
Stephanopoulos Grills Pompeo On Being a ‘Party to Ethnic Cleansing’

October 20th, 2019 1:10 PM
In an exclusive Sunday morning interview with ABC chief anchor and Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos on This Week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo subjected himself to a grilling from a network intent on pinning genocide on the Trump administration. Immediately after introducing Pompeo to his viewers, Stephanopoulos jumped right to trying to link President Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria…

CNN Mocks Trump Letter to Erdogan: 'Isn't Exactly Ph.D. Level'

October 17th, 2019 8:17 AM
New Day co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota first take turns reading out loud a letter that President Trump recently sent to Turkish President Recep Erdogan. The letter contained blunt language, by which, for example, Trump urged Erdogan not to be a "tough guy" or a "fool."  Berman then turns to Jim Acosta, CNN's White House correspondent and Trump antagonist extraordinaire, and sneeringly…

ABC Edits Out Trump EMBARRASSING Network Over Fake Video

October 16th, 2019 9:17 PM
Over 72-hours. It has been over 72-hours since ABC’s World News Tonight first falsely claimed a special event at a gun range in Kentucky was footage of a Turkish attack on civilian Kurds in northern Syria. And in that 72-hours, the network had rejected all calls for an on-air correction, apology, and explanation to their viewers as to how the misinformation made it through their supposedly…

LOL: Todd Claims He’s Someone Who Doesn’t ‘Live in Partisan Places’

October 16th, 2019 7:41 PM

Once again, pompous leftist, MSNBC host, NBC News political director, and Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd cloaked himself as someone who’s above the fray on Wednesday’s MTP Daily, insisting that he’s like “a lot of us who — who don’t live in partisan places.” Todd’s delusional take simultaneously occurred while decrying Republicans as the ones playing political games by criticizing…


‘Despicable’; Gabbard Slams CNN, NYT for Calling Her a Foreign Asset

October 15th, 2019 10:14 PM
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) took a giant whack at the liberal media during Tuesday night’s 2020 Democratic debate, taking issue with debate partners CNN and The New York Times as being overly hostile due to her foreign policy views. And to make things even more interesting, she specifically slammed CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers (without naming him).

Amanpour Lets Jane Fonda Tout Climate Alarmism

October 15th, 2019 6:50 PM
On Monday's Amanpour and Company on PBS, host Christiane Amanpour gave liberal actress Jane Fonda a forum to promote her alarmist views on global warming, picking up on the veteran political activist's recent push to hold a weekly protest outside the U.S. Capitol on the issue. The liberal activist railed against the fossil fuel industry, fearmongered about there allegedly being only a decade left…

ABC Reporter Hypes Trump's 'Disastrous' Pullback in Syria

October 15th, 2019 12:33 PM

ABC News foreign correspondent Ian Pannell wasted little time dispensing with straight-forward reportage before resorting to a damning conclusion while appearing on This Week with George Stephanopoulos yesterday to discuss rapidly changing conditions in Syria. Pannell blamed President Trump for Turkey's invasion of northern Syria to take on the Kurds, claiming that Trump essentially gave…


ABC Refuses to Issue an On-Air Correction to Their Fake News Video

October 14th, 2019 8:51 PM

On Monday, ABC News got caught lying about having a video allegedly showing Turkish troops slaughtering Kurdish civilians in northern Syria, when, in fact, it was video from a gun range in Kentucky. Seemingly thinking a pair of weak apologies on Twitter were enough, the liberal broadcast network refused to correct the record and inform viewers on their journalistic malpractice during that…


Fake News? ABC Appears to Use Gun Range Footage for Syria Segment

October 14th, 2019 1:08 PM

In the news media’s frantic desire to hype every decision made by President Trump as the literal end of the world, their rush to judgement often overlooks accurate sourcing. The latest potential fake news story comes from ABC News, who may have used a video from a Kentucky gun range, and passed it off as Syrian gunfire, in two separate stories, Sunday and Monday.


ABC Yawns as ISIS Stripped of All Land, CBS Declares 'ISIS Is Done'

March 20th, 2019 9:12 PM
“ISIS's reign of terror over nearly ten million people has come to an end,” CBS international correspondent Charlie D’Agata proudly announced during Wednesday’s CBS Evening News. The reports came as President Trump told the press that the last remnants of the terrorist group should be wiped out by tonight. It was great news that got little airtime on ABC’s World News Tonight, where anchor David…

CNN Puts On Khizr Khan to Blame Immigration on Meddling from the West

March 17th, 2019 11:35 AM
On Saturday's Smerconish show on CNN, host Michael Smerconish brought aboard Democratic activist and media darling from the 2016 presidential campaign, Khizr Khan, and gave him an unchallenged forum to hint that the U.S. has helped create immigrants who are fleeing wars and climate change. He also tied defeating President Donald Trump in 2020 to thwarting the kind of white nationalism that led to…

MSNBC Analyst: ‘Anti-American’ to Deny U.S. Re-Entry to ISIS Terrorist

February 22nd, 2019 4:51 PM
Appearing on MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle Friday morning, analyst Jason Johnson, Politics Editor for The Root, blasted the Trump administration for refusing to allow ISIS terrorist Hoda Muthana from returning to the U.S. after she left to join the violent death cult. The left-wing contributor even argued it was “anti-American” to deny her re-entry to the nation she declared war against.

CBS Sympathizes With ISIS Bride Who Wants ‘Therapy’ as Punishment

February 20th, 2019 9:08 PM
In 2014, then-college student Hoda Muthana lied to her parents about going on a school trip and ran away to join the ISIS terrorist group. Now, after spending years with a terrorist group that has attacked America, she’s pleading to come back home and says “therapy” should be her punishment. This is who CBS foreign correspondent Holly Williams decided to sympathize with on Wednesday’s CBS Evening…

Morning Joe Wishin' & Hopin' for Nasty Hill GOP Break from Trump

January 30th, 2019 9:52 AM
The Morning Joe panel devotes a segment to looking/hoping for signs of a break from President Trump by congressional Republicans. New York Times Washington bureau chief Elisabeth Bumiller encapsulates the sentiment: "We're always looking for signs of a break with Republicans on the Hill—a public break—from Trump."