
Kathy Griffin Hasn’t Learned a Thing From Sick Trump Picture
September 2nd, 2017 12:15 PM
Kathy Griffin is sorry that she’s sorry. And this time she means it. Really. Griffin is on a new media tour. Call it the Anti-Apology Offensive. The comedienne drew flack earlier this year for holding President Trump’s bloody head in the air as part of an edgy photo shoot. The moment took plenty of planning, complete with a wink-wink release of the visual to

AP, NYT Fail to Report Govt.'s 2016 Antifa 'Domestic Terrorist' Tag
September 1st, 2017 11:53 PM
Early on Friday, Politico's Josh Meyer reported that the Department of Homeland Security had formally classified the activities of the left-wing and anarchist-driven movement known as "antifa" as "domestic terrorist violence" — in April 2016. Yes, during the Obama administration, which chose to keep this assessment hidden. In other words, DHS privately acknowledged for well over a year that…

Daily Show's Noah Mocks: Antifa Looking More Like 'Vegan ISIS'
September 1st, 2017 5:00 PM
Liberal Daily Show host Trevor Noah did what few on the left have done so far, on his August 31 show: He actually condemned the radical leftist antifa group for resorting to violence. While many on the left turn a blind eye at the group’s insistence and justification for their violent tactics, Noah called them out on it: “You don't realize when you think you are punching Nazis, you don't realize…

CNN Host Speaks at Berkeley Rally Marred by Antifa Violence
September 1st, 2017 1:59 PM
At the top of his Thursday night show on Fox News, Tucker Carlson criticized CNN host W. Kamau Bell for speaking on Sunday at a leftist “anti-hate” rally in Berkeley that included Antifa black-bloc types who later turned violent against some pro-Trump activists. CNN did not respond to Fox's requests for comment or an interview.

Local News Anchor Tells of 'Experiencing Hate Firsthand' from Antifa
August 31st, 2017 10:52 PM
It’s amazing, but someone in the media actually wrote something about how awful Antifa is – and gave a firsthand account. Frank Somerville anchors the 5, 6, and 10 p.m. news on KTVU in San Francisco, posted about the following experience he had at a Berkley protest. On his Facebook page, Somerville posted an article on how he “experienced hate firsthand” and “…it came from these people dressed in…

Two Weeks Since First Promoting Antifa, Chuck Todd Still Silent
August 31st, 2017 12:21 AM
It was two weeks ago Wednesday when NBC News Moderator Chuck Todd first elevated the radical and violent left-wing group known as Antifa on MTP Daily following the violent clashes in Charlottesville. And since then, Antifa was reported to have thrown bottles of urine at Boston police, assaulted an older woman, and beaten peaceful Trump supporters in Berkley. And despite the fact that Democratic…

‘The Fosters’ Features Teen Trans Sex, Pits 'Deplorables' vs. 'Antifa'
August 30th, 2017 12:54 AM
The Fosters loves to push teenage sexual activity, all things LGBT and the liberal agenda, so it came as no surprise that the relationship between sixteen-year-old high school student Callie and her college-age transgender "boyfriend" Aaron has been "consummated" before Callie heads to a college protest in the August 29th episode of Freeform’s The Fosters.

WashPost Humorist Trashes Antifa as 'Human Stink Potatoes'
August 29th, 2017 1:05 PM
Washington Post Magazine humorist Gene Weingarten identifies himself as an unapologetic liberal. On Twitter, he recently challenged President Trump (and then William Shatner) to a duel. So it might be surprising that in his online chat on the Post website on Tuesday, Weingarten began with a strong denunciation of Antifa as "human stink potatoes" who are "a larger threat to all of us" than Nazis…

HLN Panel Tears Into 'Borderline Terrorists Group' Antifa for Violence
August 29th, 2017 12:19 AM
Over the weekend, the radical leftist group known as Antifa descended on a right-wing rally in Berkeley, California to violently shut down the free speech rights of any who didn’t agree with their twisted worldview. And after turning a blind eye to their tactics, or in some cases promoting it, the liberal media appeared to have finally caught on to Antifa’s extremism. On HLN’s S.E. Cupp…

CBS Spins Left-Wing Violence: ‘Demonstrators’ vs. ‘Right Wingers’
August 28th, 2017 11:03 AM
Who were the combatants at a rally on Sunday in California? According to CBS This Morning, Monday, it was a “right-wing demonstration” by “right-wingers.” Instead of labeling left wingers who attacked them, reporter Margaret Brennan only identified “anarchists.”

NPR Cites Antifa to Smear Conservative Bay Area Group as 'Alt-Right'
August 25th, 2017 7:47 PM
Friday's Morning Edition on NPR hyped two "far-right" protests planned in the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday and Sunday. However, the public radio network improperly labeled Patriot Prayer, the group behind one of the demonstrations, as "alt-right." In fact, the controversial liberal Southern Poverty Law Center "does not list Patriot Prayer as such, nor is [founder Joey] Gibson considered an…

Trump Attacks on Media Drive NYT Hysterical: 'Will Get People Hurt'
August 24th, 2017 1:56 PM
New York Times media reporter Jim Rutenberg dominated the front page of Business Day Thursday, showing his paranoia toward Trump and his media-loathing fans in “Target Practice – Trump’s latest attack on journalism has a particularly ugly edge.” His colleague, columnist Nicholas Kristof, warned that "Trump will get people hurt" with his rhetorical attacks on his enemies in the press.
Charlottesville Donnybrook
August 23rd, 2017 6:08 PM
Charlottesville, Virginia, a city named after Britain's first black queen, was the scene of a bloody riot Saturday, Aug. 12. The fray resulted in the death of one woman, who was mowed down by a car; plus, there were many other people injured. Have politicians and the news media told the correct and complete story about what happened, or have Americans been deliberately misled?

Reuters Tweet Calls Phoenix Anti-Trump Protesters 'Peace Activists'
August 23rd, 2017 4:15 PM
Wednesday morning at 12:05 a.m. Eastern Time (9:05 p.m. Tuesday Phoenix time), Reuters tweeted a photo with the following description: "Pro-Trump supporters face off with peace activists during protests outside a Trump rally in Phoenix." The photo by the wire service's Sandy Huffaker also appears in a photo montage at the UK Guardian with the caption "Pro-Trump supporters face off with peace…