Network Morning Shows Slog Through Recaps of ‘Partisan’ Trump Speech

March 5th, 2025 6:44 PM

On Wednesday morning, it remained evident ABC, CBS, and NBC were still largely uninterested in and almost seemed burdened by having to cover Tuesday night’s address by President Trump to a joint session of Congress. It predictably lacked the ebullience from their takes on Joe Biden’s 2024 State of the Union, but also the outright hostility from the four speeches in Trump’s first term. …


Whoopi Shouts Down Criticism of Dems, Behar Fears Justice Hand Shake

March 5th, 2025 4:50 PM

President Trump’s address to the Joint Session of Congress apparently went so well that the set of ABC News’s The View became a copium den during Wednesday’s episode. So desperate were they to find fault with Trump’s speech that Joy Behar stoked fear of Trump shaking hands with members of the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, moderator Whoopi Goldberg shouted down the one ounce of criticism…


Stephanopoulos Battles Speaker on Trump Speech, Gives Dem Softballs

March 5th, 2025 4:10 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos held back-to-back exclusive interviews Wednesday with House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) for reaction to President Trump’s Tuesday night address to a joint session of Congress. To the shock of likely no one, Stephanopoulos badgered Johnson while barely…

PolitiFact on SOTU: Trump Gets NINE 'False' Ratings, Biden Gets None

March 5th, 2025 2:12 PM

It's natural that "independent fact checkers" would pounce on State of the Union speeches. But it depends on who's president. PolitiFact socked Trump with six "False" ratings and three "Mostly False" for his 2025 speech. But a year ago with President Biden, PolitiFact never ruled Biden was "false"...on anything. They'd say "exaggerated," or "this needs context," or "this merits asterisks." Too…


Kimmel: Kicking Al Green Out Of Trump Speech Gave Johnson An Erection

March 5th, 2025 1:35 PM

Being on the West Coast, ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel had the ability to react to President Donald Trump’s address to Congress on his Tuesday show. Naturally, Kimmel’s reaction included plenty of insults directed Trump’s way, but he also suggested Speaker Mike Johnson got an erection when he kicked Rep. Al Green out of the chamber for disruptive behavior.


Not Like Last Year: Sedate Networks Scoff at Trump’s ‘Campaign Rally’

March 5th, 2025 10:34 AM

Needless to say, ABC, CBS, and NBC offered far different reactions Tuesday night to President Trump’s address to Congress (think State of the Union, but not granted that title in a president’s first year) than they did in immediately celebrating last year’s partisan State of the Union from Joe Biden. For 2025, they were more lackadaisical in their disdain for Trump’s “intensely partisan” “…


Colbert, Buttigieg Fear For 'Soul of our Nation' After Trump Speech

March 5th, 2025 10:10 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert stayed up for a live show on what turned out to be Wednesday morning after President Donald Trump’s address to Congress. Colbert spent his monologue praising Rep. Al Green for getting kicked out of the House chamber and attacking Trump on everything from transgender issues to shipbuilding. Later, he would welcome former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to wonder, “…


MSNBC: Pity the Poor, DOGE-Displaced Federal Employee

March 5th, 2025 3:28 AM

MSNBC wound down its A-team portion of their coverage of President Trump’s address before a joint session of Congress with a bemoaning of displaced federal workers. This display was unlike any other, and revealed quite a bit about MSNBC and our progressive commentariat.

Raging MSNBC Karens CRASH OUT Over Love for D.J. at Joint Address

March 5th, 2025 1:35 AM

The initial reaction to President Donald Trump’s Joint Address to Congress at MSNBC centered around outrage at the fact that Trump would dare to honor D.J. Daniel, the 13-year-old pediatric cancer patient who was deputized as a honorary Secret Service agent. Their bilious reaction to that heartwarming moment is the truest indicator of how the night really went for them.


The View Dreams Up Dem Protests of Trump: Get 'Naked and Dance Around'

March 4th, 2025 6:26 PM

With President Trump set to address a Joint Session of Congress later Tuesday night, the loony liberal ladies of ABC News’s The View racked their brains for ways their fellow Democrats could protest, make a scene, and disrupt the event. Their ideas ranged from not showing up to walking out to one insane suggestion that the Democrats “get butt naked and dance around” the floor.


CBS’s Garrett: ‘Revolutionary’ Trump WH Is ‘Hostile,’ ‘Not Collegial’

March 4th, 2025 12:43 PM

CBS chief Washington correspondent Major Garrett showed off his dismay with the second Trump administration on Tuesday’s CBS Mornings by painting it in apocalyptic terms as “revolutionary” in nearly every sense of the word and “not collegial” and “unremittingly hostile to the established, stable order” that’s kept America and the world safe and secure. Some doomcasting and fear porn…

This Is Not the Soviet Union, Mr. Biden

March 14th, 2024 1:12 PM

In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed. It marked the end of an experiment that lasted almost a century testing the premise that godless secularization, turning control of people’s lives over to other people to rule them, who decide what others need and how they should live and conduct their lives, is the answer for mankind. In the free world, the collapse of the Soviet Union was cause for…


The Views Claims Traffickers Don’t Rape Migrant Women Inside the U.S.

March 11th, 2024 2:25 PM

After initially maligning Alabama Republican Senator Katie Britt for her less-than-stellar rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address on Friday, the vicious liberals of ABC’s The View were back to attacking her on Monday. They decried Britt’s focus on Democratic Party open-border policies and her calling out how it led to migrant women getting raped along the journey.…


Journalists Find the Term ‘Illegal’ More Upsetting than Violent Murder

March 11th, 2024 12:56 PM

What’s the most upsetting thing about the sentence, “An illegal alien violently murdered a 22-year old nursing student?” If you work in the corporate news media, the answer is the word “illegal.” When President Biden referred to the illegal alien who allegedly murdered Laken Riley in cold blood as “an illegal,” the news media sprang into action and rushed to the violent felon’s defense.