CBS Correspondent Reports From Inside Hezbollah Rally

August 7th, 2024 2:16 AM

The last time we heard from CBS correspondent Imtiaz Tyab, we watched him seethe over the IDF airstrike that killed Fuad Shukr, the Hezbollah military commander that was involved in the 1983 bombing of Marine Barracks Beirut that killed 241 Marines and, more recently, the drone bombing of a soccer field that killed 12 Druze children. I regret to inform you that Tyab is mad again.

Tyab had the opportunity to seethe further while attending a Hezbollah rally in Beirut. WATCH:



6:41 PM

IMTIAZ TYAB: In a fiery speech via video link, Hezbollah chief Hasan Nasrallah told supporters that following last week's assassinations of a top Hezbollah military commander and Hamas' main political leader, Israel should be afraid of Iran's planned revenge attack. And from what he called the “Axis of Resistance”, which also includes Hamas and the Houthis.

Well, as supporters of Hezbollah vowed to avenge the assassination, we can hear the sound of Israeli fighter jets in the skies above Beirut break the sound barrier. 

What is the vetting process for a Western journalist to get into a Hezbollah rally? Is there a process? Is there security? We don’t know for sure. But we do know that Tyab was there and got a nice shot of an angry crowd waving yellow Hezbollah flags. 

Then, as now, Tyab complained about IDF warplanes flying overhead. Then, as now, Tyab centers his report on the specter of broader war in the Middle East. Then, as now, Tyab echoed Hezbollah talking points. 

The story may change from day to day, but the end result is the same. 

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned report as aired on the CBS Evening News on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024:

MAJOR GARRETT: Tonight, the Middle East is bracing for a retaliatory strike on Israel by Iran and its proxies over the recent assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. CBS's Imtiaz Tyab is in Beirut.

IMTIAZ TYAB: In a fiery speech via video link, Hezbollah chief Hasan Nasrallah told supporters that following last week's assassinations of a top Hezbollah military commander and Hamas' main political leader, Israel should be afraid of Iran's planned revenge attack. And from what he called the “Axis of Resistance”, which also includes Hamas and the Houthis.

Well, as supporters of Hezbollah vowed to avenge the assassination, we can hear the sound of Israeli fighter jets in the skies above Beirut break the sound barrier. Hours earlier, Hezbollah drones were seen above Nahariya, and were targeted by Israeli air defense missiles. But one missile missed its target and crashed to the ground, injuring several people at a bus stop. A later Israeli air strike in southern Lebanon killed four. This volatile tit for tat is widely seen as a prelude to a much feared wider war, and comes as the Pentagon announced it moved another aircraft carrier to the region to join the U.S. warships already there. And tonight, CBS News has learned a squadron of F-18 fighter jets have been sent from the USS Theodore Roosevelt to an airbase at an unnamed Middle East partner nation with F-22s also on the way as the region continues to brace for Iran and its proxies’ response to Israel's brazen assassinations. Major?

GARRETT: Imtiaz Tyab, thank you