Andrea Mitchell

Dissidents' Delight? NYT Heaps Praise on Obama, Its Man in Havana

After Belgium Attacks, NBC Warns of ‘Rise of Right Wing’ in Europe

Mitchell Lectures Detained Cuban Dissident on Benefits of Obama Visit

Mitchell Asks Castro About ‘Different Interpretation’ of Human Rights

NBC, CBS: Obamas ‘Acting Like Tourists’ During ‘Historic’ Cuba Trip

Morning Joe: GOP Brand 'Appalling, Disgusting, and Pathetic' 'Toxic'
Joe Scarborough may not have been on Friday’s Morning Joe, because his band was performing at SXSW but that didn’t stop the liberal bias from flowing. Everything from Republican Party bashing to Hillary Clinton-praising was out on display going into the weekend. Donny Deutsch, of Republicans for not meeting with Judge Merrick Garland: “The fact that they won't even walk into a room is…

Nets Do Obama’s Bidding, Pressure GOP on Court Nominee

MSNBC Worries That ‘White Male’ Nominee Won’t ‘Fire Up’ Dem Base
By 15:1 Margin, Nets Blame Trump, Not Lefties, for Campaign Violence
Since Friday night’s mayhem in Chicago, all three broadcast networks have made the violence surrounding Donald Trump’s rallies the near-exclusive focus of their campaign coverage. But an MRC analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC news coverage found that the left-wing protesters who forced the cancellation of a presidential campaign event escaped nearly all blame, as reporters dumped 94% of the blame on…