Snowflake? The View’s Whoopi Goldberg Spits After Saying Trump’s Name

June 25th, 2024 6:16 PM

Representing ABC News well on Tuesday, The View moderator Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t keep her cool after former President Donald Trump’s name came out of her mouth. Often quick to all people on the right “snowflakes,” Goldberg quickly pretended to spit on the ground after realizing her grievous slip of the tongue. Ironically, it came after one of the other co-hosts opined about how Trump didn’t show respect for the presidency.

The spitting fit came as they were previewing the upcoming CNN presidential debate later in the week. Co-host Sara Haines was going on about how amid Trump’s “bluster” everyone needed to
remember to really listen, take him seriously, and take him literally.”

Goldberg was trying to praise President Biden’s abilities as a debater when she accidentally said “Trump” instead of her usual “You Know Who” nickname for him:

GOLDBERG: I don't think that we have to -- I think it would be remiss of us to not say, “Joe Biden knows how to do this.”


GOLDBERG: He knows how to do this. He's quite good at this, and, you know, you can't refute anything with him because he just -- when I say him, I mean --

BEHAR: He rambles, Trump.

GOLDBERG: Trump. He tends to just -- uh. [Pretend spits] 

The left-leaning audience applauded and were entertained by Goldberg’s over-the-top reaction to saying Trump’s name.



“Did you say his name?” staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) wondered with a laugh. Goldberg suggested she was somehow tricked into saying his name by co-host Joy Behar. “I said his name. It was a trick and it made me do it. But I'm just saying that he  – that Biden knows what not to do,” she said

“You can't refute that man, because he just spins and spins and spins. All you can really do is talk about what you do and how you do what you do,” she completed her previous thought.

All of this came minutes after faux-conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin huffed about Trump not showing respect for the presidency:

Right and I just wish we could get to a place where there was enough respect for the American presidency, you don’t have to respect the individual but the American presidency to not just casualty insinuate baselessly that the commander-in-chief is on drugs and it’s being echoed by members of Congress, who, again, I wish they had enough dignity and respect for the offices they hold. Our allies and adversaries are watching; we look like morons.

This wasn’t the first time Goldberg pretended to spit on set. In 2022, she spit at the Austin American-Statesman (a local Texas newspaper) because they exposed the inaction of the Uvalde Police Department by releasing leaked video of them just standing around the hallways of the school and not trying to save the kids.

The transcript is below. Click "expand" to read:

ABC’s The View
11:04:38 a.m. Eastern

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: Right and I just wish we could get to a place where there was enough respect for the American presidency, you don’t have to respect the individual but the American presidency to not just casualty insinuate baselessly that the commander-in-chief is on drugs and it’s being echoed by members of Congress, who, again, I wish they had enough dignity and respect for the offices they hold. Our allies and adversaries are watching; we look like morons.


11:07:51 a.m. Eastern

SARA HAINES: What he said in all the debates–


HAINES: – forecasted what he did. He also said he wouldn't necessarily recognize election results and that was foreshadowing.

HOSTIN: Got it.

HAINES: So I'm just saying, like, in the bluster, remember to really listen, take him seriously and take him literally.

JOY BEHAR: How about give him a lie detector test!

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: I don't think that we have to -- I think it would be remiss of us to not say, “Joe Biden knows how to do this.”


GOLDBERG: He knows how to do this. He's quite good at this, and, you know, you can't refute anything with him because he just -- when I say him, I mean --

BEHAR: He rambles, Trump.

GOLDBERG: Trump. He tends to just -- uh. [Pretend spits]  


FARAH GRIFFIN: But, can I mention one thing, because – 

[Cheers and applause]

FARAH GRIFFIN: Trump is out there –

HOSTIN: Did you say his name?

GOLDBERG: I said his name. It was a trick and it made me do it. But I'm just saying that he  – that Biden knows what not to do. You can't refute that man, because he just spins and spins and spins. All you can really do is talk about what you do and how you do what you do. You can’t – 

BEHAR: But he should do it like this, like while Trump was gargling Lysol, whatever he was drinking, I was fixing infrastructure.
