
MSNBC Runs Promo of Hillary Telling Mitchell She’s ‘My Kind of Woman!'

September 15th, 2016 5:07 PM
We at NewsBusters have chronicled some head-scratching promos in the last year by MSNBC but the most asinine and fawning one began airing recently featuring Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton telling MSNBC host/NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell at a press conference that she loves her and resembles “my kind of woman” who’s “indefatigble...I’ll tell you what.”

Trump Campaign Chief Calls Out Mitchell for Excusing Hillary 'Gaffe'

September 14th, 2016 10:00 AM
On her MSNBC show on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell fretted: “Trump continues to exploit Hillary Clinton’s gaffe saying that half of the Trump supporters could be put, quote, ‘into the basket of deplorables.’” In the interview that followed, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway called out Mitchell for downplaying Clinton’s comments: “...that’s her on tape and I respectfully disagree…

MSNBC's Mitchell Wonders If GOP to Blame for Clinton Hiding Illness

September 13th, 2016 8:15 AM
On Monday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, host Mitchell displayed the latest example of a journalist trying to push blame for Hillary Clinton's history of being secretive onto her political opponents "beating up on her" and causing her to feel the need to be defensive. During a discussion of Clinton withholding from the press that she had pneumonia, thus leading it to be a surprise when she…

MRC’s Notable Quotables: Don’t Bother Asking About Benghazi Anymore

September 12th, 2016 9:33 AM

In the September 12 edition of Notable Quotables: NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell declared questions about Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy judgement are no longer “on the table," while CNN’s Van Jones concluded “when you look at the fact checkers” Clinton is "one of the most honest politicians in America.”  At the same time, Donald Trump’s slogan “Making America Great Again” is deemed…


CBS, NBC Highlight Clinton’s Bashing of Trump Following Forum

September 9th, 2016 1:40 AM
Besides taking the time to rail against Gary Johnson for his Aleppo flub, both CBS and NBC took the time to highlight Hillary Clinton railing against Donald Trump the day after the Commander-in-Chief forum. “A battle that started a board an aircraft carrier catapulted into a dogfight today,” hyped anchor Scott Pelley to start off CBS Evening News Thursday, “We learned more about how they intend…

Nets Go to Town on Johnson Flub, Downplay Clinton E-Mail Questions

September 8th, 2016 11:59 PM
The “Big Three” network news programs were all a buzz Thursday evening over a seemingly inexplicable exchange that occurred on MSNBC’s Morning Joe that morning. “And what is Aleppo,” Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson inquired after being asked by journalist Mike Barnicle what his plan for the city was. “Johnson stumped not by a gotcha question but a basic foreign policy question in…

Post-Forum MSNBC Boasts of Hillary’s ‘Very Strong Performance’

September 8th, 2016 12:18 AM
Just as predicted, MSNBC did its best to draw attention away from the grilling Hillary Clinton received about her e-mail scandal on Wednesday night at their Commander in Chief Forum in their analysis on The Last Word by spinning her portion as a “very strong performance” and spent little time rehashing it in favor of trashing Trump discussing his intelligence briefings. 

Mitchell: Q's About Hillary as Commander-in-Chief Are Off the Table

September 7th, 2016 8:06 PM
Moments before Wednesday night’s MSNBC/NBC News commander in chief forum, MSNBC host/NBC News Clinton correspondent Andrea Mitchell informed viewers on Hardball that such questions about Hillary Clinton’s ability to serve in that top job leading the military in both a competent and tough fashion shouldn’t be given the light of the day because “[s]he proved her commander in chief bona fides” over…

Mitchell Frets 'Pejorative' of Moms Calling Illegals 'Illegal Aliens'

September 6th, 2016 9:41 PM
On Tuesday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC, as Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson appeared as a guest, host Mitchell demonstrated that one of her liberal buttons is pushed when she hears politically incorrect terms like "illegal immigrants" or "illegal aliens" as she seemed to fret over these terms, which she tagged as "pejorative language," being used by "Angel Moms" -- the mothers of…

Mitchell Cheers ‘Hillary 2.0' Having ‘Painless’ Exchange With Press

September 6th, 2016 4:11 PM
At the top of her MSNBC show on Tuesday, anchor Andrea Mitchell applauded Hillary Clinton for actually talking to reporters and promoted it as a campaign turning point: “This morning Hillary Clinton boarding her new campaign plane heading to Florida today, continuing her new habit of talking to reporters....Hillary 2.0.”

ABC Touts How 'Careless' Hillary Clinton Was With Classified Material

September 2nd, 2016 11:56 PM

The Big Three's evening newscasts all devoted full reports on Friday to the FBI's release of its notes on their interview of Hillary Clinton over her e-mail scandal. However, ABC's Cecilia Vega stood out for spotlighting how "careless," as FBI Director James Comey put it, Mrs. Clinton was in her handling of classified material on her private e-mail server: "Just how careless? Investigators say…


MSNBC Gushes: ‘Classic Joe Biden’ is Hillary’s ‘Best Messenger’

September 1st, 2016 3:32 PM
During her MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell gleefully cheered Joe Biden campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Ohio: “...this is classic Joe Biden, this is Joe from Scranton, talking about all of those working class blue-collar labor towns that you know well in Pennsylvania and Ohio and this is the heart and soul of the Democratic strategy in the rust belt.”

Ron Fournier: Forget All My Clinton Criticism, Hillary for President!

August 31st, 2016 5:02 PM
On her MSNBC show on Tuesday, anchor Andrea Mitchell teed up The Atlantic's senior political columnist Ron Fournier to promote his latest op/ed declaring Donald Trump “unfit” to be president compared to the “very experienced” Hillary Clinton: “'ve got a provocative column up said there is ‘no equivalency’ between Clinton and Trump. That, ‘Hillary has her problems, but Donald…

NYT Columnist Blames America for Holocaust, Syrian Genocide

August 30th, 2016 4:30 PM
In an attempt to guilt the United States into accepting Syrian refugees, in an August 24 article, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof compared their plight to that of Jews during the Holocaust and claimed “Anne Frank Today is a Syrian Girl." Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, the liberal journalist claimed America had blood on its hands.