
Mark Levin: FBI Interference ‘Worse Than Russians Could Have Dreamed’

June 15th, 2018 4:21 PM

Hours after the U.S. Inspector General office released a report on Thursday regarding liberal media bias in the Department of Justice and the FBI, radio host Mark Levin used an appearance on that day’s edition of Fox News Channel’s Hannity program to address the fact that “those people had as their purpose to interfere” with the 2016 presidential election. As if that wasn’t shocking enough,…


Gagliano Unloads: Comey Brought in ‘Callow,’ ‘Inexperienced’ People

June 15th, 2018 1:59 PM

Appearing on CNN shows Thursday night and Friday morning, law enforcement analyst and former FBI Supervisory Special Agent James Gagliano slammed former FBI Director James Comey in context of the Justice Department’s IG report for having been “the least equipped lifeguard” to lead the FBI who “created a culture around him of young, callow, inexperienced agents.”


ABC Skips Rogue FBI Agent’s Texts, NBC Thinks Hillary Is Real Victim

June 15th, 2018 12:38 PM

ABC on Friday breathlessly reported on the “bombshell” Inspector General report, but the network skipped the revelation that an FBI agent vowed to “stop” Donald Trump’s 2016 victory. Over on NBC, Chuck Todd insisted that the real victim of all of this was Hillary Clinton. 


Tapper: The Real Consequence of Strzok’s Bias Gave Us President Trump

June 15th, 2018 12:50 AM
With the Justice Department's Inspector General rocking Washington, D.C. on Thursday with a damning report exposing the anti-Trump bias of senior FBI investigators, many in the liberal media were desperate to spin the findings to fit their narrative. During CNN's The Lead, host Jake Tapper took one of the greatest leaps and suggested that the consequence of biased FBI members was the election of…

ABC, CBS Try to Shield Mueller Investigation from FBI Agent’s Lib Bias

June 14th, 2018 10:02 PM
The Department of Justice's Inspector General dropped a bombshell report on Washington, D.C. on Thursday which detailed their deep dive into the FBI’s handling of the Clinton e-mail probe. It found that former FBI Director James Comey was insubordinate, validating President Trump’s decision to fire him, but it also found that a small group of FBI agents had it out to get candidate Trump. Despite…

WOW: I.G. Report Finds FBI Agents Received ‘Benefits’ from Journalists

June 14th, 2018 4:38 PM
First reported by The Daily Caller’s Joe Simonson, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General report on the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe found on Thursday that not only were “numerous FBI frequent contact with reporters” when they shouldn’t have been, but they “improperly receiv[ed] benefits from reporters,” including food, golf trips, and tickets to sporting events.

CNN Frets WH Will ‘Seize’ Upon I.G. Report, ‘Take’ a ‘Victory Lap’

June 14th, 2018 3:51 PM

Moments after Thursday’s long-awaited release of the Department of Justice Inspector General report on the FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation, a CNN Newsroom panel dismissed it as a “mild” report in which “[t]he other shoe didn’t drop” and will provide “[p]lenty of ammunition for both sides.” However, they fretted that the White House will “seize” on its findings and “…


‘You Don’t Have a Right to Know’ Why FBI Spied, Says Legal Analyst

June 14th, 2018 3:10 PM

On Wednesday evening, Tucker Carlson grilled former Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Goldman about the FBI’s use of a paid informant to spy on the Trump campaign. Goldman rebuffed the Fox News host’s inquiries into why the FBI had employed such a tactic, at one point scolding him, “You don’t have a right to know.” 


ABC & CBS Ignore Mueller’s Public Image Hitting All-Time Low

June 14th, 2018 11:05 AM
On Thursday, while reporting on the latest developments in the Russia investigation, neither ABC’s Good Morning America nor CBS This Morning made any mention of a new poll showing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s favorability with the American people dropping to lowest level since the probe began over a year ago. NBC’s Today show did manage to note the survey, but only for a mere 17 seconds.

GMA Ignores Report of Senate Staffer Leaking Info to NYT Reporter

June 8th, 2018 1:02 PM
Friday morning, ABC News ignored a story that broke overnight that revealed how some reporters were using unethical means to obtain and leak information about the Trump Administration. The Justice Department announced late Thursday that the former head of security for the Senate Intelligence Committee, James Wolfe, was arrested and indicted for lying to the FBI about his leaking of information to…

CBS, NBC Skip News of DOJ Watchdog Finding Comey ‘Insubordinate’

June 7th, 2018 9:53 PM
On Wednesday, media outlets began reporting of a draft Justice Department Inspector General report floating around that was highly critical of former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. But come Thursday evening, both CBS and NBC failed to mention it even though they each had the opportunity to report the development during two of evening broadcasts and their…

Camerota Suggests Accidental Shooting Undermines 'Good Guy With a Gun'

June 4th, 2018 10:24 AM
On Monday morning, as CNN's New Day show highlighted video of an FBI agent accidentally shooting someone in a Denver nightclub while dancing flamboyantly, co-host Alisyn Camerota suggested that the video undermine's the NRA's argument that "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," as she discussed the news with co-host John Berman. By contrast, although Fox and Friends…

Byron York: Key Claims in Dec. NY Times Trump-Russia Story Are False

June 2nd, 2018 1:33 PM
Friday evening, Fox News's Martha MacCallum interviewed Washington Examiner chief political correspondent Byron York. In that interview's second half, the pair discussed new information which contradicts key contentions about "How the (Trump)-Russia inquiry began" made in a December New York Times story. That story claimed that the investigation began as a result of a May 2016 "heavy drinking"…

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough Again Slams Opponents as 'Too Stupid'

May 24th, 2018 7:06 PM
Put simply, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough has a very nasty habit. When someone disagrees with him, he often resorts to hammering that person as being either “too stupid” or “too incompetent” to be taken seriously. That pattern of behavior continued on Wednesday, when the former Republican stated that “you’re too stupid to handle household appliances” if you believe there was a…