
CBS Questions Hillary Over E-Mail Scandal; NBC Goes Softer On Her

July 8th, 2016 11:45 PM
The Big Three networks' evening newscasts on Friday each treated Hillary Clinton different with regard to the FBI closing their investigation into her e-mail scandal. ABC's David Muir didn't mention the subject at all on World News Tonight. On NBC Nightly News, Lester Holt placed the onus on FBI Director James Comey, instead of Mrs. Clinton, on the issue: "Did he get it right; and if not, where…

Blitzer Presses Hillary on E-Mails; She Sticks To Discredited Points

July 8th, 2016 7:03 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer refreshingly pursued Hillary Clinton on Friday's The Lead over her e-mail scandal. Blitzer twice quoted from FBI Director James Comey: "You acted — in his an 'extremely careless' way in handling classified, sensitive information. Do you acknowledge you were extremely careless?" He later asked, "He said someone in your position as secretary of state should have known…

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: Actually, There Is Precedent to Go After Hillary

July 8th, 2016 10:18 AM
On Thursday, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell appeared on Morning Joe to dissect Hillary Clinton’s lucky break from the FBI. What struck O’Donnell was the notion of precedent, or a lack thereof, in finding a single similar case that supported criminal charges for Clinton’s private server. Unlike FBI Director James Comey, MSNBC’s O’Donnell believed the plea and pardon of former CIA Director John Deutch…

Todd Spars with Jordan; Is Hillary Clinton 'Being Over-Targeted?'

July 7th, 2016 11:12 PM
Only minutes after MSNBC’s MTP Daily host Chuck Todd proclaimed on Thursday that Republicans may have “inadvertently helped Hillary Clinton” concerning her e-mail scandal with the FBI Director James Comey’s hearing, Todd brought on Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (Ohio) to question whether or not Clinton “is being over-targeted” by Republicans.

Todd Wonders If GOP ‘Inadvertently Helped Hillary’ By Holding Hearing

July 7th, 2016 7:06 PM
Meet the Press moderator and MSNBC’s MTP Daily host Chuck Todd led off the Thursday edition of the latter show by playing the consistently-played and tired line by the liberal media that Republicans are running the risk of or already have overplayed their hands when it comes to Hillary Clitnon’s e-mail scandal. 

Joe Scarborough: Keep Clinton ‘1000 Miles’ From Classified Info

July 7th, 2016 4:45 PM
The discussion of FBI Director Comey’s controversial decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton for her private server raged on Thursday’s Morning Joe. Opinions swirled around the table over Clinton’s flagrant mishandling of classified information. Surprisingly, the liberal Mika Brzezinski repeatedly referred to panelists as being “hostages [to the Clintons] for thirty years who don’t know how to…

Wallace: Comey Was ‘The Only Hero’ at Hearing During ‘Sad Situation'

July 7th, 2016 3:42 PM
MSNBC quickly dispatched with Thursday’s four-hour-plus House Oversight Committee hearing featuring FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal in favor of covering the police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota, but not before political analyst and former Bush official Nicolle Wallace could decry the hearing as a “sad situation and state of affairs.” Dubbing Comey “the only…

Media, It Comes Down to This: Yes, Hillary Gave Classified Data Away

July 7th, 2016 2:48 PM
FBI Director James Comey on Thursday testified for hours on why he recommended no charges against Hillary Clinton. But his testimony can be boiled down to this tense exchange with Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz: Yes, Hillary gave classified data away to people who shouldn’t have it. When journalists cover the hearings, will they focus on this exchange?

Lefty Pundit: ‘Ridiculous’ to Wonder Why Hillary Wasn’t Charged

July 6th, 2016 10:00 PM
It was “friggin’ obvious” that Hillary Clinton wasn’t going to face criminal charges related to her private email server, and the media dropped the ball by not making that clear, argued Talking Points Memo editor and publisher Marshall in a Tuesday post. “Given what we knew, criminal charges weren't even in the realm of reasonable consideration,” he stated. “You could find this out with just a…

CNN's Toobin Jabs GOP 'Publicity Hounds,' Schooled by Guest on Clinton

July 6th, 2016 9:58 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, after CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin agreed with Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News that FBI director James Comey was right not to push for indicting Hillary Clinton, fellow guest and former supervisory federal prosecutor Marc Mukasey argued in favor of Clinton's indictment, recalling that prosecutors do not have to follow precedent like judges. Toobin got in a jab at…

Shock: AP Spotlights 'Collapse' of Hillary Clinton's E-Mail Excuses

July 6th, 2016 3:58 PM
Stephen Braun and Jack Gillum touted how "key assertions by Hillary Clinton in defense of her email practices have collapsed under FBI scrutiny" in a Tuesday "fact check" for the Associated Press. Braun and Gillum examined several of Mrs. Clinton's key contentions in recent months regarding her e-mail scandal, and detailed the facts contrary to each of her statements. The two also pointed out…

MSNBC’s Sam Stein Whines: Comey ‘Was a Little Unfair’ to Clinton

July 6th, 2016 3:55 PM
In the aftermath of FBI Director James Comey’s decision not to recommend Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for her private server, there have been varied reactions from the media. Wednesday on Morning Joe, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski condemned not only Clinton but the entire Obama Administration in their handling of the scandal. Even panelists Nicolle Wallace and Mark Halperin shared…

Mitchell Is Still Fretting Over Hillary's Week Being Muddied by FBI

July 6th, 2016 3:35 PM
Despite covering both Hillary Clinton’s Tuesday rally with President Obama and her Wednesday speech in Atlantic City, NBC News correspondent/MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell and her colleagues were still harping Wednesday afternoon on their narrative that FBI Director James Comey’s announcement has “overshadowed” Clinton’s campaign and what “was supposed to be a triumphant week.”

CNN Gushes Over Obama 'Cheerleading' With 'Energy' for Hillary

July 6th, 2016 1:24 PM
CNN's Michele Kosinski hit the Obama administration from the left on Wednesday's New Day over not publicly reacting to the FBI's decision to not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton over her e-mail scandal. Kosinski touted "the pictures Hillary Clinton's campaign has been waiting for — the arrival with the President on Air Force One" but bemoaned how "this came after a surreal day in…