Latino Police Officers Assn. Rep: Media Are Playing Role in Rising Murder Rates

June 5th, 2015 3:42 PM

The negative consequences of months of relentless anti-police reporting in the news media caught the attention of MundoFox, a major national Spanish-language television network.

Commenting on the spike in New York City’s murder rate, the Chairman of the National Latino Officers Association, NYPD veteran Anthony Miranda, told MundoFox that “many officers are confused” and “don’t know whether to follow the media or the law.”

PEGGY CARRANZA: Mayor Bill de Blasio blames gangs. Others say that after being criticized, the Police are afraid to do their jobs.

JULIO VALENZUELA, RESIDENT OF NYC: The Police are, I would say, the most valuable institution there can be on Earth, but at times they get carried away. Like everywhere, there are good ones and bad ones.

PEGGY CARRANZA: The President of the National Association of Latino Police says that following recent racial tensions, agents don’t know whether to follow the media or the law.

ANTHONY MIRANDA, NATIONAL LATINO OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: Many officers are confused at this time. The leadership of any department at this time has to tell them: these are the rules. This is going to be the way we are going to work

While MundoFox rivals Univision and Telemundo also reported on the latest 20% increase in New York City’s murder rate, MundoFox alone included in its coverage the perspective of law enforcement professionals like Miranda, and the toll anti-Police media coverage appears to be taking on officers’ job performance.

In the case of Univision and Telemundo, their reporting on the rising number of shootings and murders in the Big Apple focused on the extent to which this deterioration of security in the city is related to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s abandonment of the aggressive “Stop and Frisk” policy implemented by his predecessors.

Unlike counterparts at Univision and Telemundo, MundoFox’s Peggy Carranza also noted that murders are also up in Chicago and Baltimore, where murders during the month of May broke a 40-year record.

The relevant portions of the referenced Noticias MundoFox segment are below.   

Noticias MundoFox

June 3, 2015 5:30 P.M. ET

English Translation:

ROLANDO NICHOLS: Murders are up in various U.S. cities. Some authorities attribute this to gang activity, but others believe that after being criticized, the Police are doing their job with extreme caution. Peggy Carranza has the information for us this afternoon.

PEGGY CARRANZA: More people shot and killed would be the tough reality that confronts cities such as Baltimore, Chicago and New York. According to the Baltimore Sun, May was the month with the most murders in that city during the last 40 years. Meanwhile, in New York, its Police Department revealed that so far this year, murders are up almost 20%.

Mayor Bill de Blasio blames gangs. Others say that after being criticized, the Police are afraid to do their jobs.

JULIO VALENZUELA, RESIDENT OF NYC: The Police are, I would say, the most valuable institution there can be on Earth, but at times they get carried away. Like everywhere, there are good ones and bad ones.

PEGGY CARRANZA: The President of the National Association of Latino Police says that following recent racial tensions, agents don’t know whether to follow the media or the law.

ANTHONY MIRANDA, NATIONAL LATINO OFFICERS ASSOCIATION: Many officers are confused at this time. The leadership of any department at this time has to tell them: these are the rules. This is going to be the way we are going to work and the officers are going to have the power and have the Department behind them.

Español Original:

ROLANDO NICHOLS: Han aumentado los homicidios en varias ciudades de Estados Unidos. Algunas autoridades lo atribuyen a la actividad de las pandillas, pero otros creen que tras ser criticada, la policía está haciendo su trabajo con extrema cautela.  Peggy Carranza nos tiene la información esta tarde.

PEGGY CARRANZA: Más gente baleada y asesinada sería la dura realidad que enfrentan ciudades como Baltimore, Chicago y Nueva York. Según The Baltimore Sun, mayo fue el mes con mayor [más] homicidios en esa ciudad en los últimos cuarenta años.

Mientras en Nueva York, su departamento de policía reveló que en lo que va de año, los homicidios han aumentado casi 20%.

El alcalde Bill de Blasio culpa a las pandillas. Otros dicen que tras ser criticada, la policía tendría miedo al hacer su trabajo.

JULIO VALENZUELA, RESIDENTE DE NUEVA YORK: La policía es una, diría yo, una institución que es lo más valioso que puede haber en la Tierra, pero a veces se les van la mano. Como en todos lados: hay buenos y hay malos.

PEGGY CARRANZA: El presidente de la Asociación Nacional de Policías Latinos dice que luego de las recientes tensiones raciales, agentes no saben si regirse por los medios o las leyes.

ANTHONY MIRANDA: Muchos oficiales están confundidos en este tiempo.  El liderazgo de cualquier departamento en este tiempo tiene que decirles: estas son las reglas. Este va a ser la manera cómo vamos a trabajar y sus oficiales van a tener el poder de nuestro departamento detrás de ellos.