Claire Shipman

REWIND: Riding to Obama’s Rescue, After Wright’s Radicalism Exposed
Sixteen years ago this weekend, Illinois Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign was in real trouble, after ABC exposed the radicalism of Obama’s longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Liberal journalists, however, adored Obama, so over the next several days the media elite became the candidate’s personal rapid-response team.

FLASHBACK: Democratic Supreme Court Nominees Never Liberal Enough
Whomever President Joe Biden selects to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of Justice Stephen Breyer expect the liberal media to ACTUALLY worry the selection isn’t progressive enough. The following examples of liberal journalists worrying about Supreme Court nominees not being left enough are from the Media Research Center’s archive.

The Liberal Media’s Perpetually Skewed SCOTUS Coverage

GMA Promotes Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Program
Flashback: How the News Media Celebrated Democratic Win in ’06

TV Hosts Ignore Claire Shipman’s Marriage to Obama Press Secretary J
Bozell Column: Priebus Takes On Media Bias

ABC Mocks 'Rattled' GOP for Objecting to Planned Hillary Clinton Minis

ABC Again Touts Eliot Spitzer: 'Infamy Might Work to His Advantage,' S

Tangled Web: Claire Shipman, ABC Reporter/Wife to Top Obama Aide, Head