2020 Republican convention

The 2024 GOP Convention Is Still Happening. Here’s What to Expect
A review of coverage of past GOP conventions shows the establishment press consistently malign Republicans as an extremist, racist, sexist, mean-spirited mob that must be defeated at all costs.
Twitter Moments Promotes DNC Convention Five Times More than RNC
Twitter isn’t just more favorable to the left — it’s wildly more supportive. The company’s trend-setting Twitter Moments account gave massively more favorable attention to the Democrat National Convention over the Republican convention.
During the RNC and the DNC conventions,…

NewsBusters Podcast: COVID Double Standards Outside in Washington D.C.
In the latest edition of the NewsBusters podcast, Executive Editor Tim Graham tackles the dramatic double standard in comparing President Trump's big convention speech on the south lawn of the White House, compared to a large leftist anti-police protest in Washington the very next afternoon.

Nasty CNN Spews HATE at Black Republicans: RNC Diversity 'A Mirage'
After President Trump spoke with reporters at Joint Base Andrews on Tuesday, CNN Newsroom host John King condemned him for exclusively focusing on matters of law and order to the exclusion of race-based police shootings and that efforts to portray a diverse party at the RNC were 'a mirage.'

From the NY Times, With Hate: Mussolini, Jonestown, Fascism at RNC
On the fourth and last night of the Republican National Convention, the New York Times strangely issued fact checks not just for facts, but for warnings and predictions from Republican speakers if Democrats won the presidency. And each night, the paper’s team of live commentators offered gross, personal insults to the speakers: "...on the first day of the R.N.C. we witnessed a cult…

Slimy Oliver: Racist RNC Made a ‘F***ing Threat’ Against USA
In the past few weeks, we’ve seen late night “comedy” descend into a total abandonment of jokes as well as an endorsement of Joe Biden. The complete partisanship continued Sunday night as far-left host John Oliver accused the racist GOP of…

MSNBC Republican Who Oversaw Crushing GOP Landslide Defeat Has Advice
MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace may have abandoned the Republican Party, but the 2008 McCain/Palin operative, on Monday had advice for her old party: Avoid the “dark underbelly” of the “right-wing coalition.” Talking about Joe Biden’s campaign speech in Pittsburgh, Wallace lectured the GOP: “Having worked on Republican campaigns, the three things you try not to talk about in the last 70 days, even…

UNFAIR! MSNBC Heckled GOP Convention With 200 Minutes of Interruptions
While cable news let the Democratic convention run without any significant interruption, CNN and MSNBC refused to give the same consideration to Republicans, stepping over the party-produced content to deplore and criticize what viewers were trying to watch. The interruptions on MSNBC, in fact, were 600 TIMES greater during the Republican convention (201 minutes) than during the Democratic…

Deranged MSNBC Pundit Goes On Hateful Rant Against Trump Voters
On Saturday’s AM Joy, MSNBC fill-in host Zerlina Maxwell conspired with radical leftist authors Jon Meacham and Brittney Cooper to spew hatred towards President Trump and his supporters. Maxwell set up Cooper to go on an insane rant by accusing Trump of “brutally treating black and brown people.” Cooper responded with vile, woke rhetoric that claiming Trump supporters are “rooted in…

NYT’s Sexist Takeaway From RNC: Attacks Tiffany, Ivanka, and Guilfoyle
New York Times “writer at large” Sarah Lyall issued a snotty, sexist story for Saturday’s edition, “The Trump Show’s Supporting Female Cast,” arbitrarily bashing the female members of Trump’s family and any other women who have the bad taste to be in the Trump Administration’s orbit. Remember this is a “political memo” in the paper’s news section: "[Kimberly] Guilfoyle -- older, brasher,…

CNN's Cooper Lets Democrat Doc Say 'Systemic Racism' Beats COVID Worry
CNN dramatically demonstrated their double standard on when social distancing isn't necessary -- left-wing protests are somehow less objectionable. On Friday afternoon, anchor Anderson Cooper turned to Dr. Rob Davidson, "an emergency room physician" and not a losing Democrat candidate for Congress in 2018. Davidson said police violence against blacks was also a "public health emergency."

Hateful Rick Wilson: Trump Voters Fear Being 'Gay Sharia Married'
The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson likes to portray himself as a conservative defending conservatism and the republic from President Trump, but on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher, Wilson's assessment of the recently concluded RNC and Trump voters was so deranged that even the liberal Maher was forced to disagree.

FAILING CNN Fact Checkers FAIL Again
Liberal media has this amusing deal where they “fact check” Donald Trump but curiously are not so big on doing the same with Joe Biden. Fox News has taken note of this curious deal at CNN with so-called fact checker Daniel Dale. Fox headlined their story this way: “CNN fact-checker ignores Biden inaccuracies despite vow to report on 'both sides.'”

PBS Host Pelts Trump Aide with Hardballs, But Easy-Peasy on Biden Aide
On Thursday night, PBS anchor Judy Woodruff hammered top Trump aide Mark Meadows with hardballs, that the Republicans are mercilessly exaggerating Biden as some sort of socialist....as if liberal journalists don't exaggerate Donald Trump into a lunatic extremist and racist who's a danger to democracy. Last week, Biden's deputy campaign manager was pitched softball questions.