
MSNBC Stacks Panel With Liberals to Trash Sessions, Trump on DACA

September 5th, 2017 9:41 PM

In the aftermath of Attorney General Jeff Sessions announcing Tuesday morning that the DACA program that benefits many young illegal immigrants will be ended in six months, the left-wing news network immediately hosted several guests who trashed the decision, with guests using such words as "dark day," "shameless," "lie," "black eye for the country." One guest even invoked the "white…


Mitchell: 'Shocking' for Trump to Warn Against NK 'Appeasement'

September 3rd, 2017 4:21 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's MSNBC Live with Alex Witt, MSNBC host and NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell fretted over President Donald sending out a tweet warning allies not to engage in "appeasement" with North Korea. After declaring that "most analysts would agree" that the choice of words was a "really big mistake," Mitchell looked visibly worried as she ended up calling it a "shocking…

Nets Glorify New Hillary Clinton Book Knocking ‘Creep’ Trump

August 23rd, 2017 9:41 PM
The Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were in their prime Wednesday night, as they once again got the opportunity to hammer President Trump while raising up their former presidential candidate. Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was publishing a new memoir about her experience during the 2016 election and released audio of herself reading from the section retelling the…

Mitchell Surprised Ted Cruz 'More Compassionate and Loving' Than Trump

August 18th, 2017 2:10 PM
On Friday's Morning Joe on MSNBC, while discussing Republican reactions to President Donald Trump's handling of the Chalottesville white racist violence, NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell managed to take a jab at Texas Senator Ted Cruz as she declared: "Who would have thought that Ted Cruz would be more compassionate and loving and show more character this week than the President of the United…

MSNBC: Trump’s Remarks ‘Didn’t Do Enough,’ ‘Lowest Possible Bar’

August 14th, 2017 3:54 PM
Moments after President Trump condemned white supremacists by name during a White House address on Monday about the violence in Charlottesville, a panel of MSNBC reporters and pundits immediately proclaimed that the President “didn’t do enough” and should not get credit for meeting the “lowest possible bar.”  

Nets Dismayed By President Trump’s Threat to North Korea

August 8th, 2017 11:23 PM
In an extraordinary moment on Tuesday, President Trump issued a daring warning to the radical North Korean regime. “North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen,” Trump told the cameras with his arms crossed. And as would be expected, Trump’s statement dominated the day. And during the evening broadcasts of the…

Andrea Mitchell Tees Up Ex-Republican: How Has GOP ‘Failed You’?

August 8th, 2017 12:47 PM
In a glowing softball interview on Monday with third-party Utah congressional candidate Jim Bennett, son of the late Senator Robert Bennett, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell eagerly set up the former Republican to explain why he left the party and how the GOP had “failed” him.

NBC’s Mitchell Thankful Sen. Flake Denounced ‘Lock Her Up’ Chants

August 6th, 2017 2:22 PM
The theme of NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday was all about complaining how “broken” U.S. politics have become under President Trump. According to the stacked anti-Trump panel, most of the blame belongs to the “anti-intellectual” attitude of “the extreme of the right-wing.” In the mix, Hillary Clinton super-fan Andrea Mitchell couldn’t help but smear the Republicans who were critical of the failed…

MSNBC Panel Denounces Trump’s ‘Assault on Civil Rights’

August 2nd, 2017 5:02 PM
After all three broadcast networks fretted Wednesday morning over the Justice Department taking steps to challenge Affirmative Action policies that may discriminate against white students, on her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show, anchor Andrea Mitchell worried the move had the “potential to reopen long decided cases of Affirmative Action, which is alarming civil rights groups and academic institutions…

Mitchell ‘Can’t Think Of’ Any Bias, Maybe ‘Too Aggressive' on Hillary

July 20th, 2017 4:22 PM
During an interview with fashion magazine Women’s Wear Daily on Tuesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell was asked: “Do you feel that you’ve ever gone too far where you’ve shown bias in your reporting?” The reliably liberal reporter struggled to recall any examples: “Everything is subjective to a certain extent. Let me think about that. I’m sure there have been times where I have – either through…

Oops: Mitchell Tweets That U.S. Entered World War II 100 Years Ago

July 17th, 2017 6:30 AM
Friday, July 14 was the 228th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille prison in France in 1789. Bastille Day is a national holiday in France. NBC News noted the anniversary in a tweet. Longtime network correspondent Andrea Mitchell provided the comic relief in a tweeted Saturday evening reply, claiming that Friday marked "the 100th anniversary of US entering WWII."

Nets Covered Donald Jr’s Russia Meeting 20x More Than Clinton Uranium

July 13th, 2017 1:52 PM
The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) evening news shows have been dominated by Donald J. Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower – a meeting in which apparently no favors, money or meaningful information was exchanged – but those same shows all but ignored Hillary Clinton’s Russia-Uranium scandal back in 2015. At the time, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was considered the…

Confused MSNBC Anchors Don’t Know About Ukrainians Helping Hillary

July 12th, 2017 12:56 PM
On MSNBC Wednesday morning, two of MSNBC’s most prominent anchors admitted they had no idea what Trump was referring to, when he tweeted out that the Clinton campaign also sought out information from foreign government officials to help boost her campaign, during the 2016 election. After reading the tweet, Brian Williams asked Andrea Mitchell if she knew what he was talking about. “I’m hoping you…

Mitchell Sees Trump Calling Out NBC’s Bias as ‘Badge of Honor’

July 6th, 2017 4:52 PM
After sarcastically remarking that it was “refreshing” to hear to President Trump defend freedom of speech in his address to the people of Poland on Thursday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell lamented that “only a few hours earlier at a joint press conference, his first on the world stage, with Poland’s president, Mr. Trump returned to form, slamming the media.”