Networks Promote Biden Fundraiser But Omit Him Seemingly Freezing Up

June 17th, 2024 2:21 PM

During their Monday morning newscasts, ABC, CBS, and NBC jumped at the opportunity to cover and support the Biden campaign's latest fundraiser. On Saturday, President Biden attended his fundraiser which was aimed towards an audience of celebrities and netted a $30 million haul. But while the networks hyped the dollar figure, they ignored Biden seemingly freezing on staged and needing to be led away by former President Obama.

NBC’s Today featured senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson described the “star-studded” fundraiser as a “night with many celebrities but the biggest spotlight on warnings about what could happen if Mr. Trump wins again.” A clip was played from the fundraiser of Biden as he attempted to caution the audience “The idea that if he’s re-elected, he’s going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really – I really mean it.”



Host of the fundraiser, comedian Jimmy Kimmel, asked Biden if the “scariest part” of Trump's possible re-election was what could happen to the Supreme Court. Biden agreed that was one of the scariest parts but declared that “the Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today.” Former President Obama weighed in as he shared “part of what has happened over the last several years is we’ve normalized behavior that used to be disqualifying.”

Jackson concluded as she noted that “the fundraiser hosted by Hollywood heavy weights Julia Roberts and George Clooney netting a hefty haul with the Biden campaign saying it raised more than $30 million.” With less than 5 months from the presidential election, both sides are competing to raise the most money for their campaign.

On CBS Mornings, chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes reported that the president raised “more than $30 million” at his fundraiser which was a “record for a single democratic event.” But Cordes did not mention the Trump campaign's financial status but rather exclaimed, “This adds to his significant cash advantage over former President Trump.”

Trump raised $141 million following his verdict in May which financially boosted his campaign significantly.

Cordes stated that “tickets to President Biden’s star-studded fundraiser ranged from $250 to half a million.” The high price of the tickets is not surprising since the guest list included “Hollywood A-listers” like Julia Roberts and George Clooney.

CBS ended their segment by hyping up the new Biden campaign ad. The ad described Trump as a “convicted criminal whose only out for himself.” And Biden, of course, portrayed as the hero who “is fighting for your family.”

ABC’s Good Morning America made little comment about the Biden fundraiser as they instead focused on attacking Trump for speaking at “a black church in Detroit” and at a “conservative political event hosted by the right winged group Turning Point Action.”

Although all of the networks mentioned Biden’s fundraiser, they seemingly forgot to mention another one of Biden’s slip-ups. At the end of the night, Biden seemingly froze as he attempted to leave the stage. He stared at the audience for a full ten seconds before Obama took his hand and led him offstage.



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NBC's Today


7:07:29 - 7:09:08

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Also heating up this morning, the 2024 Presidential Race. President Biden and former President Trump in full campaign mode over the weekend. Biden hosted a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles. Trump campaigned in the battleground state of Michigan. NBC's senior Washington correspondent Hallie Jackson joins us with all the details. Hallie, good morning.


HALLIE JACKSON (NBC SENIOR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT): Hey, Savannah, good morning. A lot going on as former President Trump focuses on a key swing state and President Biden looks for an infusion of campaign cash on a night with many celebrities, but the biggest spotlight on warnings about what could happen if Mr. Trump wins again.

[Cuts to video]

At a star studded L.A. Fundraiser, President Biden laying out the stakes of a potential second Trump term.

[cut to clip]

JOE BIDEN: The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more. [Transition] The idea that if he's re-elected he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really -- I really mean it.


JIMMY KIMMEL: Could this be the scariest part of all of it?

BIDEN: Well, I think it is one of the scariest parts of it. Look, the Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today.

JACKSON: In a Q&A, comedian Jimmy Kimmel, also asking about so-called Trump amnesia, “Remember the pandemic,” Mr. Biden responded. He said, “Just don't worry, just inject a little bleach in your body.” Former President Obama also on hand warning “part of what has happened over the last several years is we've normalized behavior that used to be disqualifying.”

The fundraiser hosted by Hollywood heavy weights Julia Roberts and George Clooney netting a hefty haul with the Biden campaign saying it raised more than $30 million. The race for the White House effectively deadlocked less than five months from Election Day.


CBS Mornings


7:11:32 - 7:12:43

TONY DOKOUPIL: Back in this country, Father's Day weekend was full of presidential politics from both presumptive nominees. Former President Donald Trump campaigned in the battleground state of Michigan, while President Biden traveled to California where he joined former President Barack Obama at a star-studded Hollywood fundraiser. Nancy Cordes has more now from the White House. She's been following it. Nancy, good morning.


NANCY CORDES: Tony, good morning to you. Happy day after Father's Day. The Biden campaign says the president raised more than $30 million at this weekend's L.A. Fundraiser, that would be a record for a single Democratic Party event. This adds to his significant cash advantage over former President Trump with four and a half months to go before Election Day.

[Cut to video]

JOE BIDEN: Not on my watch. Not on my watch.

NANCY CORDES: Tickets to President Biden's star-studded fundraiser ranged from $250 to half a million. On stage, he warned the Hollywood A-listers in the audience about what he thinks a second Trump term could mean for the nation's highest court.

JOE BIDEN: The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more. The Supreme Court has never been as out of kilter as it is today.


ABC’s Good Morning America


7:11:17 AM

[NEWS HEADLINE Trump on the Trail]

RACHEL SCOTT: The former President speaking at a black church in Detroit continued his attacks on immigrants insisting that the black community is being hurt by those who are entering the country illegally... Trump then speaking at a conservative political event hosted by the right winged group Turning Point Action.


[NEWS HEADLINE Biden's Star-Studded Fundraiser: President raises $30 million at Los Angeles Event]

SCOTT: As for President Biden, well he spent the weekend at a star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles with former President Barack Obama and comedian Jimmy Kimmel. Biden warning that one of the scariest things, he says, about a possible Trump term is that he would be able to appoint even more Supreme Court Justices to the bench. We’re told that the fundraiser brought in about 30 million dollars. Whit?

WHIT JOHNSON: Alright Rachel Scott for us. Thank you so much.