Sex Scandals
ABC's Roberts Again Assumes Clarence Thomas Guilty of Harassment
October 3rd, 2007 12:37 PM
On Wednesday’s "Good Morning America," co-host Robin Roberts, for the second day in a row, intimated that Clarence Thomas was guilty of sexually harassing Anita Hill. Interviewing Anucha Brown-Sanders about her successful harassment lawsuit against New York Knicks coach Isiah Thomas, Roberts gratuitously segued, "Yesterday, sitting where you are right now, Anita Hill, who was here to talk about…
ABC Sympathetically Spins ‘Withering’ Media Attacks on Anita Hill
October 2nd, 2007 1:20 PM
On Tuesday’s "Good Morning America," ABC host Robin Roberts sympathetically interviewed Anita Hill and asserted that her 1991 testimony in front of the Senate resulted in the law professor enduring "withering scrutiny from the press." Roberts also pointedly noted that Hill "passed a polygraph test. Clarence Thomas refused to take one. You passed one." An ABC graphic defiantly observed, "Anita…
Mika Fave? Maureen Dowd, of Course
September 26th, 2007 7:09 AM
Figures. Who else would Mika Brzezinski's ink-stained doppelganger be but Maureen Dowd?"Morning Joe" has apparently introduced a new feature, "Three Things to Read Today," in which each of the panelists recommends an item from that morning's newspaper crop. Willie Geist went first today, and being the pop-culture maven he is, suggested the New York Post's coverage of the sexual harrassment…
Ben Stein: Larry Craig Railroaded from Power
September 3rd, 2007 11:57 AM
Actor and commentator Ben Stein strongly defended Larry Craig on Friday's "Your World with Neil Cavuto," arguing that the police officer who arrested the Idaho Republican senator used "Gestapo tactics" to "browbeat" him into pleading guilty when, in fact, Craig had not committed any illegal act."He didn't do anything. He tapped his foot," Stein said. "And I don't like the idea that people are…
David Shuster: Larry Craig a 'Moral Insult' to Katrina Victims
August 29th, 2007 6:53 PM
On the Wednesday night edition of MSNBC's "Hardball" Chris Matthews and David Shuster continued to use the Larry Craig scandal to bury the GOP and while Matthews declared "the downfall of" Bush's party was "driven by every movement of the body politic" it was his colleague Shuster who outdid him when, after running down a litany of GOP troubles ranging from Craig to the resignation of Alberto…
'Today' Labels Larry Craig Scandal a 'Conservative Crisis
August 28th, 2007 11:23 AM
For NBC's "Today" show crew it wasn't enough to label Larry Craig's scandal as a crisis for him personally or even to call it a crisis for the Republican Party, no "Today" went even further as it declared it a "crisis" for conservatives everywhere. NBC's Matt Lauer opened the Tuesday "Today" show asking his viewers: "Can the right wing withstand yet another scandal involving one of its own?"…