MSNBC's Wagner Tries, Fails to Make 'Pretzel' Out of Liz Cheney's Stan
September 3rd, 2013 5:02 PM
In a brief segment on the September 3 edition of Now with Alex Wagner, the MSNBC program's host revel in how Republican Wyoming Senate candidate Liz Cheney has supposedly "contort[ed]" herself into an "ideological pretzel." But if you listen closely to the 2009 soundbite that Wagner thinks illustrates that Cheney has flip-flopped on the issue of same-sex marriage, it actually underscores no…
MSNBC’s Wagner And Reid Carp About Three ‘72 Dolphins Who Refused
August 21st, 2013 5:57 PM
Three players from the 1972 Miami Dolphins turned down President Obama’s recent invitation to the White House, citing disagreements with the chief executive's political agenda, and Alex Wagner was not going to let them get away without being ridiculed. On Tuesday’s NOW with Alex Wagner, the host and her panelists pilloried the three players who chose to stay behind for ideological reasons while…
MSNBC, the Network With a 9/11 Truther Host, Smears Climate Skeptics a
August 21st, 2013 3:48 PM
MSNBC, which is the home of 9/11 Truther Toure, on Wednesday smeared Republicans skeptical of climate change as "truthers." During a segment on the latest United Nations report on global warming, Now host Alex Wagner touted White House talking points, playing a clip of an Organizing for America commercial labeling House Speaker John Boehner a "climate denier."
Later in the segment, an MSNBC…
MSNBC Contributor Reid Ridiculously Slams Gun Rights Movement as ‘Ne
August 20th, 2013 6:18 PM
MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner and her band of left-wing panelists sneered at the legislative recall effort currently underway in Colorado on Tuesday’s NOW with Alex Wagner. Serial MSNBC contributor Joy Reid even went so far as to refer to the NRA, one of the groups behind the recall, as “Neo-Confederate.”
Wagner was slamming the NRA, which seemingly everyone at MSNBC loves to do, when Reid joined…
MSNBC's Wagner, Panel Conflate Boston Bombings with ObamaCare Oppositi
August 16th, 2013 2:34 PM
MSNBC host Alex Wagner appeared to tie Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev to ObamaCare opposition and libertarianism on Wednesday’s Now, with liberal guests Jared Bernstein and Mark Potok taking part in the anti-conservative argument. Wagner suggested that ObamaCare “extremism would seem to be of a piece with this radicalized rhetoric” that influenced the terrorist Tsarnaev.
Bernstein, a former…
Media Mash: Bozell, Hannity Slam MSNBC for Still Insisting Boston Bomb
August 16th, 2013 1:29 PM
One day before the one-year anniversary of Floyd Lee Corkins's failed terror attack on the Family Research Council -- he was inspired by a "hate map" by the Southern Poverty Law Center -- MSNBC brought on SPLC's Mark Potok to mislead viewers about the nature of the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing, insisting that the Tsarnaev brothers were not motivated by radical Islamic ideology so much as by…
MSNBC Tells Women More Ignorance Is Better
August 16th, 2013 12:24 PM
MSNBC's latest panel on "women's rights," hosted by Alex Wagner, goes a long way in explaining why the network's ratings are so low. When Americans hear "MSNBC women's rights panel," they know what they're going to get before having to watch even two seconds of it. So why bother?
The drudgery and predictability here certainly expose the abortion movement's priorities. Take Anne Davis,…
MSNBC’s Wagner: Fetal Pain Argument About Taking Away Women’s Righ
August 15th, 2013 9:44 AM
Another MSNBC host, another rote regurgitation of liberal conventional wisdom. This time, it was Alex Wagner, announcing that arguments about fetal pain have nothing to do with the protection of the most vulnerable. Instead, they’re all about making it “harder and harder and harder” for women.
MSNBC host Alex Wagner introduced the segment on the “pseudo science” of fetal pain at 20 weeks on…
MSNBC's Wagner, Finney Gang Up on GOP Congressman: ObamaCare is About
August 8th, 2013 3:54 PM
For a perfect illustration of why few conservatives wish to subject themselves to MSNBC, look no further than Rep. Tom Cole’s experience on the network’s Now with Alex Wagner. The Oklahoma Republican went into the lion’s den on Thursday’s Now, where the conversation was anything but fair and balanced – and certainly less than cordial. Wagner and weekend host Karen Finney used the opportunity…
LOL: Claim That Media Downplayed Benghazi Denounced as ‘Whopper of
August 6th, 2013 11:59 PM
In shining examples of the phrase “better late than never,” Conor Friedersdorf -- a staff writer on politics and national affairs at The Atlantic -- and Dylan Byers -- a media critic for the Politico website -- hammered conservatives on Monday for charging that the mainstream media had mostly ignored or minimized the attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11,…
MSNBC Panel Gripes Over 'Disrespectful' Brewer Finger-Wag
August 6th, 2013 3:27 PM
MSNBC host Alex Wagner rehashed an old and much-overblown feud between President Obama and Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) on Thursday’s Now, hyping Obama and Brewer’s first tarmac meeting since the Arizona governor allegedly wagged her finger at the president in early 2012. Wagner blasted Brewer for not giving President Obama “the respect that should be given the commander in chief,” asking her…
MSNBC Panel Pines for Ongoing Christie-Paul Feud: '2016 Republican Clo
July 31st, 2013 4:49 PM
Earlier this afternoon, my NewsBusters colleague Kyle Drennen highlighted the Today show’s effort to hype the recent feud between Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.). Unsurprisingly, the folks at MSNBC were even more eager to blow the dispute out of proportion – and to predict a nasty fight between Republicans in 2016.
Now host Alex Wagner kicked off a gleeful Wednesday…
MSNBC Panel: Republicans are Like 'Terrorists,' 'Threatening to Bomb t
July 25th, 2013 5:28 PM
Former Governor Ed Rendell (D-Pa.) drifted a bit too far off MSNBC’s pro-Obama message on Thursday’s Now with Alex Wagner, receiving a strong left-wing rebuke after suggesting that President Obama should be willing to compromise with Republicans on upcoming budgetary battles.
MSNBC contributor Joy Reid likened Republicans to terrorists, claiming that the president’s situation is like “when…
Hypocrisy, Much? MSNBC Promo Pushes Min. Wage Hike; Network Doesn’t
July 25th, 2013 1:30 PM
For the past few years, MSNBC hosts have run “Lean Forward” ads wherein they push different liberal advocacy issues from universal health care to considering children to be the collective "property" of the "community." MSNBC’s latest “Lean Forward” ad features host Alex Wagner focusing on yet another liberal pet project: raising the federal minimum wage.
In an ad which aired on July 25,…