Alisyn Camerota

Camerota to Tlaib: 'Do You Regret Apologizing to Congressman Meadows?'
March 1st, 2019 5:39 PM
Less than 24 hours after an extremely heated exchange with Republican Congressman Mark Meadows during former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s testimony to the House Oversight Committee, Democratic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib appeared on CNN’s New Day Thursday, where co-host Alisyn Camerota asked her if she regretted apologizing to Congressman Meadows for effectively smearing him as racist.

On CNN, Tiffany Cross Blames MAGA Supporters for Looking Racist
February 22nd, 2019 4:07 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's New Day on CNN, The Beat D.C. managing editor Tiffany Cross claimed that MAGA supporters are to blame for people perceiving them as racist and violent, and fretted that the media have been too apologetic toward them in the aftermath of the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax. As liberal CNN contributor Van Jones thought her analysis was unfair to Donald Trump…

CNN Analyst Rips McCabe: No Different from Others Prosecuted for Lying
February 20th, 2019 10:48 AM
On New Day, CNN legal analyst Elie Honig lights into Andrew McCabe. Highlights: "Whenever we hear something from Mccabe, we have to keep in mind he has a serious credibility problem . . . He lied three times in three separate interviews about whether he was a leak or authorized leak on the Hillary Clinton case . . . Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, were all…

Surprise: NYT's Blow Admits Smollett Could Be an ‘Insane’ ‘Psychopath’
February 18th, 2019 2:57 PM
CNN’s New Day provided more tone deafness Monday morning on the part of the establishment media in reaction to reports that actor Jussie Smollett orchestrated and staged an early-morning attack against him last month in Chicago. But there were some surprising takes, most notably New York Times columnist Charles Blow admitting that, if reports are true, that makes Smollett an “insane” “psychopath…

CNN Mocks Trump for Eating Omelet During Border Emergency
February 18th, 2019 8:26 AM
To prove that there's a border emergency, President Trump must stop eating omelets! Ridiculous, you might say. And yet, on this morning's New Day, CNN's John Avlon, Alisyn Camerota and Jeff Toobin mocked President Trump for eating an omelet, somehow suggesting it debunks the existence of an emergency. In bonus coverage, Jeffrey Toobin predicts Trump will win a legal challenge to his emergency…

CNN Spends Westminster Dog Show Comparing Trump to a Dog
February 13th, 2019 12:32 PM
Wednesday’s New Day on CNN almost managed to close out with a lighthearted piece about the Westminster Dog Show – until the segment devolved into a Trump bash-fest in which correspondent Jeanne Moos compared and contrasted the President with a dog.

Psychic? Berman Slams Trump's 'Flat Out Racist' Tweet About Warren
February 12th, 2019 5:19 PM
On Monday’s New Day, CNN co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota discussed the 2020 campaign with political reporter MJ Lee and analyst Harry Enten. The conversation specifically focused on the latest Democrats to enter the race, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Amy Klobuchar. Not surprisingly, it did not take long for the conversation to devolve into accusations of racism against President…

CNN on Why They Have Video of Roger Stone’s Arrest: We Had a Hunch!
January 25th, 2019 12:46 PM
Americans awoke Friday morning to find that, as expected, Trump associate and InfoWars fan Roger Stone been arrested by the FBI at his Ft. Lauderdale, Florida home on seven counts related to the Trump-Russia probe. But what made this long-expected arrest surprsing? Well, somehow CNN had a camera and producer on scene for the arrest, airing by 6:37 a.m. Eastern providing footage of armed agents…

CNN Plays 'Godfather' Clip to Rip Trump on Alleged Cohen Intimidation
January 24th, 2019 8:58 AM
CNN isn't stopping at making veiled accusations of witness intimidation against President Trump with respect to Michael Cohen. Instead, the network is doing so in the most dramatic terms. On New Day this morning, CNN played a clip from The Godfather II in which the mob, in order to intimidate a witness at a Senate hearing, has brought the witness's brother into the audience. After the clip…

UPDATED: Buzzfeed Can’t Get Story Straight on Trump, Russia Claims
January 18th, 2019 1:48 PM
Buzzfeed News's scandalous report out late Thursday night, which alleges President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project, is being eaten up by the media as the smoking gun they’ve been searching for to impeach Trump. Despite the fact that the report relies on anonymous sources and one of the journalists has a history of shoddy reporting, cable news…

CNN, Politifact Downplay 2,000 Homicides Committed by Illegals
January 17th, 2019 10:59 PM
On Thursday's New Day show, CNN's John Avlon presented another of his infamous "Reality Check" segments which is more akin to liberal spin than an actual effort to clearly inform viewers about the issues. The CNN analyst argued against a border wall as he cited Politifact to dismiss claims of 2,000 homicides being committed by illegal immigrants in one year being reported by ICE for FY2018.

Camerota: ‘Shame on’ Dems If They Don’t ‘Seize’ on Shutdown Impasse
January 14th, 2019 3:10 PM
Our friends at Grabien spotted a solid example on Monday morning’s New Day of CNN bias as co-host Alisyn Camerota asserted that it’ll be “shame on” Democrats if they “can’t seize on” the President’s “waffling” during the government shutdown, adding that “this is their moment.” Yikes. It sounds like she was trying to be a coach giving her players a motivational pep talk before playing in a…

CNN's Camerota on Shutdown: 'Democrats to Blame Here as Well'
January 10th, 2019 8:23 AM
On CNN's New Day, co-host Alisyn Camerota asks, regarding the partial government shutdown, "aren't Democrats to blame here as well?" She calls out Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for refusing to make a counter-offer when VP Pence asked them for one at the conclusion of a White House meeting yesterday.

Camerota Cites Debunked Poll on Universal Background Checks
January 9th, 2019 6:14 AM
On Tuesday's New Day show, CNN host Alisyn Camerota gave Parkland gun control activists David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin a forum to promote their agenda as she also repeated discredited polling which claims 97 percent of Americans want a "universal background check" law that would be applied to all gun purchases.