoric” and “civility” from conservatives.

CNN, FNC at Odds Over Report Hannity Pulled Gun on Williams

March 17th, 2017 6:51 PM
In the last 36 hours, CNN and the Fox News Channel (FNC) came to blows following a report by CNN media reporter Dylan Byers that FNC host Sean Hannity whipped out a gun and pointed it at Juan Williams following a heated debate last year on the set of his eponymous show.   

Media Furious That Trump Got No Questions About Flynn at Presser

February 14th, 2017 11:06 AM
One of the more amusing yet pathetic spectacles of the Trump administration’s early weeks — the ongoing establishment press fury at the richly deserved lack of respect it is getting from the President and his press secretary — neared meltdown yesterday. This occurred because Donald Trump wasn't asked a question everyone knew he wouldn't answer if asked about Michael Flynn at a joint press…

D.C. Press Upset Skype Seats at WH Briefings Took Away Their Time

February 1st, 2017 8:04 PM
On Wednesday, the White House took the historic step to involve four journalists from outside Washington D.C. in the Daily Press Briefing, but it didn’t sit well with many establishment media types inside the Beltway and New York City who complained they were too soft for their liking.

CNN, NY Times Display Double Standards Over Bannon's Media-Bashing

January 27th, 2017 4:02 PM
Liberal media outrage erupted on Thursday night when The New York Times posted an interview with Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon. The morning headline on Friday’s front page was “Media Bashed Again, as Chief Strategist Piles On.” Reporter Michael Grynbaum was shocked that Bannon “repeatedly” described the media as the “opposition party” to Trump. But the Times and their CNN brethren did not…

Cruz v. Deadspin Update: Editor Loses It, Fusion Comms SVP Defends

January 25th, 2017 11:48 AM
Univision-owned Deadspin tried taking a swipe last night at U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), and failed miserably. Hilarity ensued, Twitter lit up, and the fallout extended well into the night. Once you stop laughing, you realize that there are legitimate questions that remain unasked - and some that merit an answer.

CNN Panel Becomes Shouting Match Over Donald Trump's Election Mandate

November 29th, 2016 7:24 PM
A Cable News Network panel discussion about President-Elect Donald Trump's habit of expressing his opinions on the Twitter website degenerated into a fiery clash on Tuesday morning between liberal and conservative guests despite the best efforts of anchor Carol Costello to prevent it from happening. After Anthony Scaramucci, a member of the Republican victor's transition team, asserted that…

ABC News Caught Staging 'Crime Scene' with Fake Police Tape

November 5th, 2016 8:55 AM
CNN media reporter Dylan Byers relayed that ABC News was caught putting a reporter in front of its own fake yellow police tape on Friday's Good Morning America, according to a photograph obtained by CNN. Reporter Linsey Davis solemnly told George Stephanopoulos a massive search was under way for as many as four dead bodies at the scene.

CNN Media Reporter's Twitter Rant: Anti-Trump Tweets Aren't Media Bias

October 28th, 2016 9:48 AM
CNN media reporter Dylan Byers was seriously unhappy that Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a story about how "objective" reporters are unleashing harsh opinions all over Twitter. Byers went on a five-part Twitter rant about how "poorly executed" this story was -- mostly because these liberal opinions were only demonstrated "clever assessments" or a "well-informed understanding"…

CNN Frets Trump Will Treat Press Like Saddam, Omits Their Ties to Iraq

September 16th, 2016 3:24 PM
Speaking of the hysterical outrage machine being turned up to a 10 after Donald Trump’s birtherism statement Friday morning, the pathetic behavior by the media continued into the afternoon as CNN host Ashleigh Banfield and media reporter Dylan Byers worried that Donald Trump and his supporters could undermine the media to the point that the country would look like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. 

Press Left Seething for Being Left Behind on Trump’s Trip to Mexico

September 2nd, 2016 8:02 PM
According to Politico, the media were given no advance notice regarding Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s trip to meet with Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto and were instead left “seething” because they didn’t have enough time to prepare for the trip across the border to Mexico City.  

CNN's Byers Derides GOP Speakers as 'Dog's Breakfast of D-List Talent'

July 21st, 2016 7:28 PM
On Thursday's New Day, during a discussion of the Republican National Convention failing so far to post a ratings boost in contrast with past years, CNN Senior Reporter for Media and Politics Dylan Byers at one point put down the lineup of Republican speakers so far as mostly being a "dog's breakfast of D-list talent." As co-host Alisyn Camerota burst out laughing at his jab at Republicans,…