
Dem Analyst Calls CNN Out for Labeling Biden, Buttigieg as 'Moderates'

December 24th, 2019 11:54 AM
It's one of the oldest moves in the liberal media's playbook: trying to pass off liberal Democrat candidates as "moderates." CNN played the game this morning . . . but an interesting Democrat actually reminded viewers of the truth: that the so-called "moderates" are actually to the left of where Barack Obama was when he first ran for president.  

CNN's Toobin Refuses to Believe CNN Poll Drop in Dem Impeach Support

December 17th, 2019 11:36 AM
CNN's Jeffrety Toobin refuses to believe the results of CNN's own poll, showing a rather dramatic drop in Democrat support for impeachment: from 90% down to 77%. Here was poor Jeffrey, in the depths of denial:  "I don’t believe that poll for one second, the 90 to 77%. I don’t believe it. It makes no sense that that number would change like that . . . David, that poll is wrong. Just because I said…

Fox News Discusses Navy Troops Wanting Gun Rights on Bases

December 15th, 2019 10:08 AM
In the past week, in the aftermath of the shooting attack that killed three U.S. Navy sailors on a military base in Pensacola, Florida, Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends show has given substantial attention to the problem of most troops not being allowed to carry weapons on base. In several segments this week, the show highlighted the views of several Navy troops who are speaking out on the…

Media Go Gaga Over Eric Holder Trashing AG Barr as ‘Unfit’

December 12th, 2019 4:08 PM
On Thursday, hosts on MSNBC and CNN were thrilled by Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Eric Holder – who famously politicized the Justice Department – penning a profoundly hypocritical Washington Post op/ed in which he accused current Attorney General William Barr of being “plainly ideological” and “nakedly partisan.”

CNN Scolds Lockhart for Saying Dems Might Be Seeking Impeach Pause

December 5th, 2019 12:48 PM
CNN New Day co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman scolded former Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart for saying he'd heard "rumblings" that Democrats might be seeking a deal that, in return for the White House agreeing to testimony and the submission of documents, would result in a pause of the impeachment proceedings. 

Huh??? CNN Says Partisanship Not in Lisa Page's 'DNA'

December 3rd, 2019 12:12 PM
On this Tuesday's New Day, after co-host Alisyn Camerota melodramatically wondered why ex-FBI lawyer Lisa Page didn't speak out before, given "what she has lived with" due to President Trump's comments about her, CNN commentator Asha Rangappa, a former FBI agent, responded: "It goes to how civil servants . . . really have a culture of being apolitical, of not trying to get into partisan fights or…

Scaramucci on CNN: Congressional GOP Like Vichy Nazi Collaborators

December 2nd, 2019 10:46 AM
Interviewed by Alisyn Camerota on CNN, former Trump communications director turned bitter antagonist Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci calls congressional Republicans opposing impeachment "Vichy Republicans," a reference to the French Nazi collaborators during World War II. Who calls this show New Day? It feels more like Groundhog Day. 

On CNN, Scaramucci Accuses Trump of 'Objective Criminality'

November 26th, 2019 5:27 PM
"Mooch's Revenge" could be the working title for the series of interviews that CNN's Alisyn Camerota has conducted with Anthony Scaramucci. Ever since President Trump fired him as Communications Director after a tenure that was record-setting for its brevity, Scaramucci has been carrying out a one-man vendetta against his former boss.

Cable Hosts Freak Out Over Sen. Johnson’s Letter Defending Trump

November 20th, 2019 2:16 PM
Hosts on CNN and MSNBC sneered at a letter Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) sent to the House Intelligence Committee on Monday, in which Johnson spelled out a timeline of his efforts to convince President Trump to restore aid to Ukraine. The letter included revelations such as how, on August 31, President Trump responded to Johnson's prodding, “by saying something like, ‘Ron, I understand your position…

CNN's New Day Only Has Guests Who Want More Gun Control

November 17th, 2019 6:25 PM
In their first show after the Santa Clarita school shooting, the CNN morning team on New Day handled the story in their typical fashion of only having guests who support more gun control and who falsely portray Republicans as having no proposals for how to lessen mass shootings. The show also included the bizarre recurring theme of beginning the discussion by lamenting that gun control had not…

CNN: There's 'No Reason' for Whistleblower to Be Identified by Media

November 5th, 2019 1:25 PM
After it was revealed last month that the anonymous “whistleblower” worked for 2020 candidate Joe Biden when he was vice president, ABC squashed the important story calling it a “smear campaign” put out by President Trump. This morning, the media continued trying to protect the whistleblower’s partisan identity, by attacking Republican calls for transparency. On CNN Tuesday morning, a panel…

CNN: Clinton Behaved Better Than Selfish Trump, During His Impeachment

November 1st, 2019 10:30 AM
On CNN’s New Day Friday, co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Avlon brought on former Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart to praise how his former boss behaved during his impeachment process, as compared to President Trump. The liberal journalists also griped that Republicans were too partisan to get on board with impeachment, something that could’ve been said about the liberal media in…

Trashy NYT Invites Readers to 'Vote' for 'Worst' Trump Cabinet Member

October 28th, 2019 10:58 AM
CNN New Day hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman got a kick out of New York Times columnist Gail Collins inviting NYT readers to “vote” for the “worst” Trump cabinet member, on Monday's show. While the CNN hosts gushed over the “reality tv show” “contest” that bashed the administration, Collins marveled at how much liberal readers hated the Republican cabinet.

CNN Hails Biden Attack on Kushner Credentials, Ignores Hunter

October 25th, 2019 10:39 AM
In a 60 Minutes interview, Joe Biden attacks Jared Kushner's lack of "credentials" to negotiate Middle East peace, saying he knows "nothing about it." CNN's reaction was essentially to say: you go, Joe! On this morning's New Day, Chris Cillizza twice called Biden's criticism "valid." Even that wasn't enough for Alisyn Camerota, who said: "it’s not only valid. When you hear it coming out of Joe…