Abby Huntsman
MSNBC Live Brings On 'Adios Mofo' Author to Slam Rick Perry
June 5th, 2015 3:28 PM
Shortly after former Texas Governor Rick Perry announced his bid for the Republican nomination yesterday, less-than-objective MSNBC sought out the author of an anti-Perry, anti-Texas book to discuss the highlights of the Texas hopeful’s speech. MSNBC Live host Thomas Roberts and James Moore, an analyst for the network and author of Adios Mofo: Why Rick Perry Will Make America Miss George W Bush,…

Abby Huntsman: GOP ‘Considered the Jerks’ For Wanting Spending Cuts
February 2nd, 2015 4:06 PM
On Monday, President Obama released his 2016 budget, which calls for increased spending and raising taxes, and on MSNBC’s The Cycle, so-called conservative co-host Abby Huntsman did her best to scold the GOP for opposing the tax-and-spend Obama budget. Speaking to Lauren Fox of National Journal, Huntsman proclaimed that Republicans’ “big thing is we’ve got to cut spending, this is not something…
NYT Writer Defends Gruber: Voters Are 'Incoherent' on Health Care
November 12th, 2014 6:24 PM
During a discussion on MSNBC’s The Cycle about the disparaging comments ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber made about the law’s passage and the “stupidity” of voters, New York Times writer and substitute Cycle co-host Josh Barro sought to defend him by blasting the expectations that Americans have about health care as “completely incoherent” and lying was the only solution to make them happy. …

'Conservative' Abby Huntsman Eagerly Opposes Ebola Travel Ban
October 17th, 2014 6:12 PM
The web page for MSNBC's The Cycle has the chutzpah to describe co-host Abby Huntsman as a "conservative." Whatever happened to truth in advertising?
On today's episode, Huntsman again demonstrated why the conservative tag doesn't fit. As a guest offered up a laughably lame analogy in arguing against a travel ban on people from Ebola-affected countries, Huntsman was quick to weigh in with an…

Shock: Author of Harsh Expose on 'Nasty' Hillary Clinton Appears on MS
August 6th, 2014 5:20 PM
The author of a harsh expose on "nasty" Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC, Wednesday, and made his charges against the Democrat. The Cycle hosts grilled Ronald Kessler about his claim that Secret Service agents think Mrs. Clinton is "the worst." They also ignored his allegation that Bill Clinton is having an affair with a mistress known as "the energizer."
Promoting his book The First Family…

MSNBC’s Toure: Conservatives Have Been Successful at ‘Demonizing I
July 9th, 2014 6:45 PM
The folks on MSNBC's The Cycle have gone on the offensive regarding immigration, moving from defending President Obama to bashing the supposed bigotry that exists on the right, naturally. On the July 9 edition of program, the panel and guest Eric Schneiderman of Salon were virtually unanimous in their criticism of the Republican Party on immigration.
Toure pointed to what he believed is a…
MSNBC Panel Slams GOP on Global Warming, Predicts 'End of the Republic
April 23rd, 2014 11:12 PM
On the Wednesday, April 23, PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart asserted that Republican doubts about global warming would be "one more thing that is going to hasten the demise, the end of the Republican Party" as he reacted to a clip of several North Carolina Republican Senate candidates expressing doubts when asked if "climate change" is a "fact."
And, as she…

MSNBC’s Sharpton Repeats False Gender Pay Stat; Quasi-Conservative
March 20th, 2014 3:56 PM
Liberals just can’t seem to let go of the myth that women earn 77 cents for every dollar a man makes doing the same job. On Wednesday’s PoliticsNation on MSNBC, the Rev. Al Sharpton repeated that bogus claim, and his supposedly conservative guest, Abby Huntsman of The Cycle, failed to call him out on it. [Video below. MP3 audio here.]
Sharpton asked, “Abby, women make about 77 cents for every…

MSNBC's Toure: Lying to a 'Corporation' Like Amazon Is 'Not Really' Ly
December 18th, 2013 6:48 PM
During a panel discussion on offering discounts to consumers who are parents -- a discount mechanism completely on the honor system since the company cannot verify claims of parenthood -- MSNBC The Cycle co-host Toure Neblett justified lying to take advantage of the discount, saying "nobody was getting hurt here."
"If a lie is being told to a corporation, it's not really a lie,"…

MSNBC Hosts Share What They're Thankful For; Most Spout Lefty Talking
November 26th, 2013 2:54 PM
Leave it to MSNBC to see Thanksgiving as a time to be thankful for ObamaCare, Wendy Davis, same-sex marriage, and John Kerry hammering out an interim nuclear deal with Iran.
"In a year where Congress’ approval rating has reached an all time low, an embattled President Obama faces the healthcare challenge that could define his legacy, and the timetable for US troops in Afghanistan remains…

MSNBC’s Toure: Gerrymandering Impacts Senate Races
November 14th, 2013 6:46 PM
Do prospective MSNBC hosts have to fail a civics test in order to be hired?
Consider The Cycle’s Toure Neblett who on Thursday made the case that gerrymandering impacts Senate races (video follows with transcript and commentary):
MSNBC's Cycle Uses LAX Shooting to Spin Liberal Narrative About Guns a
November 5th, 2013 11:10 AM
Leave it to the folks at MSNBC to take a tragic shooting as an opportunity to push a liberal agenda. On Monday November 4, the co-hosts of The Cycle brought on NBC terrorism analyst Evan Kohlmann to push the continual MSNBC theme that more armed security would have made the tragic situation which left one TSA agent dead much worse. On top of that, Kohlmann blamed a libertarian talk show host…
Supposedly Conservative 'Cycle' Panelist Abby Huntsman Agrees with Fas
August 30th, 2013 10:06 AM
The four panelists of MSNBC’s The Cycle each weighed in on yesterday's nationwide fast food workers’ strike on Thursday’s show. All four of them voiced their support for the strikers, including the supposedly conservative member of the panel, Abby Huntsman.
Huntsman claimed the strike was “bigger than the minimum wage. This is about making enough to live.” She groused that the average…
On NBC, HuffPo's Huntsman Turns GOP Win Into Dem Hope: Anthony Weiner
May 8th, 2013 1:25 PM
Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, Huffington Post contributor Abby Huntsman proclaimed that following Mark Sanford's win in Tuesday's special congressional election in South Carolina, disgraced ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner "probably slept well last night knowing that he can potentially come back, too."
Co-host Willie Geist agreed: "Absolutely, absolutely." News reader Natalie Morales…