
The View's Glorification of Biden As Griffin Berates Her Own Party

July 25th, 2024 8:32 PM

Following President Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech on Wednesday night, Democrats have come forth with their sentiments, and overwhelming praises. The ladies of ABC’s The View were not apart from the movement, taking time on Thursday to glorify Biden’s long political career, not forgetting to leave time for inappropriate comments on Trump, and critiquing the whole Republican Party. …


It Got Nasty! The Worst Media Outbursts from the RNC

July 23rd, 2024 10:00 AM

The following are the nastiest and craziest outbursts from leftist journalists and celebrities during the Republican National Convention:



Whoopi RAGES at Biden Dropping Out, Tells Manchin 'We Don’t Want You!’

July 22nd, 2024 4:04 PM

The liberal ladies of ABC’s The View tried to put on a brave face during Monday’s episode as they had to react to President Biden dropping out of the presidential race and giving the nod to Vice President Kamala Harris. While they all rallied to Harris’s banner for political purposes, moderator Whoopi Goldberg vented her frustrations with the whole situation and demanded others…


Whoopi Attacks Trump’s Grandkids: ‘They’re Trying to Humanize Him!’

July 18th, 2024 7:42 PM

Not even a week had gone by since former President Trump was shot in the head in a failed assassination attempt and The View’s Whoopi Goldberg was already decrying efforts to “humanize” the man who’s name she refuses to say without spitting on the…


The View Defends Continued Use of Inciting Rhetoric Against Trump

July 16th, 2024 7:15 PM

Former President Trump literally getting shot in the head wasn’t enough to get the ladies of ABC’s The View to stop engaging in stochastic terrorism, via incendiary rhetoric that incites people to violence. They insisted that their claims of Trump ending the country if elected were the “truth” and were said with good “intention,” thus were above reproach and didn’t need to be…


Behar: Men Who Criticize Kamala ‘Fear’ ‘Funny Women,’ Are Bad in Bed

July 10th, 2024 2:47 PM

In addition to circling the wagons for President Biden earlier in the week, ABC’s The View spent part of Wednesday’s episode defending Vice President Kamala Harris from former President Trump’s jokes about her inappropriate laughing fits. According to co-host Joy Behar, such criticism was indicative of a man uncomfortable with Harris’s comedic mastery and that he was bad in bed.


'Hard To Tell The Truth': The View Circles The Wagons Around Biden

July 9th, 2024 3:00 PM

The cast of ABC’s The View circled the wagons on Tuesday to express how “pissed off” they are that some people are calling for President Joe Biden to step aside while downplaying his lousy debate performance as the result of what happens when you’re 81 years old or when you’re “trying so hard to tell the truth.” Even co-hosts who were more open to discussing Biden’s issues were quick…


PANIC: 'The View' Crew Unload Delayed Freakout Over Biden

July 8th, 2024 6:16 PM

After a weeklong hiatus The View is back, and has plenty to say to make up for lost time. Following a Democratic wave of panic which finally acknowledged the mental and physical state of President Biden, all five co-hosts took to the air to lay out their liberal opinions. They landed on both sides of the internal Democrat squabble.


The View, Pre-Debate: Whoopi's MAD at People Saying 'President Trump'

June 27th, 2024 5:05 PM

On Thursday, ABC’s The View decided to hoist the Biden campaign up one last time before the upcoming debate. The show included Whoopi Goldberg unsurprisingly angry towards Republicans who say "President Trump" and Joy Behar asking people to leave Joe Biden alone.


The View Questions Tim Scott Appearing on Fox With ‘a Woman’ Fiancé

June 26th, 2024 8:44 PM

Wednesday morning’s episode of ABC’s The View began like any other, with discussions covering the dramas of the political world and making ridiculous constitutional claims. Though easily forgotten, The View exists under the ABC’s News umbrella, though its decorum and general output does not match this description. It is no surprise when co-host Sunny Hostin reported more like a gossip…


Snowflake? The View’s Whoopi Goldberg Spits After Saying Trump’s Name

June 25th, 2024 6:16 PM

Representing ABC News well on Tuesday, The View moderator Whoopi Goldberg couldn’t keep her cool after former President Donald Trump’s name came out of her mouth. Often quick to all people on the right “snowflakes,” Goldberg quickly pretended to spit on the ground after realizing her grievous slip of the tongue. Ironically, it came after one of the other co-hosts opined about how…


Whoopi: We Don’t Allow Lies on The View

June 24th, 2024 7:54 PM

On Monday, Whoopi Goldberg had the gall to claim without evidence on ABC’s The View that she and her co-hosts were unbiased. The View, which has been previously caught spreading misinformation, attempted to identify as a source of factual…


‘Raise My Dreads’: Whoopi Tees up Fauci to Call Opponents ‘Bastards’

June 20th, 2024 3:46 PM

After teasing it was a while ago, ABC’s The View finally had Dr. Anthony Fauci on the show to help him hawk his new book. The much-reviled public health official received copious amounts of praise from the liberal ladies and no questions about how the policies he pushed harmed a generation of children and infringed on individual liberties. Instead, he got a platform to lash out at…


Whoopi Whines Young People Don’t Protest Anymore, ‘We Were Forced’

June 19th, 2024 2:43 PM

Four years after the Black Lives Matter Riots and just a couple of months after the pro-Hamas/anti-Semitic encampments on college campuses and the death threats to Congress over the possible ban of TikTok, ABC moderator Whoopi Goldberg took to Wednesday’s edition of The View to whine that young people supposedly don’t protest and “stand for stuff” like how she was “forced to do.”