Solar Power

SHOCKER: CNN’s Zakaria Corners John Kerry on Biden Killing Jobs
Liberal CNN host Fareed Zakaria cornered Climate Envoy John Kerry on the Biden administration’s executive orders that killed thousands of U.S. jobs. Zakaria took the time to throw Kerry at least one curveball in an interview on the Jan. 31 edition of CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS.

New Yorker Contributor: Nuked Keystone XL Is Landmark in Climate Fight
The leader of a radical eco-extremist group celebrated President Joe Biden canceling the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, even as the move killed thousands of jobs. Co-founder of and New Yorker contributor Bill McKibben bellowed in a recent op-ed.

Axios Reporter Ignores Sen. Whitehouse Hypocrisy on Special Interests
Axios must like propping up Democratic senators as crusaders against fossil fuel special interests while ignoring their own deep ties to special interests, including dark money.

Oil and America’s Energy Future
During last Thursday's debate, Joe Biden said his goal as president would be to "transition away from the oil industry." He has also said the future is in cars powered by electricity. Biden would build 500,000 charging stations across the country. It wasn't the first time he attacked the oil and job-producing industry in his worship of the cult of "climate change." According to Energy…

NBC News Admits Wildfires Due to ‘Decades of Mismanagement’
Remember when media outlets like BBC were casting shade on President Donald Trump for placing the blame for the out-of-control West Coast wildfires on forest mismanagement?

Soros/Gates-Funded Org ($6.5M): World May Need ‘Climate Lockdown'
Liberal billionaire George Soros had said the pandemic was providing a “revolutionary moment.” Now Project Syndicate (PS), a group both Soros and fellow liberal billionaire Bill Gates fund, is peddling a tyrannical proposal.

STUPID: Reuters Daydreams 'Nobel Peace Prize' for Greta Thunberg
Reuters is pushing an insane idea that eco-extremist activist Greta Thunberg could get the Nobel Peace Prize. In a story headlined, “A Nobel for Thunberg? In the age of climate change and virus, it is possible,” Reuters’ Gwladys Fouche spouted off that “[t]his year’s Nobel Peace Prize could go to green campaigner Greta Thunberg and the Fridays for Future movement to highlight the link between…

DUMB: Steyer Told CNN ‘Only Solution’ to Wildfires Is Electing Biden
It didn’t take long for billionaire and failed presidential candidate Tom Steyer to resume peddling his climate change nonsense. This comes after he spent over $341 million financing his own campaign. His new schtick? Selling the American people that the only way to stop West Coast wildfires is electing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.
The Left's Double Standard on Energy Policies
Was the power on in your house this morning? If so, thank fossil fuels! A few parts of America do get energy from other sources. Washington state has fast-flowing rivers that allow Washingtonians to get most of their electricity from hydroelectric power. Iowa now gets about 40% of its electricity from wind. But most of us get power from the much-hated fossil fuels, primarily natural gas and…

PANIC! New TIME Cover Says 2020 Is 'One Last Chance' to Save Planet
It’s the end of civilization. Again. Eco-extremists in the liberal media can’t even give themselves a 10-year gap for their end-of-the-world predictions. The latest Time magazine cover declared that 2020 is our last, best chance to save the planet. Run for your lives!

CLIMATE INSANITY: Amazon to Rename Sports Arena ‘Climate Pledge Arena’
It’s not enough for the leftist climate activist elites to promote their climate agenda in Big Tech company policies alone. Now Amazon has decided to infuse its climate agenda into the naming of a stadium to shove it into sports fans’ faces.

#WACKY: NYT Op-Ed Rambles ‘The End of Meat Is Here’

USA Today Can’t Make Up Mind: Will World Be Doomed in 10 or 50 Years?