CNN's Brazile Slams 'Liar' Palin, 'You Don't Want to Mess with Me'

January 21st, 2016 8:54 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 and again on Thursday morning's At This Hour with Berman and Bolduan, liberal CNN political commentator Donna Brazile ranted against Sarah Palin's recent criticism of President Barack Obama as commander-in-chief, and called her a "liar" after the CNN commentator interpreted Palin's comments as blaming the President for her veteran son's…

Juan Williams: Republicans Are Responsible for 'Civility's Breakdown'

January 20th, 2016 1:40 PM
Poor President Barack Obama. Juan Williams, in a Monday column at The Hill, insists that "the president is not to blame for the rancor and polarization that have characterized his presidency," and "is not responsible for the unprecedented obstructionism employed by (Mitch) McConnell’s Senate Republicans." Why, In Williams's world, Obama has apparently been the very model of civility, while…

CNN's Begala Demonizes GOPers As Wanting to Jail Rape Victims

January 18th, 2016 10:25 AM
Appearing as a guest on Monday's New Day on CNN to discuss Sunday night's Democratic presidential debate, liberal CNN political commentator Paul Begala asserted that, in contrast to the Democratic debate, that the last GOP debate had been "hateful" in its battle between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. He went on to claim that Republicans argue about "who's going to be more extreme," adding, "if a…

No Surprise: Stephanopoulos Lobs Softballs at Hillary, Skips Benghazi

January 17th, 2016 6:16 PM
Hillary Clinton conducted interviews on four of the five major Sunday morning talk shows (the lone omission being Fox News Sunday) and while CNN’s Jake Tapper, NBC’s Chuck Todd, and even CBS’s John Dickerson asked questions of substance, the fourth interview offered a stark contrast with former Clinton official and Clinton Foundation donor George Stephanopoulos giving her a measly three questions…

'WADR' Gets MSM 'Blowback' for Reporting Chelsea's Attack on Sanders

January 13th, 2016 7:29 PM
Yesterday, we noted With All Due Respect's report on Chelsea Clinton's absurd attack on Bernie Sanders, in which Chelsea claimed Sanders would "strip millions and millions and millions of people of their health insurance." John Heilemann rightly called Chelsea's line a "lie." Today, Heilemann reported that he and co-host Mark Halperin have received "a lot of blowback," i.e. criticism, from fellow…

Heilemann: Chelsea's Health Insurance Attack on Sanders a 'Lie'

January 12th, 2016 7:33 PM
Proving that there is nothing and no one she won't sacrifice on the altar of her political ambition, Hillary Clinton today sent her daughter Chelsea out to smear Bernie Sanders by claiming his health care plan would "strip millions and millions and millions of people of their health insurance."  On today's With All Due Respect, Mark Halperin repeatedly said he was "stunned" by the attack. John…

Nets Punt on ObamaCare Repeal, Defund PP Vote Passing Congress

January 6th, 2016 9:14 PM
On Wednesday night, the major network evening newscasts all failed to cover the first full, successful congressional vote to repeal of ObamaCare and defund of Planned Parenthood that will go to President Obama’s desk where he’ll likely veto the measures seeking to undo his health care law and strike federal funding from the nation’s largest provider of abortions. Providing a more balanced…

‘Nightly Show’ Smears ‘Creepy’ Cruz; Will ‘Do Everything the KKK Does'

December 15th, 2015 2:50 AM
In what may be the worst series of attacks by the liberal media on Ted Cruz, Monday’s Nightly Show on Comedy Central featured host Larry Wilmore declaring that the “creepy” Cruz may be mentally disturbed with guest Aida Rodriguez firmly asserting that, if elected, Cruz’s agenda would be to “do everything the KKK does.” 

As Usual, AP Report on Deficit Omits Far Larger National Debt Increase

December 11th, 2015 5:37 PM
For a change, Martin Crutsinger's coverage at the Associated Press of the federal government's November Monthly Treasury Statement wasn't completely full of rose-colored baloney. Crutsinger managed to note how auto-pilot entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare are bankrupting the country (not in those words, of course). That said, he somehow thought that highlighting a rare and…

NY Times Covers, TV Scarce: Rubio’s ‘Quiet Sabotage’ of Obamacare

December 10th, 2015 2:54 PM
On Wednesday, The New York Times posted an article by reporter Robert Pear calling out Marco Rubio for taking the pen to Obamacare in the budget legislation from last year. On Thursday, it appeared on the front page with the headline “Rubio Measure Delivered a Blow to Healthy Law.”

AP Only Tells Readers That 'Several' Obamacare Co-ops Are 'Hurting'

November 21st, 2015 12:38 AM
The press's reluctance to relay Obamacare-related bad news has been obvious for years. Nowhere is this more consistently the case than at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press. Over half of the state non-profit co-ops set up under Obamacare with $2 billion-plus in taxayer funding are failing. The AP has generally treated those failures as local stories, even though they relate to…

ABC, NBC, Spanish Nets Skip United HealthCare Threat to Leave ACA

November 20th, 2015 3:07 PM
In the latest piece of ObamaCare news that the liberal media have chosen to ignore, ABC, NBC, and Spanish networks Telemundo and Univision skipped on Thursday night and Friday morning word from United HealthCare from Thursday that it may withdraw from ObamaCare exchanges in the future after reporting losses of around $700 million for the year.

ABC, CBS Ignore Supreme Court’s Decision to Hear New Case on ObamaCare

November 6th, 2015 8:40 PM
On Friday night, two of the three major broadcast networks saw no interest in telling their viewers that the Supreme Court of the United States had decided to accept another major case on the future of ObamaCare as the high court will hear arguments pertaining to the law’s contraception mandate. Surprisingly, NBC Nightly News not only covered it, but offered a full, one-minute-and-21-second…

AP Credited Ocare When Ariz. Co-op News Was Good, But Not As It Failed

November 5th, 2015 11:51 PM
Add Arizona's Meritus Health Partners to the growing list of Affordable Care Act co-op failures. The Daily Signal reports that this makes 11 of 23 such state Obamacare co-ops which will have closed their doors by the end of 2015 after three or fewer years in operation. The Associated Press, which, along with most of the rest of the establishment press, has been playing aggressive defense on…