
MSNBC Mourns Biden Loss, ‘Cheap Fakes’ are a Reality

June 28th, 2024 6:06 PM

Over the last week or two, MSNBC has blasted conservative videos of Biden as “cheap fakes.” The videos, often highlighting the senile actions of Biden, have been accused of being “manipulated” and “misinformation.” However, following Thursday’s debate, Biden’s condition was undeniable, forcing Ana Cabrera Reports to admit further videos won’t be needed as they lamented Biden was un…


MSNBC Divides SCOTUS: 'So-Called Liberals' vs. 'Die Hard Conservatives

June 26th, 2024 12:17 PM

As the Wednesday edition of MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports waited for and then reacted to the day’s Supreme Court opinions, the assorted legal minds assembled to promote multiple conspiracy theories about the Court. One was the idea that the Court is slow-walking former President Donald Trump’s immunity case to help him win the election, while another tried to claim there are no liberals…


MSNBC's Ana Cabrera Lets Doom-Pushing Author Hype Current Heat Wave

June 25th, 2024 10:16 PM

On Monday morning, MSNBC host Ana Cabrera let New York Times writer David Wallace-Wells have a segment to hype the current heat wave and push for the elimination of fossil fuel use.


MSNBC Blames 'Bad Faith' GOP For Campus Chaos

May 1st, 2024 2:37 PM

Princeton professor and MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude Jr. joined the Wednesday edition of Ana Cabrera Reports to discuss the chaos on college campuses. In Glaude’s upside down view of the world, it is not the anti-Semitic campers who are the problem, they just “want a better America,” but the “bad faith” Republicans condemning school administrations for tolerating it.


MSNBC's Katyal Mourns Colorado Struggled To Defend Disqualifying Trump

February 8th, 2024 3:23 PM

Colorado had such a bad day before the Supreme Court as it tried to defend its decision to kick Donald Trump off its primary ballot that not even MSNBC and CNN could pretend otherwise. However, for MSNBC legal analyst, former Obama Solicitor General, and self-described “extremist centrist” on Twitter, Neal Katyal, it wasn’t because their arguments were so bad even the liberals appeared highly…


CNN, MSNBC: Hunter's Stunt Shows He's Willing To Comply With Subpoena

January 10th, 2024 11:16 AM

As Hunter Biden showed up for his publicity stunt on Capitol Hill on Wednesday where he briefly sat in on the House Oversight Committee hearing on a vote to hold him in contempt both CNN News Central and MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports claimed that the move proves that Hunter defying his subpoena is actually proof he’s willing to comply with that same subpoena.


'How Is That Acceptable?' MSNBC Shuns Expertise To Shame Israeli Pres.

December 5th, 2023 1:55 PM

MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera tried to shame Israeli President Isaac Herzog on her Tuesday show by asking if it was “acceptable to you” that an IDF spokesperson told CNN that it estimates that the civilian-to-combatant death ratio in Gaza is 2:1. Despite all the emotional manipulation surrounding this topic from the media, Cabrera took it a step further by ignoring an urban warfare expert she had on…


MSNBC's Red Carpet for Arab Doctor-Poet to Rip Israel 'Apartheid'

October 19th, 2023 12:47 PM

The Hamas-enabling Left loves to complain that Israel gets too much air time to attack Hamas. So MSNBC rolled out the red carpet repeatedly for Dr. Fady Joudah, a Palestinian-American doctor and poet to accuse the American media of supporting Israel too much as his family in Gaza apparently died in Israeli air strikes. He was given 26 minutes over three interviews to insist the American media…


MSNBC's Big Takeaway On Hunter: Republicans Are Hypocrites

July 26th, 2023 12:30 PM

Before Hunter Biden’s plea deal fell apart on Wednesday, MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera and political chameleon Kurt Bardella offered up what their big takeaway from all of the drama surrounding him: Republicans are hypocrites.


MSNBC: Florida's History Curriculum Is Akin to Defending the Holocaust

July 20th, 2023 1:44 PM

Florida has come out with their new curriculum guidelines for African-American history and MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera invited Vanderbilt Prof. Michael Eric Dyson on to her Thursday show to talk about how they allegedly are comparable to teaching that there were good things about the Holocaust.

Kerry to MSNBC: Environmentalist Agenda Too ‘Tricky’ for Investment

Kerry to MSNBC: Environmentalist Agenda Too ‘Tricky’ for Investment

July 13th, 2023 11:08 AM

“Climate Envoy” John Kerry spouted more eco-extremist nonsense in his trip to the UK, this time to the lefties at MSNBC.


Conservative SCHOOLS Hyperbolic MSNBC Predicting Return of Segregation

June 30th, 2023 1:55 PM

Much like they did the previous day when affirmative action was ruled unconstitutional, Ana Cabrera Reports delved into the conspiratorial and hyperbolic nature that was MSNBC and claimed a 6-3 ruling of the Supreme Court would lead to the return of segregated American society. Luckily, this time, there was a conservative around to inject some sense into the conversation: Carrie…


MSNBC MELTS DOWN After Affirmative Action Ruled Unconstitutional

June 29th, 2023 11:53 AM

In the immediate wake of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that affirmative action was unconstitutional and discriminated against Asian students applying to institutions of higher education on Thursday, the cast liberal bloviators featured on MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports had a mental meltdown as they predicted the return of segregated schools and openly decried more Asian students getting…


MSNBC Is 'Concerned' Trump Judge Will Not 'Oversee a Fair Trial'

June 9th, 2023 2:39 PM

Gone are the days when questioning whether a judge in a Trump indictment case can be truly impartial is said to be unacceptable because the cast of MSNBC's Friday special coverage on the matter sounded the alarm whether Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon can truly be fair and neutral given some of her previous rulings.