
FLASHBACK: Leftist Media HATED Republicans Long Before Trump

May 19th, 2024 10:08 AM

It’s one of those rhetorical devices you often hear on the liberal networks: media condemnations of “today’s Republican Party,” suggesting that if only Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or Mitt Romney were in charge instead of Donald Trump, journalists would be brimming with respect for the Grand Old Party. But it’s all convenient revisionism; the same media aggressively trashed yesterday’s…

20 Years Later: The Truth About the Media and the Iraq War

March 18th, 2023 9:05 AM

For 20 years, lefties have blasted the press as weak or corrupt because the media did not prevent the Bush administration from launching the war in Iraq. It’s become an enduring myth amongst liberals — and one that an honest review of news coverage would quickly debunk.


WORST OF THE DECADE: Silliest Analysis

December 28th, 2019 9:00 AM
All this week, NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of the decade. Today, we finish the series with the silliest analysis of the decade.    

Bill Press on 'Milkshaking' - 'I Love That Idea', Hope it Comes to US

May 22nd, 2019 9:50 PM
Did you hear about the new study out of Berlin which found that 92 percent of left-wing activists still live with their parents? This will come as no surprise to nearly every conservative learning about it. What the study didn't look at though was what percent of left-wing activists never leave adolescence. Chances are, that answer would have been on the high end. Latest example from liberal…

Gasp! Bill Press Says Obama Won Nobel Despite Having 'Done Nothing'

February 28th, 2019 6:39 AM
Bill Press, perhaps best known as one of the 1990s hosts for the influential CNN cable show Crossfire, now hosts one of the few popular liberal radio programs, and he offered a shocker: he admitted Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize "when he had done nothing." 

Bill Press Falls for Bogus Claim of Outrage Over Ocasio-Cortez Dancing

January 9th, 2019 10:45 PM
It comes down to two possibilities, neither appealing -- Bill Press is either completely clueless or inclined to deliberately parrot an obviously dishonest political narrative. Then again, it could be both. Perhaps you've seen the video of rising leftist kommissar Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dancing on a rooftop when she was a student at Boston University in homage to the '80s coming-of-age screen…

'We Love You': Morning Joe Panel Fawns Over Impeachment Activist

March 20th, 2018 11:56 AM
On Tuesday, a Morning Joe panel comprised entirely of liberals conducted a saccharine softball interview with Tom Steyer, the founder of the Need To Impeach campaign which has been running ads on MSNBC for months.

WHOA: Geraghty Owns Costello, Press on Far-Left, Anti-Gun Rhetoric

February 20th, 2018 4:28 PM
Just as his National Review colleague Rich Lowry did on Thursday night, senior political correspondent Jim Geraghty held his own on Tuesday against liberal HLN host Carol Costello and liberal talk radio host Bill Press in a heated debate about gun control and the left’s asinine rhetoric that gun rights supporters are “child killers.”

'Nothing to Do With Russia' Element of Obama Admin Unmasking Ignored

April 6th, 2017 4:10 PM
The move-the-goalposts crowd now defending the Obama administration's pre- and post-election surveillance of Donald Trump and his associates continues to cling to the notion that it was all done in connection with possible Russian influence during the presidential election campaign and that nation's alleged subsequent attempts to influence the new administration during its transition. If that's…

‘It Has Never Been Worse’; CNN Assists Dems, Condemns GOP on Gorsuch

April 3rd, 2017 5:36 PM
After Monday’s White House press briefing, CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and most of her panelists chided the “partisanship” of the GOP-led U.S. Senate ahead of Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation vote and invoking of the nuclear option, whining that the divisiveness “has never been worse.”

CNN Panel Hypes Rolling Stone’s ‘High’ Standards; Makes Them 'Proud'

November 30th, 2016 7:29 PM
The media’s hypocritical obsession of dismissing fake news as largely the right’s problem was on display for disaffected viewers on CNN Wednesday afternoon as host Brooke Baldwin and her panel hailed the “high” “journalistic standards” of fake-rape-story-peddling Rolling Stone in their “Shakespearean tragedy” of a post-election interview with President Obama. 

Liberal Hate Radio: DC Rep Maligns Looks of Slick Willie's Accusers

October 14th, 2016 8:31 AM
On Bill Press's radio and Free Speech TV show, D.C. nonvoting congressional representative Eleanor Holmes Norton proved that Michelle Obama's recent admonition that "when they go low we stay high" is something the left pretends to advocate in theory but almost never follows in practice. Moments after quoting Ms. Obama, Ms. Norton, who no one will mistake for a supermodel, began making insulting,…

CNN Reminisces About America's God Daughter, 'Awkward Little' Chelsea

July 28th, 2016 8:14 PM
CNN earned their moniker as the Clinton News Network on Thursday as they awaited the highly anticipated speech to be delivered by Chelsea Clinton at the Democratic National. The America’s Choice 2016 panel gushed as they reminisced about Chelsea and were awe struck by her transformation from an “awkward little girl” to “a remarkable young woman.” “I sort of feel like all of us are kind of god…

Tapper Hits ‘Ridiculously Sycophantic Questions’ Reporters Ask Clinton

June 8th, 2016 9:32 PM
Jake Tapper, host of a Cable News Network afternoon program, took part in a raucous debate on Tuesday in which the anchor of The Lead asserted that it would be easier to make a case for the media to be tough on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump if that same standard was applied to his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton. “Would the argument of reporters,” he asked, “not be…