1. Jorge Ramos' Bottom 5 Moments Of 2018

By now it is no mystery that Univision's senior anchor is also the nation's most outspokenly liberal anchor, across all networks and platforms. We've scoured through our archives in search of his five worst moments of 2018.
2. 5: Jorge Ramos Insists On disparaging Trump's Billions In Puerto Rico Aid
CONGRESSWOMAN JENNIFFER GONZÁLEZ (R-PR): Well...well, you can go to what opinion you have of the President or how you characterize yourself. The truth is that the people of Puerto Rico have received federal aid like never before in history, more than $44 billion dollars.
RAMOS: Do you agree that this was a fantastic job and that the United States did everything it could in Puerto Rico?
GONZÁLEZ: Look, the President has been very generous, has been very attentive to all the requests that have been made for the island, all...
RAMOS: But it's a national tragedy, Commissioner. Excuse me, but this is a national tragedy...
GONZÁLEZ: It is a tragedy; it is a tragedy.
RAMOS: And the President doesn't seem to treat it as a national tragedy, he says it was a fantastic thing. I don't think President Trump is reacting to a tragedy.
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3. 4: Jorge Ramos Panders to Anti-Gun Millennials
JORGE RAMOS: I think, honestly, that our generation failed you. Because we made it normal. Whenever there’s a shooting we say, “Oh, there’s just another shooting.” And we move on. But you know something? You didn’t move on.
EMMA GONZÁLEZ: Fight for your lives before it’s someone else’s job.
RAMOS: This generation didn’t move on. They want change, and they’re gonna make it.
ACTIVIST: She’s registering to vote for her birthday!
CROWD: Wooo!
RAMOS: Now, as parents, what I think we did right is to give you a good example of what it is to be a good leader and to take responsibility. So now it’s not on us- it’s on you. And I truly believe that you are gonna change this country.
ALEX KING: Us hurting together brings us closer together to fight for something better.
KAYLENE CASTILLO : People shouldn’t have to lose their lives due to this.
JOSEPH LAVIGNE: There are solutions and, you know, it should never happen again.
LEONOR MUÑOZ: The generations before us, you know, they kind of left us with a big mess. We’re showing everyone that change can happen.
AALAYAH EASTMOND: All of our stories need to be heard. No matter what color you are, what school you go to, what neighborhood you live in.
RAMOS: If the future of this country depends on young people like this, I truly believe that we will be in good hands.
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4. 3: Nationalism Is Bad Unless It's For The World Cup
JORGE RAMOS: The World Cup allows for that nationalism that we don’t allow for other things. How’s Colombia doing?
ILIA CALDERÓN: Let’s hope that we play like never before and not lose like always, and that we achieve something.
JORGE RAMOS: I hope that Mexico gets past that damned fourth game…
ILIA CALDERÓN: So that you can enjoy it, right?
JORGE RAMOS: It’s a curse. The curse of the fourth game.
ILIA CALDERÓN: We’re...we’re always five cents short of a peso. What do we do? Well...good night.
JORGE RAMOS: Thank you...thank you for joining us again. We’ll see you tomorrow.
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5. 2: Ramos to O'Rourke: Isn't Ted Cruz A Race-Traitor?
JORGE RAMOS, HOST, AL PUNTO: You have challenged Senator Ted Cruz to six debates, two of them in Spanish. Senator Ted Cruz, with a touch of humor, has said that it would be very boring because he doesn’t speak Spanish very well. But if you won’t be able to debate with Senator Cruz, my question is: Do you believe that Senator Ted Cruz has betrayed Latinos...other Latinos like him?
U.S. REP. ROBERT “BETO” O’ROURKE (D-TX): First, I think that it is very important to listen to all the people in this state. We can’t serve or represent the people of Texas if we can’t listen in their language...in Spanish or in English. We are a state- we are a country of two languages. And we need to understand- it is important to also show the respect that each person deserves in this country.
RAMOS: The question is about Ted Cruz. Do you believe that Ted Cruz has betrayed Latinos?
O’ROURKE: For example, he wants to deport the Dreamers. He wants to build a wall that will cost $30 billion at a time when we have border security. I believe that he does not represent Latinos- the people of Texas.
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6. 1: Ramos Exploits Parkland Dad's Grief For Anti-NRA Push
JORGE RAMOS, SENIOR ANCHOR, UNIVISION: Are you fighting President Trump? I believe that’s the main question.
MANUEL OLIVER: I am asking for President Trump’s attention, OK? Which is not the same as fighting President Trump. President Trump showed support to the NRA, and I…
RAMOS: To the National Rifle Association.
OLIVER: The National Rifle Association, which from our point of view, is part of the conspiracy that murdered our son.
RAMOS: Do you believe that your son died due to the NRA somehow, or that the NRA is partly responsible for Joaquín’s death?
OLIVER: I believe that the NRA bears great responsibility for Joaquín’s death.
RAMOS: What is that responsibility like? How do you argue that?
OLIVER: I argue...they have different...responsibilities. There is a very clear one for me, which is the complicity with some politicians who cannot discuss new laws because they have...financial and ethical commitments with the NRA. And then there is a propaganda, which from my point of view is fake- that purports to convince people that by defending the NRA you defend the Constitution and the Second Amendment. I believe that a confusion was created- they set out to create a confusion that some people are incapable of analyzing the way that I believe it should be analyzed. No one is against your using the right to defend yourself, but...this isn’t defense, this is an attack.
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