
ABC Harps on Trump’s Conflicts of Interest, Not for Clinton’s

November 22nd, 2016 10:52 PM
ABC’s World News Tonight went to town Tuesday evening, as they fanned the flames of fear over potential conflicts of interest between President-Elect Donald Trump’s businesses and his presidential duties. “With growing concerns tonight, about how he continues to push his business ventures, Donald Trump told The New York Times, ‘The law is on my side. The president can't have a conflict of…

ABC Spotlights Obama's Broken Promise to ISIS Hostage's Parents

August 26th, 2016 11:07 PM
ABC's World News Tonight on Friday led its broadcast with a preview of a special 20/20 report that detailed how the parents of ISIS hostage Kayla Mueller tried to free her before she was killed in captivity. Carl and Marsha Mueller disclosed that President Obama "made a promise to help the foundation they set up in her name, and then broke it." Mueller's parents also revealed their "belief that…

NBC, CBS Yawn at Gun Shop That Refused to Sell to Orlando Terrorist

June 16th, 2016 3:43 PM

As the networks ramp up a liberal call for more gun control, only ABC’s Good Morning America on Thursday highlighted the news that a gun shop in Orlando turned away the Orlando terrorist when he attempted to buy body armor and bulk ammunition. Instead, CBS This Morning offered a lecturing, not-very-helpful segment about just how easy it is to buy an AR-15 in Alexandria, Virginia. In contrast,…


Shock: ABC Probes Hillary Placing Donor on Key Intelligence Board

June 10th, 2016 12:27 PM
In a refreshing twist, Good Morning America’s reporters actually committed the act of journalism on Friday, investigating Hillary Clinton. Brian Ross wondering how and why the then-Secretary of State placed a wealthy donor on a sensitive, key intelligence board. 

ABC Yawned at Hillary’s Scandals, But Dives Into Trump’s Taxes

May 16th, 2016 12:05 PM
The journalists at Good Morning America have repeatedly ignored or downplayed Hillary Clinton’s multiple scandals. Co-host George Stephanopoulos even secretly donated $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But now with the Republican primaries effectively over and Donald Trump the presumptive nominee, the show’s reporters are focusing in on the businessman’s taxes. 

ABC Airs Report Bashing Bush on Speaking Fee; Skipped Look at Clintons

July 9th, 2015 9:35 PM
The latest media double-standard was on display Wednesday night as ABC’s World News Tonight ran a full report dubbed “an ABC News investigation” into news that former President George W. Bush charged a speaking fee to appear before a veterans charity while having neglecting to have done a similar report digging into the millions made in speaking fees by Bill and Hillary Clinton. 

NBC and ABC Hit George W. Bush Over Speaking Fee

July 9th, 2015 12:42 PM
On Thursday’s NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales seized on criticism of former President George W. Bush giving a paid speech to a veterans charity: “This morning some veterans are criticizing former President George W. Bush for charging a veteran's charity a six-figure fee to speak at a fundraising dinner....NBC News has confirmed the former president accepted $100,000 from them back in 2012…

NBC, ABC Tout Obama ‘Taking Off the Gloves’ Against ISIS, Skip Critics

July 7th, 2015 12:25 PM
On Monday evening, both NBC Nightly News and ABC’s World News Tonight touted President Obama claiming success in the fight against ISIS while ignoring criticism of his strategy. On Nightly News, anchor Lester Holt proclaimed: “A warning today from President Obama, who emerged from a Pentagon briefing and called the fight against ISIS a quote, ‘generational struggle,’ saying it will take time to…

NBC’s Today Skips Latest Questions Surrounding Clinton Foundation

May 7th, 2015 10:29 AM
On Thursday, NBC’s Today was the only “Big Three” (ABC, CBS, NBC) network morning show to skip the ongoing questions surrounding the Clinton Foundation’s practice of taking money from foreign governments and companies that dates back to Hillary Clinton’s tenure at the State Department. 

ABC’s WNT Rediscovers Clinton Foundation Scandal After 13-Day Blackout

May 6th, 2015 9:26 PM
After having not covered the Clinton Foundation scandal since April 23, ABC’s World News Tonight finally returned to the story with a full report on its Wednesday broadcast about the Clinton Foundation’s lavish summit in Morocco and how the host owns a mining company that’s been accused of committing human rights violations

Shielding Islam Again: Nets Ignore Boston Bomber’s Radical Faith

January 6th, 2015 11:54 AM
Nearly two years ago, someone planted and detonated a bomb in the crowd at near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Three people were killed and more than 260 injured. Police killed one of the suspects in a shoot-out and, after more shooting, captured his brother in a boat in someone’s backyard. Jury selection began yesterday in the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and ABC, CBS and NBC on Monday…

NBC's Brian Williams: Obama ‘Appeared to Be Clear and Unambiguous

September 3rd, 2014 9:49 PM
On Wednesday night’s NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams completely missed the mark on President Obama’s mixed signals regarding how his administration intends to deal with the threat of the Islamic terrorist group ISIS and omitted remarks from Obama that ISIS can be contained to the point of being “a manageable problem.” At the top of the broadcast, Williams made this blatant falsehood…

Ex-Bill Clinton Aide George Stephanopoulos Spins for His Old Boss on B

August 1st, 2014 11:55 AM
Former Bill Clinton operative turned Good Morning America host George Stephanopoulos on Friday spun for his ex-boss in the wake of newly released audio about Osama bin Laden. In the recording from September 10, 2001, Bill Clinton justified not ordering the killing of the terrorist mastermind: "I could have killed him, but I would have had to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan…

A Day Late, ABC Joins the Outrage Over SCOTUS Campaign Finance Decisio

April 3rd, 2014 7:59 PM
A day late to the game, ABC joined the outrage on Thursday over Wednesday's Supreme Court decision that struck down the limit on political donations. Investigative correspondent Brian Ross decried the "fancy dinners and luxury yachts...where the super rich decide which politicians get their money, and therefore who has a chance to be elected." He interviewed Democrat consultant Bill Burton…