Piers Morgan Tells Israeli Defense Minister Obama 'Would Prefer' No Action on Iran Before Election

May 16th, 2012 10:16 PM

Just how in the tank for Barack Obama is CNN's Piers Morgan?

During an interview with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak Wednesday, Morgan actually said to his guest concerning Iran, "President Obama clearly would prefer not to see Israel take any action before the election" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

PIERS MORGAN, HOST: President Obama clearly would prefer not to see Israel take any action before the election. So there is a time sensitivity here. He would see that as politically dangerous for his presidency, and you would be aware of that. How much does that factor into your military planning on Israel’s behalf, that the President of the United States has an election coming in November?

So, in Morgan's view, Israel's national security calculus should involve America's election.

It seems quite doubtful he'd feel that way if the current White House resident were a Republican.

Maybe biased statements like this are responsible for Morgan getting only 39,000 viewers aged 25 to 54 Tuesday, a fifteen year low for CNN.

For the record, this was Barak's answer:

EHUD BARAK: You know, first of all, we are trying to avoid letting it slip into anything that carries a certain relationship to internal politics into here or in Israel. But we basically share the same rhetoric. We say loud and clear, the Americans say the same, the President says the same, a nuclear, military Iran is unacceptable. We are determined to prevent them from turning nuclear, and that no option, except for containment, no option should be removed off the table in order to achieve these objectives. Basically, we are on the same page.