Barrett Nomination

Dictionary Changes Definition of ‘Sexual Preference’ To Smear ACB
The left is all about changing the rules of the game when their play is less than quality. They need to change the rules of the Presidential Debate so that Biden can skate by, they need to add more members to SCOTUS so they can rule their way, AND they need to change the definition of words in order to malign SCOTUS nom Amy Coney Barrett because her professional and personal record is too…
SHOCK: NBC Shoots Down Dem Claims ACB on Mission to Nix ObamaCare
As ABC became an active mouthpiece for the fearmongering of Senate Democrats in the confirmation process of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, and CBS falsely claimed she was “dodging questions” on how she would rule, NBC Justice correspondent Pete Williams took to Tuesday’s Nightly News and largely dismantled the Democratic suggestion that the Judge would deal the death…

CNN's Avlon Wails: Barrett Sitting in 'Stolen' Federal Court Seat!
Since the death of Justice Ginsburg and the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, leftist networks and Democrats have tried a plethora of attacks to stop or block the nomination. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has called the process ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘distorting democracy’. During the Senate confirmation hearing, his vice presidential nominee, Senator Kamala Harris, decried it as an illegitimate…

CNN Hysteria: Barrett 'Spells Doom' for Abortion; Hearings: Dangerous
CNN’s New Day was on full offensive Monday morning in the minutes leading up to Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. In the span of about ten minutes they laid out attacks on Barrett and Senate Republicans. One notable thing, they did not even mention the excellent credentials of the judge or that she is extremely qualified to sit on the Court. Instead, New Day co-host…
‘Dodging Questions’: CBS Anchor Smears ACB for Obeying ‘Ginsburg Rule'
Ever since the vile left invented the idea of “Borking” a judicial nominee in the late 1980s, it has been the precedent that nominees would not comment on how they would rule on any given topic. It was Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s staunch application of the precedent that gave it the name “the Ginsburg Rule.” Even recent judicial nominee has adhered to this precedent, yet according to CBS Evening…

Can’t Touch This! Hollywood Struggles To Hurt Amy Coney Barrett
Supreme Court Justice Nominee Amy Coney Barrett is just too good. Not only is she a God-fearing conservative with pro-life views and seven children, she’s the reached the heights of career success that most secular liberal women only dream of.

NYT Attacks ACB's Faith: Barrett Is Successful Despite Catholicism
Well if you can’t really attack Amy Coney Barrett’s character both as a woman at the pinnacle of career success and a mother to seven children, have a go at her Catholic faith.
OSU Star At Pence Rally, But So Were Dems Dissing GOP
Cardale Jones, one of the heroes of Ohio State's 2014 national championship football team, appeared at Vice President Mike Pence's Monday rally in Columbus, but USA Today Sports's story on the event was light on the football star's presence and top-heavy on attacks by opponents of the Republican ticket.

CNN Expresses Outrage: Barrett Will Not Be a Liberal Judicial Activist
CNN concluded its day one coverage of Amy Coney Barret’s confirmation hearing by expressing outrage over her stance on judicial activism. After gushing over Democratic Vice-Presidential Nominee and Kamala Harris’s opening statement, CNN weekday host Brianna Keilar brought in a panel to attack Barrett for following in the philosophy of the late Justice Scalia. CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey…
Dems This, Dems That: ABC Boasts Dems ‘Remarkably United’ Against ACB
Monday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court was attended by Republicans, Democrats, and the Judge herself. But the coverage of the event, during ABC’s World News Tonight, sounded more like a highlight reel for the left. Senior national correspondent Terry Moran repeatedly boasted ‘Democrats this’ and ‘Democrats that’ while…

AP Backs Down from Trying to Spin Court-Packing as 'Depoliticizing' It
Nick Givas at Fox News reported editors at the Associated Press were pressured to add an editor's note to a story about the Supreme Court on Saturday, trying to spin the idea of "packing the court" as "depoliticizing" it.
CBS, NBC Condemn ‘Conservative Judge’ ACB as ‘Threat’ to Lib Polices
With the radical left swarming during day one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News used their Monday newscasts to amplify the crazy and condemn the “conservative judge” as a threat to the country, the sick, and women.

MSNBC: GOP ‘Religious Argument’ on ACB a ‘Straw Man’ (It's Not)
"Strawman," that was the word of the hour on MSNBC's halftime show during Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing on Monday. The alleged strawman was cited by congressional reporter Garrett Haake, host Chuck Todd, and Biden campaign reporter Mike Memoli who claimed that Republicans are lying that the left is seeking apply a religious test to Barrett.

‘Pretty Stunning’; CNN Marvels at ‘Emphatic’ Harris Attacking Barrett
Aside from the opening statements by Senate Judiciary Committee leadership, CNN had ignored day one of Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing. Instead, they spent another Monday trying to fear-monger on coronavirus. But that changed when vice presidential candidate and Senator Kamala Harris got her turn as CNN Newsroom jumped in so they could marvel at Harris’s “pretty…