CNN's Louis: 'Benghazi-Like Mistake' for GOP to Press Clinton Emails

Erik Wemple Urges MSM to 'Slam Hillary Clinton Over Emails'

Bozell: Even Media Will Have Tough Time Spinning Hillary as Innocent

ABC Hypes ‘Clinton Allies’: In November ‘No One’ Will Recall FBI Probe

Andrea Mitchell Resents the FBI for ‘Spoiling’ Hillary’s Special Day

ABC Cuts Raddatz Tagging Hillary ‘Crooked’ While Reading Trump Tweet

Nets Fail to Compare FBI’s ‘Extremely Careless’ Claim with Written Law
Major news broke Tuesday when FBI Director James Comey held a press conference to announce his recommendation to not prosecute Hillary Clinton for her E-Mail practices. The recommendation comes even as Comey read off a laundry list of questionable activity by Clinton and her people, and excused it because he did not see any intent to break the law. Yet the “big three” news networks ran with…

CNN, MSNBC Gush: 'Ebullient' Obama's Unlike 'Anyone We've Ever Seen'

CNN's Beckel Likens Boosters of Clinton E-Mail Scandal To Birthers

Mitchell, Guests Complain FBI Move Would Overshadow Obama Rally

Journalists Scoff at 'Bitter' Right After FBI Recommends No Charges

CNN Trumpets 'Enormous Relief' For Hillary; 'Huge Burden...Off'

MSNBC Spins: ‘Hard for Anybody’ to Think That ‘The System Is Rigged'