Jon Stewart Comes Out of Retirement to Attack Trump

June 29th, 2018 11:59 AM

Thursday night on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, former Daily Show host Jon Stewart made a guest appearance. Stewart took over the newsdesk bit from Colbert in what turned into a seven minute explosive rant against President Trump. Stewart even went as far as to joke that Trump caused the volcanic eruption currently decimating the island of Hawaii, because that’s the “home state of [Trump’s] enemy Barack Obama.”



Stewart kept the punches rolling, calling Trump a “clown,” but “no Ronald McDonald.” He followed it by saying “you dig the dictator thing.” The retired personality also brought up the 2016 Election, claiming Trump spoke for the minority of Americans:

“The majority of the people aren't ( assholes ). [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] He doesn't talk like the majority. He doesn't talk like the majority of the American people. He talks more like a gerrymandered minority that shrewdly played the electoral college.”

Trump has the liberal media in such a fit that now people are coming out of retirement just to get a few cheap shots in.


Read a transcript of selected clips from the June 28 show here:

CBS's The Late Show with Stephen Colbert


11:51:10 pm. Eastern

STEPHEN COLBERT: Donald Trump, today, just totally trumped it up. He was trumping it trumply. He trumped the hell out of it. [LAUGHTER] And you know, I don't -- I --


COLBERT: Oh! Hi, Jon! [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Nice to see you, man!

STEWART: Good to see you!


11:53:07 p.m. Eastern

STEWART: It's just, we're still having a little trouble adjusting to your presidency as it goes into its 500th year. [LAUGHTER] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] Everything's off its axis. It's a little unusual. Apparently now Putin and Kim Jong Un are noble, intelligent role models, and Canada's a bunch of giant ( bleep ). That's hard to get used to. You're redoing the post-war alliances, only this time we're with the axis powers.


11:55:25 p.m. Eastern

STEWART:  It made me realize something. You may be orange, you may like hamburgers, you may be a clown, but you are no Ronald McDonald. [LAUGHTER] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] I'm sorry! I had to say it! It's true! So look, you're a businessman. Let's negotiate. For an end to this gratuitous dickishness, what can we give you? You dig the dictator thing, how about we give you a giant building with gold toilets and your name on it? In giant letters that -- ( Stephen Colbert whispering ) That's where he lived?! [LAUGHTER] All right, how about we give you a whole news network that spends 24 hours a day praising everything you do? ( Colbert whispering )Named for a small animal? ( Laughter ) Damn it! Alright, let's go full-on arch villain. How about we have a volcano destroy a large portion of the home state of your enemy Barack Obama? ( Colbert Whispering ) He ( bleep ) destroyed Hawaii?! [LAUGHTER] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE]


11:57:20 p.m. Eastern

MONIKA CROWLEY: He talks like a guy from Queens.

DUNCAN HUNTER: Donald Trump talks like the majority of the American people talk.

STEWART: The majority of the people aren't ( bleep ). [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE] He doesn't talk like the majority. He doesn't talk like the majority of the American people. He talks more like a gerrymandered minority that shrewdly played the electoral college.