Brad DeLong

NPR Promotes Obit For Conservative Kansas: It Died 'After a Long and D
April 29th, 2013 11:37 PM
In today’s installment of NPR Hates Conservatives, we offer a story from Saturday’s All Things Considered. Conservatism is killing Kansas under Gov. Sam Brownback, apparently. Anchor Jacki Lyden reported: “One political writer says it's time to write the state's obituary, and he did.”
Jason Probst read the first line of his screed out loud on national radio: “The great state of Kansas passed…

Stacked Deck: Soros Adds More Lefty Supporters to Event Aiming to Rema
March 29th, 2011 9:15 AM
Left-wing funder extraordinaire George Soros isn’t content with just promoting his long list of liberal causes. He wants to remake the global economy. This plan, first revealed by the Media Research Center last week, continues to get more obvious.
Soros has spent $50 million getting the group INET (Institute for New Economic Thinking) to throw a remake of the famous Bretton Woods conference…
Angry Keynesian: Krugman Threatens to 'Punch' Detractors 'In the Kisse
July 2nd, 2010 2:07 PM
Paul Krugman is known for throwing a bomb or two from his platform in the New York Times, but it's really tough to take him for a violent fellow. In his July 2 blog post, "I'm Gonna Haul Out The Next Guy Who Calls Me ‘Crude' And Punch Him In the Kisser," Krugman lamented criticism of his support for more stimulus spending. A July 1 editorial in The Economist noted that the economy needs more…