Lou Dobbs: 'It’s Awfully Nice' of the Media 'To Help Everyone Understand the Dangers of Rick Santorum'

February 19th, 2012 12:51 PM

Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs issued a truly delicious smack down to America's press Sunday.

In the midst of a lengthy discussion about the so-called “Contraception Controversy” on ABC's This Week, Dobbs said, "It’s awfully nice of the national media and the Democratic Party to help everyone understand the dangers of Rick Santorum" (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

As the conversation ensued, substitute host Jake Tapper referred to "the contraception debate" before asking George Will if he’s concerned with Rick Santorum falling “into the trap of making this about contraception, which is not necessarily a winning issue for Republicans, as opposed to making it a debate about religious liberties.”

Will correctly replied, “There is no contraceptive debate in the sense that no one running for president wants to ban contraception. Nobody.”

The Chicago Tribune’s Clarence Page injected the false media narrative “Santorum does,” which generated great protest from Will, Dobbs, and even ABC’s Jonathan Karl.

After Page capitulated, former Clinton press secretary Dee Myers said, “You know what, most women don't want Rick Santorum’s advice about whether or not they should use birth control.”

This led Dobbs to marvelously observe, “These are choices that are going to be made individually by voters, and it’s awfully nice of the national media and the Democratic Party to help everyone understand the dangers of Rick Santorum. But the Republican primary process will make that evaluation irrespective of our assistance genuine or manufactured.”

And that will include people like Page continuing to misinform the public about Santorum wanting to ban birth control.

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