Ana Cabrera

VIDEO: Corporate Media Think Everything Is a ‘Constitutional Crisis’
Democrats and their corporate media allies like to quietly redefine political terms to suit their needs. Threats to “democracy” are really threats to the entrenched, unaccountable, left-of-center bureaucracy; “misinformation,” along with its “dis-” and “mal-” cousins, is any fact or narrative that is inconvenient for the political left; and basically anyone or anything who runs afoul of the…

MSNBC Helps Advise Illegal Aliens How to Avoid ICE Arrest
On Tuesday morning, MSNBC host Ana Cabrera devoted a segment to letting an immigration attorney advise audience members on what they can do to either avoid being arrested by ICE, or assist someone who is being arrested.

MSNBC Claims 'Voters Ran Towards' Trump's 'Mean' Campaign Of 'Racism'
When seeking to explain why Donald Trump won on Tuesday, it would make sense to have a more diverse set of guests than a left-wing “antiracist” author and a Republican for Harris. However, MSNBC’s Wednesday morning election coverage was determined to stay in their bubble as co-host Ana Cabreara asked author W. Kamau Bell why Americans accepted Trump’s “mean” campaign of “racism, misogyny, [and…

MSNBC Hypes Study Finding Young People Worried About Climate Change
Without admitting any complicity by the media in causing unnecessary panic over climate alarmism, MSNBC's Ana Cabrera on Friday devoted a segment to a new study showing most young people seriously worried about the future.

MSNBC Says Trump Dancing At Town Hall Is Proof He Has Dementia
MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera welcomed former Democratic Rep. Max Rose to her Tuesday show to discuss Donald Trump turning a Monday town hall event into an impromptu dance session. For Rose, such an event is proof Trump has dementia.

MSNBC Fearmongers That Election Is 'Life Or Death Choice' For Women
MSNBC’s tradition of rolling out self-identified Republicans to repeat the kookiest Democratic talking points continued on Friday as former GOP communications director Tara Setmayer joined Ana Cabrera Reports to claim “women voters are looking at this election as a life or death choice.”

MSNBC Uses Prisoner Swap To Hype Biden Economy, Harris 2024
Former CNN analyst turned Washington Bureau Chief for The Grio, April Ryan, joined former CNN host turned MSNBC anchor Ana Cabrera on Thursday to discuss the news that Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former Marine Paul Whelan are being released from Russian prison as part of a multi-nation prisoner swap. For Ryan, the news provided an opportunity to hail President…

MSNBC Mourns Biden Loss, ‘Cheap Fakes’ are a Reality
Over the last week or two, MSNBC has blasted conservative videos of Biden as “cheap fakes.” The videos, often highlighting the senile actions of Biden, have been accused of being “manipulated” and “misinformation.” However, following Thursday’s debate, Biden’s condition was undeniable, forcing Ana Cabrera Reports to admit further videos won’t be needed as they lamented Biden was un…

MSNBC Divides SCOTUS: 'So-Called Liberals' vs. 'Die Hard Conservatives
As the Wednesday edition of MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports waited for and then reacted to the day’s Supreme Court opinions, the assorted legal minds assembled to promote multiple conspiracy theories about the Court. One was the idea that the Court is slow-walking former President Donald Trump’s immunity case to help him win the election, while another tried to claim there are no liberals…

MSNBC's Ana Cabrera Lets Doom-Pushing Author Hype Current Heat Wave
On Monday morning, MSNBC host Ana Cabrera let New York Times writer David Wallace-Wells have a segment to hype the current heat wave and push for the elimination of fossil fuel use.

MSNBC Blames 'Bad Faith' GOP For Campus Chaos
Princeton professor and MSNBC contributor Eddie Glaude Jr. joined the Wednesday edition of Ana Cabrera Reports to discuss the chaos on college campuses. In Glaude’s upside down view of the world, it is not the anti-Semitic campers who are the problem, they just “want a better America,” but the “bad faith” Republicans condemning school administrations for tolerating it.

MSNBC's Katyal Mourns Colorado Struggled To Defend Disqualifying Trump
Colorado had such a bad day before the Supreme Court as it tried to defend its decision to kick Donald Trump off its primary ballot that not even MSNBC and CNN could pretend otherwise. However, for MSNBC legal analyst, former Obama Solicitor General, and self-described “extremist centrist” on Twitter, Neal Katyal, it wasn’t because their arguments were so bad even the liberals appeared highly…

CNN, MSNBC: Hunter's Stunt Shows He's Willing To Comply With Subpoena
As Hunter Biden showed up for his publicity stunt on Capitol Hill on Wednesday where he briefly sat in on the House Oversight Committee hearing on a vote to hold him in contempt both CNN News Central and MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports claimed that the move proves that Hunter defying his subpoena is actually proof he’s willing to comply with that same subpoena.

'How Is That Acceptable?' MSNBC Shuns Expertise To Shame Israeli Pres.
MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera tried to shame Israeli President Isaac Herzog on her Tuesday show by asking if it was “acceptable to you” that an IDF spokesperson told CNN that it estimates that the civilian-to-combatant death ratio in Gaza is 2:1. Despite all the emotional manipulation surrounding this topic from the media, Cabrera took it a step further by ignoring an urban warfare expert she had on…