Many on the left believe that conservative policies are at least indirectly lethal, but this week one Kossack imputed additional depravity to right-wingers when he likened them to the best-known group of cannibals in American history.
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.
Troubadour: Republicans kill people...
The legacy of Republican policies and obstruction of progress kills far more Americans every year than al Qaeda...[W]hile no one will dispute the level of stupidity among Republicans, the fact is they know the consequences of their actions and just don't give a shit. If there were a button they could press that would end a random life and put one more cent in their bank account, they wouldn't stop pressing it until the very moment it impacted the economic value of the money they receive...
...We treat their inhumanity like a legitimate difference of opinion to be debated with them while they enslave us, eradicate the middle-class that challenges their hereditary privilege, and kill the non-wealthy aged and ill whom they find economically inconvenient...
...Why do we respond differently to the death of a family member due to lack of healthcare than we would if a Republican simply walked up and put a bullet in their head?...These people are evil, and they know and are proud of it.
No foreign enemy assaults this country with more vigor and more effect; no microbial pathogen infects and destroys with the same constant determination; no other malignant parasite devours its own future with the same enthusiasm; no Mafia family engages in criminal conspiracies on the same level and with such impunity as the Republican "Party"...
Alex Budarin: ...and (figuratively) devour them
...It hasn’t been a 100-year conspiracy of progressives to create a “socialist utopia.” It is the result of a progressive, pragmatic evolution of human relations...[T]he majority of us do not subscribe to the Donner Party ethics of contemporary conservatism...
Trenz Pruca: Loser white guys are quintessential right-wingers
...[W]hite males from the middle and lower classes especially in the mid-West and the South...persist in their decline from the economic and social backbone of our nation to become hate-filled failures in life spewing venom born of their frustration and ignorance upon those who have begun to supplant them.
And, if truth be known, they chose this path...
This group that has chosen to be left behind are the heart and soul of the modern conservative movement...
occams hatchet: Repeal or be haunted
...The Republicans are well and truly f#*ked. They HAVE TO repeal "Obamacare."
Here's why:
Unless the Republicans can erase from the public record all vestiges of the Affordable Care Act, they will have to spend the rest of their lives - literally, the rest of their lives - hearing Americans refer to their medical insurance plans as "Obamacare"...
Yes, that's right: The man the neoracist oligarchic xenophobic tribal other-haters want to light their hair on fire about will be named every time anyone in their gott-blessid United States of Amrka mentions health insurance...
bfrederk: The Founders' vision is obsolete
We can govern ourselves in the exact way the Founders intended, or we can adequately govern an interdependent 21st century society. We cannot do both...
Limited government in the 21st century means our food will not be safe. It means that college will be unaffordable for millions. It means that 50 million people will not have health insurance. It means that an unregulated Wall Street can tank the global economy...
...The Teapublicans are building a bridge to the 19th century...