Maybe the sanest words out of any media member's mouth in the weeks following the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, came from actor Rob Lowe on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight Monday.
"I’m no social anthropologist, but I do think that the last thing viewers want is another Hollywood actor telling them anything about guns pro or con" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: As a gun owner, you would have no problem if President Obama said, “I really want to push for these assault rifles in particular to be taken out of circulation.”
ROB LOWE: Look, I wouldn’t because, I mean, I, look, I like guns, and I don’t want to own an assault rifle. I wouldn’t know what to do with one, I wouldn’t know why I’d want one. I also see that if you’re a law-abiding person, and you bought it under the law, having it taken from you, I could see why people would have a problem with that. But if they don’t do that, as you point out, it’s not really a ban, is it?
LOWE: And I’m no social anthropologist, but I do think that the last thing viewers want is another Hollywood actor telling them anything about guns pro or con.
Amen, Rob!
From your lips to all of your Hollywood friends' ears.