Alexander Burns

NY Times Calls on Anita Hill Once Again to Bash Joe Biden on Page One
April 27th, 2019 1:50 PM
Former senator and vice president Joe Biden is officially running for president, and once again went to Anita Hill in its front-page story Friday, “Biden’s ‘Regret’ For Hill’s Pain Fails to Soothe.” Hill is seen by the press as a victim of both Clarence Thomas and the all-white, all-male Senate Judiciary Committee. She made regular appearances in the paper during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, and…

NYT Packed With Accusations of Trump's ‘Dark, Anti-Immigrant Message'
November 3rd, 2018 3:07 PM
With elections fast approaching, Friday’s New York Times was packed with accusations of President Trump as a racist and hostile to immigrants, most intensely in the lead story by Michael Shear and Julie Hirschfeld Davis. The headline deck: “Trump Invoking ‘Crisis’ at Border As Voting Nears – Message For Midterms – A Presidential Theme Is Built Around a Fear of Immigrants.” Illegal immigrants,…

GOP Is Doomed, Part 28: Kavanaugh Has Left House Majority ‘In Tatters'
September 30th, 2018 7:40 PM
The Sunday New York Times front-page “news analysis” was positively gleeful over the apparent certainty that the last-minute assault accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh would cost the Republican Party control of the House in November: “For Nominee, G.O.P. Takes A Big Gamble – Risking House Seats to Retain Senate Control.” It sounds like the GOP may as well pack it in right…

NYT Times: GOP in 'Extreme Peril' for Showing 'Contempt' for Blasey
September 23rd, 2018 3:21 PM
The New York Times’ co-lead story naturally dealt with the Kavanaugh controversy: “Nominee’s Fate Is Pivotal Point In U.S. Politics – An Apex in the Struggle Over Women’s Status.” Reporters portrayed Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, and last-minute sexual-assault accusations, through the prism of Kavanaugh taking away women’s rights through gutting Roe v. Wade as a future member of the…

NY Times Can’t Wait for November: ‘Fall Holds Peril for G.O.P.’
August 11th, 2018 9:20 AM
Hope springs eternal for Democrats in the pages of the New York Times. Thursday’s lead story by Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin provided Democratic predictions for winning the House in the November elections: “Clarity in Election Fog: Fall Holds Peril for G.O.P.” The reporters made hay over GOP struggles, and again exploited criminal charges faced by Rep. Chris Collins to make a pro-…

NYT Sees ‘Far Right’ Voters in ‘Crazy’ GA, Treats Far-Left Dems Kindly
July 16th, 2018 5:02 PM
The labeling bias came straight from the very top of the New York Times lead National section story Monday. Richard Fausset reported from Georgia under the headlines, “A Race Pivots on Guns, Saws and Trucks – In Georgia’s heated G.O.P. runoff, two candidates for governor court voters on the far right.” Fausset played up the controversies and heated rivalry in Georgia, while a story on the…

NYT Whines About Trump's 'Racially Incendiary...Slur' vs Sen. Warren
June 24th, 2018 7:31 PM
The New York Times’ Alexander Burns rushed to the defense of one of their 2020 presidential hopefuls on Sunday: “Elizabeth Warren Condemned Trump in Reno. He Answered in Las Vegas With a Slur.” And what horrible slur would this be? "....a sarcastic, racially incendiary jibe -- 'Pocahontas' -- lobbed by Mr. Trump...." Oh, that one.

NYT Front Page Sees 'Sex Scandal...Double Standard' in Favor of GOP
May 10th, 2018 6:03 PM
The New York Times pathetically tried to turn the shock resignation of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman accused by several women of physical abuse into a political plus for Democrats, even though Schneiderman was one of the legal leaders of “The Resistance” and a #MeToo crusader for women. Thursday’s New York Times front-page story by Alexander Burns read: “Sex Scandals Hit Both…

'F' for Objectivity: NYT Pushes Teacher Strikes to Loosen GOP ‘Grip’
April 15th, 2018 5:37 PM
The New York Times found yet another angle from which to attack the Republicans as the 2018 elections loom. Friday’s lead National story concerned various teachers strikes in “red states,” “Teacher Walkouts Threaten Republicans’ Grip on Red States – Years of Budget Cuts Push Education Into Political Fray.”

NYT Leaves GOP ‘Scrambling...Defensive' Over Anti-Gun Protests in 2018
March 27th, 2018 7:18 AM
Taking a clear anti-gun stand, the New York Times sent a platoon of reporters worldwide to cover the anti-gun March for Our Lives for Sunday’s lead slot. On Monday, the paper pivoted to the November elections, with Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin pressuring Republicans on the front page: “Gun Protests Leave Republicans Scrambling as Midterms Loom.” It’s the same gun-hostile, NRA-obsessed…

NYT Cheers ‘Impressive’ NRA-Haters, Tries to Poison Gun-Rights Brand
February 28th, 2018 5:23 PM
In the wake of the killings in Parkland, Fla., the New York Times is pressing for gun control and targeting the National Rifle Association. Reporters Richard Fausset and Tiffany Hsu reveled in a purported split between the GOP’s supposed natural allies, big business and the influential gun-rights group, in a front-page story Wednesday, “N.R.A. Battle Pits Business Against G.O.P.”

NYT Cheers on ‘Energized Democrats’ in 2018 on Sunday Front
February 4th, 2018 11:23 PM
The front page of Sunday’s New York Times provided yet another entry in the bulging file of Times articles that brim with optimism about Democratic prospects and dousing the hopes of Republicans. Alexander Burns and Alan Blinder reported that “G.O.P. Braces As Statehouses Are Put in Play -- Energized Democrats Sense Momentum.” Burns and Blinder promised a bumpy ride in the 2018 midterms for the…

NYT Eagerly Spies ‘Mounting Backlash’ vs Trump, Will Turn Red to Blue
December 19th, 2017 8:10 PM
The Republicans are doomed in the New York Times, once again. In Tuesday's edition, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns gathered to giddily shovel the dirt over the GOP’s hopes in the 2018 congressional elections under the harshly titled: “House Control Is at Stake as G.O.P. Suburbs Recoil at President.” The text box: “A mounting backlash could turn some red-hued districts blue in 2018.”

NYT's Burns Cites 'Terrifying Weather' as 'Urgent Threat' to Climate
September 16th, 2017 10:48 AM
The damage from Hurricane Irma may have been less than feared, but the New York Times won’t give up using it as a cynical prod to enact costly legislation and regulation in the name of fighting “climate change” while portraying Republicans as stubborn fools for standing in the way and who will hopefully get swamped by a surging floodtide of public opinion (a prediction the media keeps making, in…