Iovi Et Bovi: The Teflon Hillary Standard

July 6th, 2016 1:14 PM
There is a classic Latin epigram about double standards that resounds in the aftermath of the FBI's surrender this week to the corruptocracy: "Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi."

NBC: With No Charges, ‘Can Clinton Finally Put' E-Mails 'Behind' Her?

July 6th, 2016 1:05 PM
Right off the top of NBC’s Today on Wednesday, the focus of Hillary Clinton not being indicted for her private e-mail servers scandal was not on the FBI Director James Comey’s rebuke of her year-long-plus talking points but instead harping on Donald Trump “crying foul” and hoping that Tuesday marked a chance for Clinton to “finally put the controversy behind” her.

CNN's Louis: 'Benghazi-Like Mistake' for GOP to Press Clinton Emails

July 6th, 2016 1:01 PM
On Wednesday's New Day, CNN political commentator Errol Louis dismissed Republicans who wish to further pursue the Hillary Clinton email server scandal as "partisans," and ended up warning that it would be a "huge" and "Benghazi-like mistake" for them to do so, as he asserted that "this is always the trap that Clinton's opponents fall into, is that they sort of overstate it."

Erik Wemple Urges MSM to 'Slam Hillary Clinton Over Emails'

July 6th, 2016 12:38 PM
Hey Andrea Mitchell! You are being challenged to ask probing questions of Hillary Clinton in the wake of FBI Director James Comey's scathing report about her State Department emails yesterday. Is it some "vicious rightwinger" calling out Andrea Mitchell? Nope. It is Erik Wemple of the Washington Post who has urged the mainstream media in general, and Andrea Mitchell in particular, to ask Hillary…

Bozell: Even Media Will Have Tough Time Spinning Hillary as Innocent

July 6th, 2016 12:38 PM
Media Research Center President Brent Bozell on Wednesday explained that even journalists are having a tough time spinning the FBI’s decision not to pursue criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. Analyzing the response, Bozell explained, “What you got from ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN were variations of ‘she can breathe a sigh of relief,’ which is another way of saying ‘we can breathe a sigh of…

ABC Hypes ‘Clinton Allies’: In November ‘No One’ Will Recall FBI Probe

July 6th, 2016 11:31 AM
Former Bill Clinton operative turned Good Morning America co-host George Stephanopoulos on Wednesday breathed a sigh of relief as the FBI recommended no criminal prosecution for Hillary Clinton. To be clear, Stephanopoulos offered tough words, calling the findings “scathing” and “blockbuster” in their content. But he also exhaled, “You hear a lot of Clinton allies suggesting that five months from…

Andrea Mitchell Resents the FBI for ‘Spoiling’ Hillary’s Special Day

July 6th, 2016 12:29 AM
Andrea Mitchell couldn’t hold in her displeasure for the FBI Tuesday night during NBC’s Nightly News. The professional journalist continued to whine about how the FBI’s announcement, to not indict Hillary Clinton with a felony, “spoiled” her big day. “The FBI's bombshell announcement spoiling what President Obama and Hillary Clinton were hoping would be the political picture of the day, stepping…

ABC Cuts Raddatz Tagging Hillary ‘Crooked’ While Reading Trump Tweet

July 6th, 2016 12:08 AM
Maybe, as the meme says, Donald Trump really is "living rent-free in the heads of the media and liberals everywhere." On Sunday's This Week show on ABC, show host Martha Raddatz read the presumptive GOP nominee's tweet wondering how the FBI could possibly not "recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton." Raddatz, while reading the full tweet, said, "against crooked Hillary Clinton." "…

Nets Fail to Compare FBI’s ‘Extremely Careless’ Claim with Written Law

July 5th, 2016 11:20 PM
Major news broke Tuesday when FBI Director James Comey held a press conference to announce his recommendation to not prosecute Hillary Clinton for her E-Mail practices. The recommendation comes even as Comey read off a laundry list of questionable activity by Clinton and her people, and excused it because he did not see any intent to break the law. Yet the “big three” news networks ran with the…

CNN, MSNBC Gush: 'Ebullient' Obama's Unlike 'Anyone We've Ever Seen'

July 5th, 2016 5:44 PM
CNN and MSNBC could barely contain their excitement in the moments following Tuesday’s Hillary Clinton rally featuring President Obama on the heels of the FBI deciding not to recommend charges in her e-mail scandal as MSNBC’s Brian Williams and CNN’s Jim Sciutto seemed to be acting as though Obama was still the candidate (and not Clinton).

CNN's Beckel Likens Boosters of Clinton E-Mail Scandal To Birthers

July 5th, 2016 5:27 PM
On Tuesday's At This Hour, CNN's Bob Beckel did his best to spin the latest developments in the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal, and likened the conservative boosters of the issue to those who doubt President Obama's natural-born citizenship: "Bill Clinton meeting with the attorney general at the airport....I don't agree with people about this being an unfortunate moment for Obama and Clinton. I…

Mitchell, Guests Complain FBI Move Would Overshadow Obama Rally

July 5th, 2016 3:34 PM
NBC News Clinton campaign correspondent Andrea Mitchell anchored her MSNBC show from Charlotte and spent the hour repeatedly complaining and lamenting with an array of guests that FBI Director James Comey’s announcement about Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal has overshadowed the Clinton/President Obama rally and that it was supposed to be “the day” of days.

Journalists Scoff at 'Bitter' Right After FBI Recommends No Charges

July 5th, 2016 3:06 PM
This morning FBI director James Comey recommended to the Department of Justice that no criminal charges be made against Hillary Clinton after concluding their investigation into her private email server. This news evoked strong opinions on either side of the political aisle and some journalists didn’t even pretend to be anything but biased, evidenced by their reaction on Twitter.

CNN Trumpets 'Enormous Relief' For Hillary; 'Huge Burden...Off'

July 5th, 2016 2:32 PM
On Tuesday, CNN's David Chalian and Jeffrey Toobin played up FBI Director James Comey's recommendation that no criminal charges be filed against Hillary Clinton related to her e-mail scandal. Chalian underlined that "this is a huge burden lifted off of Hillary Clinton's back...Now, she can begin to look forward to November without this hanging over her head." Toobin touted the "enormous relief...…