David Halbfinger

LAME: NYT Goes Cynical, Hostile Against Pompeo, Israel
The New York Times atavistic hostility to Israel shows through in Friday’s piece, “Pompeo Trip to Israel Delivers Parting Gifts, Delighting Hard-Liners.” Neither reporter David Halbfinger and Isabel Kershner can be accused of being sympathetic to Israel, yet this latest entry is especially hostile and cynical in its treatment of what is possibly U.S. Secretary of State’s Mike Pompeo…

NY Times Neglects Vicious Anti-Semitism of Omar-Tlaib Trip Sponsors

NY Times Skips Terror Against Israel, Endorses 'Occupation' Propaganda

WHAT? Pro-Hamas NYT Reporter Sees ‘Brazen Bias’ in Pro-Israel Official

NY Times Rips 'Rapacious Alpha Dog' Netanyahu's Lunge to the Right

NY Times Hates Trump’s Israel Support: ‘Ethnic Resentments'

NYT Headlines, Timelines Falsely Suggest Israel the Aggressor in Gaza

NYT Shames Israel for Attack on ‘Mostly Unarmed' Hamas Protestors

NYT’s Halbfinger Bizarrely Sees ‘Non-Violent’ Gaza Protests

NYT ‘Alarmed’ by U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem, Warns of Violence

In NYT's Cornucopia of Stories on 2016 Prospects, It's Hillary 1, GOP
NY Times: New DCCC Head an 'Unassuming Centrist' With 'Flashes of Majo