Carl Bernstein

FLASHBACK: In 2016, the Media Were Sure They’d Destroyed Trump
At this point in the 2016 election, the liberal media were sure that their months of hostile negative coverage had succeeded in destroying Donald Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

FLASHBACK: Before Bidenflation, Media Championed High Gas Prices
The media’s open lobbying for high gas taxes has faded since the public’s revolt against the cruel inflation of the Biden era, but MRC's archives show journalists have been determined advocates for higher taxes and higher pump prices for many decades
FLASHBACK: Media Hit GOP Over Anti-Hillary Benghazi ‘Witch Hunt’
Eight years ago, when ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faced tough questions over the Benghazi disaster, helpful news reporters lavished praise on her performance while condemning the partisanship of Republicans who dared question the Democratic presidential frontrunner.

Will The Media Demand Joe Biden Testify To Congress - Like Gerald Ford
The appalled shrieks of anger from the media will soon be heard. Why? Because Rep. Jim Comer will eventually subpoena President Biden to testify about his scandals before the House Oversight Committee.

Lights Out! Here's The Most Bizarre Moments of Stelter's Last Show
We won’t have Brian Stelter to kick around anymore because Sunday’s Reliable Sources on CNN is officially no more. This last episode of Reliable Sources did have plenty of cringeworthy moments and leftist chest pounding over the media’s failure to go after “anti-democratic” Republicans enough.

Bernstein Claims Trump’s Actions On Jan. 6 ‘Outdid Jefferson Davis'
To say Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward have an ax to grind against Donald Trump would be the understatement of the century. If any more proof was needed, Bernstein made the outrageous claim on CNN’s Friday morning New Day that Donald Trump’s actions in the leadup to and during January 6 were worse than Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy.

Woodward, Bernstein Cite Themselves to be Optimistic About Democracy
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein joined CBS The Late Show host Stephen Colbert on Tuesday to reminiscence for four segments about the fall of Richard Nixon during Watergate and assuage Colbert’s fears about the future of democracy by citing their roles in that process.

Morning Joe's Sudden Respect For Richard Nixon
File this one under NewsBusters' "Sudden Respect" rubric. Friday's Morning Joe celebrated Richard Nixon! It did so because, in contrast with Trump, Nixon conceded the 1960 presidential election to JFK, despite strong evidence that the results in Illinois and Texas were stolen on behalf of the Democrat. There was even the spectacle of Washington Post's David Ignatius, speaking of Nixon…

Priorities: CNN Spends Almost 3x More on January 6 Than Inflation News
On Wednesday afternoon, the House Select Committee on January 6 requested cooperation from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Naturally, CNN returned January 6 to its prime position as, from 3:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Eastern, the Jeff Zucker-led network spent 97 minutes obsessing over what it (and other developments) meant for the probe. In contrast to the 97 minutes and 19 seconds on…

Angry Journos Attack ‘ENEMIES OF THE STATE’ Who Support ‘WAR CRIMINAL’
It’s been a busy summer of hate for liberal journalists. When they weren’t cursing Republicans for their election “rigging” “American Apartheid” tactics, they were condemning them as a “domestic terror threat” who supported “war criminal” Donald Trump. The following are the most obnoxious outbursts by lefty journalists and celebrities from the month of July.

NewsBusters Podcast: Hunter Paints Corruption While Reid Spews Hate
The night crew makes it return as Curtis Houck and Nicholas Fondacaro will be serving as co-hosts for the week with Tim Graham out of the office. On today’s episode, the guys went through the liberal media’s silence on Hunter Biden’s latest escapade, Carl Bernstein calling Trump a “war criminal,” Tucker Carlson being harassed in public, and the rest of the past week’s news that Fondacaro…

Stelter Puts On Bernstein to Call Trump a Domestic War Criminal
On last Sunday’s Reliable Sources, author Michael Wolff admonished host Brian Stelter for his show having “all the people saying the same old stuff….You're incredibly repetitive. It's week after week.” This Sunday, it’s exactly the same, with Stelter bringing on “legendary investigative journalist” Carl Bernstein calling Trump a deranged madman. Oh, but today he’s a domestic “war…

Cuomo Decries GOP as Not Impartial Jurors, I ‘Want to Traumatize’ Them
As anyone who has passed a high school civics class knows, the impeachment process is not a legal proceeding but a political one. Luckily, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo knew at least that much. But he spent a lot of Wednesday’s Prime Time decrying Senate Republicans for not being impartial jurors in President Trump’s second impeachment trial. Yet, he never admitted that Democrats weren…

Column: CNN Lies About Trump's Vaccine Plans
CNN published a story with the provocative headline “Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan and must start 'from scratch,' sources say.” Nonexistent? If the Trump administration had a “nonexistent” vaccine strategy, how was the vaccine distributed across the country? This is self-evidently false.