La Raza

Univision News Predictably Trashes GOP Immigration Platform
July 14th, 2016 5:14 PM
As we have noted previously, the wildest instances of bias by Univision News are now reflected on the network's digital platform. The latest instance comes via its coverage of the Republican National Convention's platform plank on the issue most essential to Univision's long-term survival: immigration.

Univision baja el tono para fallo del Supremo en caso de aborto de TX
June 30th, 2016 7:59 AM
Estos días, lo que es la marca de Noticias Univisión gira en torno a la estridencia con la que cubre el tema migratorio. Sin embargo, es fascinante ver a la cadena tratar de ocultar sus sesgos a la hora de cubrir otros casos controversiales, como vemos en su cobertura del fallo emitido por el Tribunal Supremo en el caso de aborto de Texas.

Jorge Ramos ve racismo tras fallo DAPA y triunfo Brexit
June 29th, 2016 11:12 AM
El presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos se ha dignado en brindarnos su opinión más reciente. En el transcurso de hacerlo, busca la manera de entrelazarla con la política presidencial actual, y señala al responsable de siempre.

Jorge Ramos on Immigration, Brexit: It’s All Racism!
June 29th, 2016 9:00 AM
Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos has seen fit to grace us with his latest hot take. In the process, he finds a way to tie that into the politics surrounding the current presidential election, blaming a very familiar culprit.

Top Spanish Nets Bent Out of Shape Over Immigration Ruling
June 28th, 2016 7:33 PM
Rage was evidently the order of the day for the hosts of Univision and Telemundo’s weekly public affairs shows, when they dedicated most of their programs to the subject of the failure of President Obama’s 2014 executive actions on immigration to be upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.

DAPAgeddon: Spanish Nets Sold Viewers A Bill Of Goods And Fell Short
June 26th, 2016 11:27 PM
DAPAgeddon arrived last Thursday, in the form of the Supreme Court's ruling against the Obama Administration's executive amnesties, and news coverage was as awful as one would expect. The time has now come for our domestic Spanish-language media to reflect on its role in the toxic political environment surrounding immigration policy and the coverage it receives therein.

Jorge Ramos acusa de racismo a Donald Trump
June 15th, 2016 3:23 PM
Como era de esperar, como consecuencia del cuestionamiento del aspirante presidencial republicano Donald Trump a la imparcialidad del juez federal estadounidense de herencia mexicana que preside el juicio contra la Universidad Trump, Jorge Ramos de Univisión vuelve a la carga describiendo a Trump como un racista total.

Ramos Runs With Racist Charge Against Trump
June 14th, 2016 8:00 PM
Predictably, in the wake of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s public questioning of the impartiality of the Mexican-American federal judge who is presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos is now off and running with his characterization of Trump as a God-awful racist.

The Prop 187-ing of America
June 10th, 2016 4:03 PM
Univision anchor Jorge Ramos recently sat down for an interview with the Los Angeles Times, which was later rebroadcast in podcast format. Part of his responses are more of the same, but there are statements that should raise a huge red flag.
Obama, Immigration Propaganda and Our National Identity
June 8th, 2016 8:38 PM
Just when you think the Hollywood left might be showing some independence from the Obama White House, it once again falls in line to mouth its propaganda. Just kidding. No one believes that Hollywood leftists think independently.

Trump, The Mexican-American Judge, and the 'Wise Latina'
June 4th, 2016 3:34 PM
The virulently anti-Trump Washington Post has just illustrated how the game of racializing the judiciary is played.
The other day Donald Trump began criticizing the judge in the Trump University case being brought against him. He pointed out that the Judge was “Mexican.” U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, born in Indiana, is indeed of Mexican parentage. The Post headlined their front page story…

Univision Misrepresents Ties To New RNC Hispanic Media Boss
June 3rd, 2016 12:04 AM
Sometimes, you can just look at a story as it unspools and know, instinctively, that the corrupt establishment media is going to find a way to embarrass itself. Univision is no different, the latest proof of that coming via the network's brazen material misrepresentation of its former relationship with the RNC's new Director of Hispanic Media, Helen Aguirre-Ferré.

Cadenas hispanas dan enfoque distinto al Dia de la Recordacion
May 31st, 2016 11:59 PM
En MRC Latino, encontramos áreas similares de oportunidad a la hora de senalar los sesgos particulares de nuestra prensa doméstica de habla hispana. Sin embargo, hay ocasiones en las cuales las cadenas le dan cobertura tan distinta al mismo suceso, que nos obliga a prestarle atención. Tal instancia fue la cobertura de los actos del Día de Recordación en Cinco Puntos en Los Angeles, los cuales…