Gov's Aide in Sex Assault on Boy... Democrat or Not

February 9th, 2008 1:06 PM

UN 'Peacekeepers' Vandalizing Ancient Art -- Where is MSM Reporting

January 31st, 2008 2:23 PM
We are told over and over again that the United Nations is the answer to all the world's ills. It is often claimed that without the UN things would be so much worse in troubled spots around the world. But, when we look at the pernicious effect the UN has where ever it goes, it's awfully hard to reconcile the claims with the hard truth. For one thing, we've seen the UN responsible for turning…

ABC Alone Covers Dem Mayor Accused of Perjury; Ignores Party ID

January 29th, 2008 5:13 PM
On Tuesday's "Good Morning America," reporter Dan Harris covered the growing sex scandal of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and, at the same time, skipped the fact that he is a Democrat. The story, which has, thus far, been ignored by both NBC and CBS's morning shows, relates to testimony Kilpatrick gave in the summer of 2007 when he denied having an affair with his chief of staff, Christine…

AP Ignores Party Affiliation of Democrat Who Lied About Sex Under Oath

January 25th, 2008 5:48 PM
Remember ten years ago when staunch defenders of President Bill Clinton conceded that, yes, Bill Clinton lied under oath, but it was a lie about sex, and hence not an impeachable offense? [Speaking of which, January 27 will be the 10 year anniversary of Hillary Clinton's famous "vast right wing conspiracy" charge.]Well, now Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D) is facing mounting pressure to resign…

Barbara Walters Scolds Those Who Make Lewinsky Jokes

January 21st, 2008 3:25 PM

ABC's Shipman Slams Linda Tripp on Lewinsky Anniversary

January 21st, 2008 1:13 PM
Half a decade after observing the fifth anniversary of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, "Good Morning America" correspondent Claire Shipman filed a report on Monday's show that commemorated ten years since the event. Shipman used the January 21 piece to take a swipe at Lewinsky-gate figure Linda Tripp, snidely labeling her "that questionable, tape-recording friend" and pointing out that she "has…

Kansas Attny Gen Sex Scandal: Will MSM Mention He's a Democrat

December 10th, 2007 12:02 AM

Cantwell Aide’s Sex Scandal Gets Little Press Coverage

December 5th, 2007 10:38 AM
It must be wonderful to be a Democrat and know that your indiscretions are very unlikely to get much attention by media minions only willing to cover the crimes and shortcomings of folks on the opposite side of the aisle. Take for example James Michael McHaney, an aide to Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) who NewsBusters reported had been arrested last Friday for trying to lure a thirteen-year-old…

Democrat Senator’s Aide Arrested in Child Sex Sting

December 4th, 2007 10:47 AM
An aide for Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) was arrested last Friday for attempting to sexually exploit a minor. I guess you didn't hear about this in the middle of Hillary Clinton looking so regal and presidential during the hostage takeover in New Hampshire.Could that be why this seedy story was hushed-up for three days? While you ponder, the Associated Press finally reported Monday (h/t…

CBS ‘Early Show’: Clinton Sex Addiction vs. ‘Political Rock Star

October 29th, 2007 1:41 PM
A segment on Monday’s CBS "Early Show" by co-host Julie Chen about accusations by the late President Ford of Bill Clinton being a "sex addict," was in sharp contrast to an interview last week with author Sally Bedell Smith, when co-host Harry Smith referred to the Clintons as a "still-young couple" and "political rock stars." Smith teased the Monday segment on Clinton’s sex addiction by saying, "…

Tina Brown Marvels at Indestructible Hillary in 'Purpose-Built Pantsui

October 25th, 2007 10:02 AM
I'd be curious to see how Tina Brown describes someone she doesn't like. Because after painting what seemed for all the world an unflattering portrait of Hillary Clinton, Brown proclaimed that she think's Hillary's great.Brown, the former editor of Vanity Fair, the New Yorker and Talk appeared on today's "Morning Joe" largely to discuss British royal doings as dished in her "Diana Chronicles"and…

ABC's Ross Accuses Rudy of Being Pedophile Priest's Pal

October 23rd, 2007 12:21 PM
On Tuesday's "Good Morning America," reporter Brian Ross continued his critical series of investigations into Republican presidential candidates. Just two weeks after he slammed Fred Thompson for his role in the 1973 Watergate investigation, the ABC correspondent looked into the fact that Rudy Giuliani's consulting firm has employed a priest that has been accused of molesting children in the '70s…

Paging Reverend Al: Craig Plays the Profiling Card

October 17th, 2007 7:37 AM
He might be a middle-aged white guy from the Mountain West, but Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) suddenly understands the travails of people stopped for "DWB": driving while black. In the course of his interview with Matt Lauer, aired last night and excerpted on this morning's "Today," Craig tried to play the profiling card.MATT LAUER: The fact that these motions seemed to replicate a well-established…

Cafferty 'Can't Wait' to Peep Through Larry Craig's Stall

October 5th, 2007 4:55 PM
Jack Cafferty opened his CNN "Situation Room" shtick today at 4:07 p.m. EDT by asking about Larry Craig:Which was worse? Making sexual advances toward a police officer or lying to the whole world by saying you're going to resign your Senate seat and then announcing you're not going to resign?Answer: saying you don't want Craig to resign because you "can't wait" for televised hearings describing…