Dawn Eden

If a Koran-Burning Threat in Florida Was Major National News, Why Isn
May 10th, 2014 12:31 PM
Isn't a Satanic Mass at Harvard as national a news story as a potential Koran burning in Jacksonville? Just before the 9-11 anniversary in 2010, pastor Terry Jones – who they mocked for having a congregation of 30 even as they treated him as hugely influential – threatened to burn a Koran, drawing a major media uproar, even a TV question to the president.
Catholic bloggers and CNSNews.com…
Gawker Slow to Correct Misreporting Re: Dawn Eden Photoshop
October 14th, 2008 12:20 PM
Perhaps it's a bit much too expect from a blog that once dismissively her as a "Crazed, Christ-Loving Re-Virgin," but Gawker sure did take long enough to correct its reporting that attributed fake SAT scores in an anti-Sarah Palin photoshop to be those of blogger and Catholic author Dawn Eden. Last Friday the electronic gossip rag posted the photoshop and asked readers to judge for themselves if…
Down Under Journalists Turn Cynical Towards Chaste Catholics
July 15th, 2008 4:32 PM
Friend and fellow blogger Dawn Eden, touring Australia for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the country for World Youth Day, reported on her site on Tuesday that she fell prey to the Down Under version of liberal media bias. "A Current Affair," a program on Sky Television that shares the same name and ilk with the Maury Povich program, interviewed Eden, an author and convert to Catholicism, for a…