Tuesday’s Morning Joe featured a revealing segment dedicated to Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) appearance on The View and the left’s inevitable racial divisiveness. It ended up being a rather embarrassing admission of the left’s own racism disguised as an attempt to virtue signal how tolerant they were toward racial minorities with conservative views. Scarborough started out complaining with MSNBC analyst Eugene Robinson about liberals who criticize Scott for being a black conservative:
SCARBOROUGH: It should be open to challenge because there is systemic racism in America.
SCARBOROUGH: But I will tell you this, not from white people telling Tim Scott he doesn't really understand what it’s like to be a black man.
ROBINSON: Well, no.
SCARBOROUGH: That is deeply offensive.
Robinson then said he will “draw the line at people who say he cannot have these views because he’s African American” but with the caveat that Tim Scott was still wrong for having those views on race relations in America.
The conversation turned to how Republicans were not “enlightened on race” and allegedly use Scott as a token to say they weren’t racist. Scarborough of course could not give any examples or evidence to support this, and yet the Democrats were the ones harping on the need to be so-called “antiracist”.
It was a shame Scarborough could not fathom the idea that Tim Scott may be a candidate people genuinely supported, not just a get out of jail free card for racism.
However, the most laughable part of the segment happened when Robinson surprisingly took on Scarborough.
Scarborough correctly stated that it was offensive when political pundits say Tim Scott doesn’t have a right to talk about his political beliefs because of his race. Then, Robinson tried to refute him saying he doesn’t hear that from a lot of people. But Scarborough sensed danger and fired back, saying he’d “rather not” name the names of friends of his who did exactly that.
The reason he didn’t want to name names, as it turns out, was that some of those whose names would include some of his current and former fellow MSNBC hosts. NewsBusters has reported on Al Sharpton’s and Tiffany Cross’s inflammatory racial maligning against Scott. When compared, his remarks here with the network’s own history of covering Scott and the rank hypocrisy was undeniable.
Joe Scarborough’s hypocrisy was made possible by Apple and Volvo. Their contact information is linked.
The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:
MSNBC’s Morning Joe
6:59 AM ET
EUGENE ROBINSON: I hear the narrative. And- I think that will be the narrative. I think the narrative will be, you know is open to challenge on a lot of points.
JOE SCARBOROUGH: It should be open to challenge because there is systemic racism in America.
SCARBOROUGH: But I will tell you this, not from white people telling Tim Scott he doesn't really understand what it’s like to be a black man.
ROBINSON: Well, no.
SCARBOROUGH: That is deeply offensive. And we keep hearing Democrats, and by the way-
ROBINSON: No, I mean this is where I draw the line. No one can tell Tim Scott how to be black, right. Tim Scott, you know. So, no, I --
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: There was that, there’s that element.
ROBINSON: I, I draw the line at people who say he cannot have these views because he's African American. Of course he can have those views. He can be wrong, you know.
SCARBOROUGH: Or, or maybe his view of reality, I don't think you can be wrong about his own reality. If he believes what he believes about his experience, there are a lot of people who would say the same thing as Tim Scott. I guess the main thing is, though, again, it opens up a good opportunity for a great respectful debate on race where people have different viewpoints and Tim Scott, I have no doubt the Republican Party, there are a lot of people in the Republican Party that are not enlightened on race, who will point to Tim Scott and say look at us, look at us, look at us.
ROBINSON: Oh, you bet. You bet.
SCARBOROUGH: I understand that part of it. But also, I understand the offensiveness when pundits mock and ridicule Tim Scott, like he doesn't have a right to talk about the black experience in America because he's a black conservative.
ROBINSON: Well, you know I hear him and people allied with him complaining about that a lot. I don't hear that a lot. I don't hear people saying, saying, well
SCARBOROUGH: Do you want me to say names? I’d rather not.
ROBINSON: Oh, okay, well
SCARBOROUGH: Cause they're friends of mine. But it does happen.