Olbermann Asked to Issue Apology and Correction

February 18th, 2009 10:15 AM
MSNBC and its star attraction Keith Olbermann have been asked to issue an apology and a correction for statements made by the "Countdown" host last week.

Don't hold your breath they'll do either.

As NewsBusters reported Sunday, the most disgraceful example of journalism on cable was challenged to a debate by a woman he disparaged on his program last Thursday.

As Olbermann has not shown the strength of character to accept Betsy McCaughey's challenge, the former Lt. Governor of New York has requested he and MSNBC issue an apology for his factless claims as well as a correction (h/t Johnny Dollar):

I am requesting that MSNBC and Keith Olbermann apologize and issue a correction.

Mr. Olbermann charges that I, Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D. was paid, directly or indirectly, by the pharmaceutical industry, the biotech industry, the Hudson Institute, or Cantel Medical Corp. to write my analysis of the stimulus bill or speak about that issue. All these charges are false.

I have shown all these charges to be false in a previous statement except the new charge regarding my board membership at Cantel Medical Corp. I serve on the board of Cantel Medical Corp. as a patient advocate and infection prevention expert. No one at Cantel Medical has ever asked me about the stimulus bill or requested that I address the issue. I have not discussed the issue with anyone in the company. I urge those who are interested to contact Cantel Medical directly.

I have purchased no stock in Cantel Medical. Like all board members, I am routinely issued options. The options cited by Keith Olbermann were not issued to me in payment for my work on the stimulus bill. They were issued to all Cantel board members at the same time. They are issued routinely and periodically. Unlike the other board members, I have never exercised any options to purchase stock. I do not use those options to make money. The same is true for other boards on which I have served.


Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D.

Good luck, Betsy.