Post-Speech Roundup: Trump's a Narcissist Full of Lies and 'Unity' Bunk!

July 19th, 2024 9:05 AM

Staunch Republicans may have loved President Trump's long speech on Thursday night, but it's easy to suspect that the journalists watching it were going to go beyond skeptical. Here's how the Associated Press summed up: "Rebranding Trump, former president recalls shooting details but avoids policy details." There wasn't any policy in that speech? Did they expect Trump to read paragraphs from the Heritage Foundation? summed up the media themes: First came "A temporary appeal for unity," which felt phony to them, followed by "Trump returns to familiar rhetoric." They absorbed Trump's recounting of the shooting, but seemed almost relieved when it went back to Build the Wall and Drill, Baby, Drill. 

Seconds after it ended, the taxpayer-funded PBS News Hour anchors Amna & Geoff were dismissing it as grievances and "falsehoods."

On ABC, Jonathan Karl thought the speech would end up helping Democrats. Don't the networks routinely announce that every happening will probably help Democrats and hurt Republicans?

On CBS, John Dickerson underlined the "fact checkers" would be extremely busy chasing down the lies. (But after Democrats speak, they're too emotionally invested to worry about facts.)

They also broke out into their own Fact Checking mode. ABC anchor David Muir and justice correspondent Pierre Thomas were trying to "correct" the idea that crime is worse under the Democrats. 

On NBC, Hallie Jackson hit the typical talking point that this was no "unity" speech, it was another divisive speech:

MSNBC's Joy Reid aerobically sought to paint Trump as suffering from the exact same cognitive decline that Biden is displaying. Projection!

It wouldn't be a typical Trump-speech aftermath without someone attacking Trump's narcissism. On PBS, David Brooks caused laughter by talking about what a boring spectacle the speech became. 

Speaking of egotists, Jonathan Capehart jumped in to say he was right all along that Trump would be divisive. He mocked a Trump-supporting congresswoman who said Trump would be a "new person" now that God has given him another chance. Capehart said "No! That's not what we saw!"