PBS Only Evening Newscast to Report Firing of UNRWA 9 Over Potential Involvement In 10/7 Attacks

August 5th, 2024 11:14 PM

As the Middle East braces for war, a major news story broke yet went unreported across the major evening network newscasts: The United Nations’ Palestinian relief agency, known as UNRWA, fired nine employees over their potential involvement in Hamas’ barbaric October 7th attack against Israel. 

In fact, the ONLY evening newscast to report on the UNRWA firings was PBS NewsHour. Here is that report in its entirety:



7:14 PM

AMNA NAWAZ: Meanwhile, the United Nations says it has fired nine staffers from its agency for Palestinian refugees, known as UNRWA. That comes after an internal investigation found they may have been involved in Hamas' October attack against Israel. Allegations of such involvement led more than a dozen countries to pause funding to UNRWA, including the United States. Most have since resumed doing so, though the U.S. has not. 

It is true that PBS only mustered a mere 25 seconds for this story on their hourlong newscast. But that is 25 seconds more than ABC, CBS, and NBC combined, a pathetic display from a Regime Media that is given to coddling Hamas if doing so casts the Regime in a favorable light.

To be clear, this was an editorial decision. Once ABC, CBS, and NBC decided that they HAD to report on American female gymnasts bending the knee to the Brazilian gold medal winner, there was simply no time. As in the Seinfeld episode: not a square to spare. But the story did warrant a writeup on each of the networks’ websites: ABC, CBS, and NBC each had items on the UNRWA firings. 

This isn’t the first such omission when it comes to UNRWA, either. 

As our colleague Nick Fondacaro noted at the time, the networks were equally disinterested in covering the IDF’s discovery of a huge tunnel housing a Hamas data center, which was hardwired into the UNRWA facility above it. 

This is but the latest in an ongoing series of omissions which betray a bias that, if not pro-Hamas, is certainly anti-Israel. This is important to keep in mind as the next several days unfold, and Iran shows their hand.