
Bee Smears Ted Cruz as an Alien, Rafael Cruz for Being a Christian

March 15th, 2016 1:39 AM
While Donald Trump has drawn slews of voters thus far in the presidential campaign based on his controversial rhetoric, TBS’s Full Frontal host Samantha Bee has undertaken a similar strategy by seeking to be as vulgar as possible toward conservatives to attract favor and ratings by liberals. With that in mind, Monday’s episode was no different as she maligned Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) and his…

On ‘Lucifer’ Angels are Evil and the Devil is a Saint

March 7th, 2016 11:53 PM
There is no doubt that Fox’s drama Lucifer is meant to engender sympathy for the devil. After 7 episodes, we have become familiar with the charming, handsome devil who fights crime and helps the LAPD catch killers. Lucifer is shown to be pretty harmless; his main powers seem to be scaring people by making his face look devilish and getting people to reveal their deepest desires. Big deal. Hardly…

Why Dan Savage's Gay Anti-Catholic Comedy 'Real O'Neals' Is Real Hell

March 3rd, 2016 1:19 AM
ABC’s new bigoted anti-Catholic show The Real O’Neals makes fun of Catholic teachings and believers to the point that if the network had targeted any other religious group for these attacks, journalists would call it hate speech. In the two-episode premiere, there were 93 separate visual or verbal reminders that this was a show making fun of Catholics, 8 admissions of Catholic sins, and I…

Bee Uses Bathroom Jokes to Bemoan GOP for Not Compromising Post-2010

February 29th, 2016 11:50 PM
Instead of going on a tirade against Donald Trump or the horrors of ISIS, TBS’s Full Frontal host Samantha Bee chose to resume her vile attacks on conservatives with her latest show on Monday night featuring video of an elephant pooping to describe Republicans elected in the 2010 midterms. Specifically, Bee dubbed Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy (S.C.) as the “Benghazi queen” and the House…

CNN Touts Evangelicals Who Find Cruz 'Against the Teachings of Jesus'

February 20th, 2016 5:11 PM
On Friday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, correspondent Randi Kaye filed a report recounting her discussions with mostly young evangelical Christians in South Carolina as she asserted that the group she spoke with think GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz is "against the teachings of Jesus" on the issues of "poverty, war, and how to treat strangers." Implying that Cruz is not "compassionate," she…

Pundit: Cruz Thinks He’s the ‘Next Best Thing to the Second Coming’

February 2nd, 2016 9:46 PM
Much of the left is obsessed with the religious right’s supposed obsession with sex. Exhibit number whatever was Marcotte’s Tuesday piece in Salon about Ted Cruz’s win in Iowa’s Republican caucuses. Marcotte alleged that Cruz’s supporters in the Hawkeye State featured “a veritable rogue’s gallery of every creepy straight guy who claims he loves Jesus but has his eyes fixed firmly on the crotches…

'X-Files' Monster of the Week: Pro-Life Catholics

January 26th, 2016 7:22 PM
Stop me if you’ve heard this storyline before: a pious Catholic turns out to be an evil hypocrite. Yes, this tired trope was seen once again on TV last night, this time in The X-Files episode “Founder’s Mutation.” Sadly this is the second time in a row The X-Files has used conspiracy theories to impugn the right and it's getting old.

Lefty Writer: ‘Narcissism’ Unites Trump, Conservative Evangelicals

December 30th, 2015 9:14 PM
If you’re looking for the ultimate contradiction in terms, it’d be hard to top “Christian narcissist.” Nonetheless, David Masciotra alleged in a Tuesday Salon piece (originally published on the left-wing site AlterNet) that “conservative evangelical Christianity” somehow “encourages narcissism,” and that this unholy communion explains Donald Trump’s relatively high level of popularity on the…

Scarborough: Republicans Tell Me They'll Vote for Hillary Over Cruz

December 14th, 2015 7:58 AM
Joe Scarborough prefaced his remarks this morning by saying "this is the sort of thing that right-wing bloggers get very angry about."  So let's oblige him . . .  On Morning Joe, Scarborough said "I am shocked by how many Republicans, that have always voted Republican, that have said they're going to vote for Hillary if it's Cruz or Trump running against Hillary. I'm talking Deep South, Southern…

Salon Pundit: Hannity Supports ‘Christian Version’ of Sharia Law

December 10th, 2015 9:09 PM
Between Christians and Muslims, which group poses the greater threat to religious liberty in America? To  Marcotte, there’s an obvious answer: Christians. In a Wednesday Salon column, the lefty pundit claimed that “the big difference between conservative Muslims and Christians in this country is that only the latter have a massive, organized movement that is backed by an entire political party to…

Daily Kos Writer: Cruz a Fitting Leader For a ‘Christian Caliphate’

December 7th, 2015 9:34 PM
In 2010, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas published his book American Taliban, which detailed his belief that “fundamentalist Muslims [are] basically hard-right Christians…American [religious conservatives] may be more constrained by American society and laws than their Middle Eastern counterparts, but…their goals are the same.” This past weekend, one current and one former Daily Kos writer…

Dean: GOP Has Had ‘Strong Authoritarian Bent' 'for a Very Long Time'

November 27th, 2015 4:36 PM
Joining host Chris Hayes on Wednesday’s pre-Thanksgiving edition of MSNBC’s All In, MSNBC political analyst and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean tried to trash the Republican Party as nothing but “an authoritarian party” “for a very long time” due to their policy positions on voter I.D. and abortion to name a few.

Bozell & Graham Column: Liberals Losing the Culture Wars?

November 7th, 2015 8:00 AM
The libertine Left has done a lot of boasting over the last several years about the inevitability of History vanquishing every corner of American social conservatism. Election Day 2015 was a terrible day for these revolutionaries, as so often it is when it’s the American people, not liberal elites, making the decisions. Let's assess the damage.

'Late Night' Mocks Houston, Mike Huckabee After Transgender Ruling

November 5th, 2015 1:13 PM
Since Houston voters overwhelmingly rejected the “transgender bathroom rights” law known as “HERO” Tuesday night, the media have been frantically trying to spin the story as a case of anti-LGBT, religious extremists getting their way. NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers was no different, and, in a rant, the host found a way to bash both Houston voters and GOP candidate Mike Huckabee.