CNN Host Kasie Hunt Slams Trump Words on Zuckerberg, Trump Aide Responds with MRC Poll

August 29th, 2024 10:14 AM

Kasie Hunt Jason Miller CNN This Morning 8-29-24 CNN has been downright weird in covering Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg confessing he caved to Team Biden pressure to suppress dissenting views on Covid policy and “conspiracy theories” like Hunter Biden’s laptop was actually a treasure trove of detail on Biden family influence-peddling.

We noted they called it an “election-year gift” to Republicans, because Who Benefits {cui bono!) matters more than what’s true. On Thursday’s CNN This Morning, anchor Kasie Hunt pushed around Trump campaign aide Jason Miller on a Politico story regarding a book by Trump to be released next week. Hunt quoted Trump as saying that Meta head Mark Zuckerberg "would spend the rest of his life in prison."

This is the actual quote, via Politico: “We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison — as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election.” Miller cited our 2020 MRC poll of voter knowledge of Biden stances and controversies. 

Ironic that in a discussion of the liberal media suppressing information, Kasie Hunt . . . suppressed information.


JASON MILLER: Well, President Trump's certainly had a right to be angry at the time, and especially looking back at those [clears throat], excuse me, the censorship that went on in 2020. I mean, they used this guise of Russian misinformation to outright censor a story that turned out to be very true, with the Hunter Biden laptop.

And it did manipulate the election. In fact, a post-election study from the Media Research Center said that one out of every seven Biden voter would have looked to go a different way, possibly to President Trump, if they knew about the truth of the foreign business dealings and everything else on Hunter Biden's laptop specific to Joe Biden and the international, we would say, is corruption.

The study revealed that 45% of Biden voters in seven swing states said they were unaware of the financial scandal involving Hunter and Joe Biden, and that had they known about it, 9.4% of Biden voters would have switched their vote to Trump. That would have been enough to flip six swing states to Trump, giving him a comfortable win of 311 votes in the Electoral College

Here's the transcript.

CNN This Morning
6:38 am EDT

KASIE HUNT: Jason, before I let you go, I want to ask you about one other issue, one story that, there was a Politico story about a new book that's set to be published next week from, from your boss, the former president.

It says that Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Meta, plotted against him during the 2020 election. And that the Meta chief executive would quote, spend the rest of his life in prison, end quote. We also of course, saw Zuckerberg sent a letter to Congress expressing regret about some of the things Facebook did during the last election around miinformation.

Does the president, does the former president feel this way about Mark Zuckerberg? Does he believe that he should go to jail?

JASON MILLER: Well, President Trump's certainly had a right to be angry at the time, and especially looking back at those [clears throat], excuse me, the censorship that went on in 2020. I mean, they used this guise of Russian misinformation to outright censor a story that turned out to be very true, with the Hunter Biden laptop.

And it did manipulate the election. In fact, a post-election study from the Media Research Center said that one out of every seven Biden voter would have looked to go a different way, possibly to President Trump, if they knew about the truth of the foreign business dealings and everything else on Hunter Biden's laptop specific to Joe Biden and the international, we would say, is corruption.

HUNT: I mean is that, is this a jailable offense in your view? In the former president's view?

MILLER: Well, I'm not a lawyer. I'll leave that up to the lawyers to go and decide on that.

But I do think that there was blatant election interference and there should be some accountability to that. It can't just be a talking point from the left. They're actually, people have to be held responsible, especially those 51 intelligence officers for intentionally, very specifically, knowing that that was a lie, and pushing this Russian disinformation hoax.